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1、 InteractionsListening/Speaking高级英语听说(1)Chapter 2Experiencing Nature“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”在大自然中每走一步,你都会有新的发现。 John Muir American naturalist (1838-1914) 美国早期的环保运动领袖 因为他的申请,美国才有 了国家公园法案,因此他 被称为Father of the National Parks (国家 公园之父) 主张人与自然应该和谐相 处,人们在追求物质享受 的同时

2、应该看到自然界的 价值,应该善待大自然 Part 1 Vacation PlansPeter: “Its raining cats and dogs again!” It is raining very heavily. Part 1 Vacation PlansPeter: “I hate this weather. When does winter break start?” Jack: “Winter break? Its only October.” Peter: “I know, but Im sick of studying”winter break 寒假 be sick of 对

3、厌倦相当于be bored withbe fed up withPart 1 Vacation PlansPeter: “I want to go someplace warm and lie on the beach for a week. Someplace where its sunny and dry. Florida or Hawaii, Maybe?” Jack: “Yeah. Where we can go swimming and snorkeling and get a great tan”sunny and dry 阳光明媚、干燥舒适 get a great tan 把皮肤

4、晒成古铜色Part 1 Vacation Planssnorkeling (用呼吸管的)潜泳Part 1 Vacation PlansJack: “Now thats my idea of a perfect vacation.” Ming: “Not mine.”perfect vacation 完美假期Not mine = Thats not my idea of a perfect vacation.Part 1 Vacation PlansMing: “ I just prefer the mountains, especially in winter. I love snowboar

5、ding”snowboard 单板滑雪Part 1 Vacation PlansMing: “ Do you guys want to come?” Jack: “ No, thanks. I went there last year. It was freezing the whole time. Anyway. I dont know how to ski very well. I fell about a hundred times.”freezing 冻人的,冷冰冰的ski 滑雪fell (fall) 摔倒Part 1 Vacation PlansPeter: “Im like Jac

6、k. I dont want to go anyplace where its below 70 degrees.”我和Jack一样,我不想去任何温度低于70 度( 摄氏21C)的地方。Part 1 Vacation PlansCelsius 摄氏温标Celsius Anders 瑞典天文学家,首创摄氏温标 Fahrenheit 华氏温标换算公式:C=5/9*(F-32) Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Part 1 Vacation PlansJack: “Whats the weather forecast for tomorrow?” Mi

7、ng: “The same as today. Cloudy, cold, and a 90 percent chance of rain.”weather forecast 天气预报chance 可能性Part 2 Story: Campingcamping 露营 A man and a woman are checking into a motel.motel 汽车旅馆 motel = motor + hotelPart 2 Story: CampingManager: “Youre all wet and muddy. What happened to you?” Woman: “You

8、re not going to believe this! Its the most incredible thing! It all started when we decided to go hiking this morning.”all 完全地 muddy 沾满泥的incredible 难以置信的Part 2 Story: CampingThe plot of the film is incredible.这部电影的情节令人难以置信。incredible 令人难以置信的The scenery around the Great Wall is incredible.长城周边的风光简直太美

9、了。incredible 惊人的,了不起的 Part 2 Story: CampingWoman: “ It all started when we decided to go hiking this morning.” Man: “The weather was sunny and clear when we got up. So we put on shorts and T-shirts and went hiking.”go hiking 徒步旅行 shorts 宽松运动短裤 Part 2 Story: CampingWoman: “So we hiked back to our ten

10、t as fast as we could. We couldnt wait to change into dry clothes.” Man: “And then we saw the craziest thing”tent 帐篷couldnt wait to 等不及crazy 荒唐可笑的Part 2 Story: CampingYoure crazy to go out in this stormy weather. 这种暴风雨的天气外出,你疯了吧。 The boy is crazy about computer games.那个男孩痴迷于电脑游戏。Part 2 Story: Campin

11、gbrown bears 棕熊 Man: “Well, one bear had my T-shirt around his neck. And the other one had Marys pants over his head”Part 2 Story: CampingWoman: “I know it sounds funny, but we were so scared!.”scared 害怕的 Im scared of snakes. Are you scared to fly in a plane?Part 3 StrategiesConversation 1 A: Nice w

12、eather were having. B: Yes. Isnt a nice surprise? At this time, its usually much cooler and raining already. A句是倒装句,正常语序是 Were having nice weather today. Nice sweater youre wearing! Beautiful day were having!Part 3 StrategiesConversation 1 A: Well, this weather will probably end soon; all the leaves

13、 on the trees are brown, and the nights are getting cold.”树叶都已经变黄,夜间的温度也开始降低了。 Part 3 StrategiesConversation 2 A: Take your coat; its freezing outside. B: Nah, Im only going to the corner store. Ill be back in five minutes. A: Im telling you, its in the low 30s out there. Do you want to get sick?Par

14、t 3 Strategiesfreezing - the temperature maybe below 0CIts very cold today; the temperature has dropped to freezing point. 今天很冷,温度都降到冰点了。 Its so cold outside. My feet are freezing.外面太冷了,我的脚都冻僵了。 Part 3 StrategiesConversation 3 A: How do you like all this rain? B: Its good for the trees and flowers.a

15、ll this 这么样的,过份的 How could sleep with all this mess?这么乱,你怎么睡觉啊? What are you going to do with all this money?这么多钱你打算怎么处置啊?Part 3 StrategiesConversation 4 A: Is it hot enough for you? B: I dont mind the heat so much. Its the humidity that bothers mehumidity 湿气,湿度humid 潮湿的Part 3 StrategiesConversation 5 A: Ah, this is life. No traffic, no worries. Just lie here and enjoy doing nothing.没有交通堵塞,没有烦恼忧愁。 Part 3 StrategiesB: Honey, your back is turning red. If youre not careful, youre going to get sunburned. A: Could you put some sunscreen on my back?sunburn 晒伤,晒红sunburned


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