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1、关于中考导学案英语答案关于中考导学案英语答案九年级上册 Unit 1【课前预习】. 1. golden 2. doubted 3. certain 4. less 5. agreement6. correct 7. mistakes 8. filled 9. truth 10. really. 1. run over 2. be amazed at 3. think of a way4. at first 5. leave me alone6. fill with 7. be made for 8. let sb. out9. tell the truth 10. (be) happy wit

2、h11. go down 12. cut up 13. add up14. be made of 15. find out the truth16. get out of 17. make sure 18. of the same weight19. send to prison 20. cut in half1. In ancient Greece.2. He doubted the crown was a real golden crown.3. When he had a bath.4. No, it wasnt.1-5 BACAB【词汇与句型篇】基础篇. 1-5 BBACB. 1. O

3、lympics 2. mistakes 3. agreement 4. seems 5. truth6. boxing 7. bowl 8. metal 9. solve 10. less. 1. was amazed at 2. fill; with 3. make sure 4. sent; to prison5. run over 6. is made of 7. find out 8. thinking about9. Go straight 10. Im certain that. 1-5 BAACA 6-10 BCBCA. 1-5 CDBDC提高篇. 1-5 AABAC 6-10

4、BBACB. 1. to make 2. to clean 3. displaced 4. to like 5. to buy6. to eat 7. take 8. believed 9. to get 10. to visit. 1. Thats why 2. filling with fear 3. sent me a present4. large enough to 5. let me have a try. 1. I plan to make my brother a model plane myself.2. They arent sure whether the man is

5、telling the truth.3. Both soldiers and officers had no idea about the problem.4. Take a look at my new watch.5. I am not allowed to eat hamburgers because they are unhealthy. 1-5 BACCA 6-10 BBCAC. 1-5 CBDCD【语法篇】基础篇. 1-5 BABAC. 1. Is it 2. havent gone to; yet 3. didnt he4. dont smoke 5. What deliciou

6、s cakes they are提高篇. 1-5 BCACB. 1. wont you 2. werent they 3. is it4. hasnt it 5. will you. 1. Whom 2. How 3. What 4. who 5. How long6. How 7. What 8. which 9. Where 10. What. 1. a 2. first 3. reading 4. extremely 5. on6. found 7. However 8. to work 9. beginning 10. creator【写作篇】. 1. His head was fil

7、led with strange ideas.2. Teenagers should read books of real worth.3. Anna went back to the classroom to make sure the lights were off.4. You will make mistakes if you do things in a hurry.5. Mr. Smith doubted the truth of this report. One possible version: car accident along with his wife.John Nas

8、h was born in June, 1923. His father was an engineer and his mother was a teacher. He had a younger sister Martha. He liked reading when he was young. He did well in math when he was in school. He began to teach in MIT in 1952. In 1994, he won the Nobel Prize. But for a very long time, he suffered f

9、rom a serious mental illness. And his wife took care of him.【单元复习】1-5 ACCBC 6-10 AACCA 11-15 CBBAC16-20 ABABA 21-25 CCCBC26-30 CABCD 31-35 DBCDA36. The 37. where 38. to be 39. them 40. sending41. from 42. bodies 43. easily 44. helpful 45. causedOne possible version: Sima Guang was a famous person in

10、 Chinese history. One day, the seven-year-old Sima Guang was playing with his friends in the garden. One of his friend climbed onto a water tank which was full of water. Suddenly, he fell into the water tank. All the other children were frightened and didnt know what to do. Sima Guang thought for a

11、moment. Then he picked up a big stone and broke the water tankwith it. The water flowed out and the friend was saved. He was smart, wasnt he?九年级上册 Unit 2【课前预习】词汇预习. 1. invitation 2. pleasure 3. trust 4. exactly 5. theories6. reduce 7. avoided 8. lecture 9. achievement 10. obeyed . 1. be tired of 2.

12、side by side 3. a series of 4. by heart5. change places 6. in return 7. let down 8. join in9. return ones call 10. without difficulty 11. at the same time 12. have no idea13. give ones lecture 14. have a good memory15. (be) in trouble 16. sense of humour 17. take a seat 18. turning point19. be hones

13、t with sb. 20. play a joke on sb.课文预习1. At different universities.2. He felt very tired.3. Yes, he did.4. He turned pale. 5. Einstein.语法预习1-5 CABCA【课堂巩固】词汇与句型篇基础篇. 1-5 BCBBA. 1. astronaut 2. seats 3. pale 4. invitation 5. achievement6. University 7. avoid 8. humour 9. reduce 10. tonight. 1. a sense

14、of humour 2. let; down 3. by heart 4. A series of5. a turning point 6. join in 7. in trouble 8. had no idea9. without difficulty 10. play a joke on. 1-5 BCCAB 6-10 CCBAC. 1-5 BACAD提高篇. 1-5 BCABB 6-10 CABBA. 1. being 2. to work 3. to speak 4. sing 5. driving6. to try 7. to join 8. laugh 9. living 10.

15、 teaching. 1. on the way to 2. so many times that 3. from time to time4. lose heart 5. be bored with. 1. He worked hard. However, he didnt do well enough in the exam.2. Can I take a message for you?3. I will ask my mother to call you back later.4. What was his job when he was twenty years old?5. She

16、 is a well-known teacher with a good sense of humour. 1-5 BAACB 6-10 ACABC. 1-5 CCBAD语法篇基础篇. 1-5 BABCA. 1. to become 2. to keep 3. to take 4. to go 5. to get6. to finish 7. to catch 8. To have 9. to miss 10. to lead提高篇. 1-5 ABBCB. 1. is able to hold 2. It is; to watch 3. hope to visit4. To clean; is 5. It takes her; to keep. 1. to ask 2. to be 3. to learn 4. to finish 5. to do6. to make 7. to study 8. to take 9. to work 10. to co


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