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1、 Verbal Communication冯婷王娟王倩蒋颖智Verbal Communication1.Proverb & Idiom2.Privacy &Taboo3.conversationtexttexttexttexttextNatural environmentdietreligioncultural differences reflected in proverbs&idioms Chinese ForeignerDescribe a wasteful people 挥金如土spend money like waterVscomparisonMostly Chinese live

2、on the mainland Western country, such as Britain is a island surrounded with water Different natural environmentother typical exampleslike a fish out of water (浑身不自在)miss the boat (错失良机)as dumb as an oyster (沉默不语)峰回路转 面朝黄土背朝天土里土气“生米煮成熟饭” “巧妇难为无米之炊” “a piece of cake”(小菜一碟) “bread winner”(养家糊口的人) Diff

3、erent dietsChristianism (基督教) Buddhism (佛教) Taoism (道教) 借花献佛 临时抱佛脚 跑得了和尚跑不了庙 道高一尺,魔高一丈 God bless you.(上帝保佑你) go to hell(下地狱去) Man proposes, God disposes. (谋事在人,成事在天) God helps those who help themselves. (自助者,天助也) Differences in religionPrivacy & Taboos What is privacy? Privacy is the personal affair

4、s or personal living conditions whose owners are not willing to tell to others nor publicize them. Usually a persons family, income, marital status, age, address of living, physical conditions etc. belong to his privacy.What is taboos? Taboos, in a communicative layer, are defined as the forbidden a

5、cts or words in everyday life. Taboos are common in cultures. Taboos can be found in many aspects, which we will encounter here and there in different chapters of this course.- Based on above explanations, we can conclude that in English culture, one persons age, income, physical conditions, marital

6、 status etc. are common privacy. They are nearly forbidden to be discussed in a real communication, which become taboos. That is to say, in intercultural communication with English-speaking people, its improper to talk about them. However, these topics are commonly found in Chinese chats. Two Chines

7、e may ask for details about each others intimacy. But if the Chinese asks the same questions to a British or an American, the latter possibly will feel embarrassed, even angry. Conversation Initiating: Many westerners like to be frank and direct, therefore, they usually start a conversation and ente

8、r the theme directly after the necessary greetings, while we Chinese sometimes will avoid acting so directly. Our methods of beating the bush (迂回) sometimes can not be adopted and understood by western parterners. This difference in initialing a conversation should arouse our attention. Example Chin

9、ese students want to ask a question in the classroom and they often say to their foreign teacher: “Ms. I have a question to ask.” or “I have a question to ask, teacher.” Possible key: this example didnt violate the western custom, that is, directness, however, the inappropriate point is that the stu

10、dents nammer was not polite enough in foreign teachers eyes. Instead, the students might as well say: “Id like to ask if it is convenient for you. / Could I ask a question which puzzles me a lot? / I was wondering if Ending * In English culture, people may end a conversation immediately as long as t

11、hey express it politely. They may say:* “Im afraid I have to go now because I have an important meeting soon. See you next time / So long / See you later.”Ending * “Its going to rain / be late. Bye! / Have a nice day / Take care!” * “Its nice to talk with you. Hope we can meet again soon.” etc. * th

12、ese endings are quite natural and friendly in English culture.* Cross-cultural communication tries to bring together such relatively unrelated areas as cultural anthropology and established areas of communication. Its core is to establish and understand how people from different cultures communicate with each other. Its charge is to also produce some guidelines with which people from different cultures can better communicate with each other Thank You !


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