人教版七年级英语下册Unit 8 Is there a post office near here单元复习

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1、Unit 8 Is there a post office near here?目录contents核心词汇词汇重点短语语经经典句子主要语语法基础础复现现天天练练核心词词 汇汇目录contents核心词汇Work seriously一、核心词汇词汇police, restaurant, hospital, pay, near, across, front, behind, around, town, north, along, spend, climb, free, enjoy, easily, money, bank, crossing, road, often, air, street,

2、hotel,monkey重点短语语目录contents重点短语Work seriously二、重点短语语post office 邮局; police station警察局;next to 在旁边;across from 在对面;in front of 在前面; go along(the street)沿着(这条街)走;重点短语Work seriouslyturn left/right 向左/右转;spend time 花时间 ;enjoy reading 喜欢阅读 ;live in 居住;betweenand 在和之间;look like看起来像;in my neighborhood在我的街区

3、目录contents经经典句子经典句子Work seriously三、经经典句子 1.Is there a bank near here? 这儿附近有 银行吗? Yes, there is.Its on Center Street.是的,有 。它在中心大街上。 2.Are there any restaurants near here? 这 儿附近有餐馆吗 ? Yes, theres one in front of the post office. 是的,邮局的前面有一家。 3.Wheres the hotel? 旅馆在哪里?经典句子Work seriouslyIts behind the p

4、olice station.它在警察局的 后面。 4.Wheres the bank? 银行在哪里? Its next to the post office.它在邮局的旁边 。 5.Wheres the park? 公园在哪里? Its across from the bank, behind the hotel.它在银行对面,旅馆的后面。 6.Where are the pay phones? 付费电话 在 哪里? Theyre between the post office and the library.它们在邮局和图书馆 之间。主要语语法目录contents4主要语法Work seri

5、ously四、主要语语法 there be 句型的一般现现在时时 肯定句:there be 句型的一般现在时表示 现在某地存在某人或某物,其肯定句的基本 形式为: there is/are +主语+地点状语+时间 状语。 如: 1.There is an apple on the table.桌子上有一 个苹果。 2.There are two foreign teachers in our school.我们学校有两位外籍老师。主要语法Work seriously否定句:there be句型的一般现在时的否 定句形式是在be动词 is或are的后面加not, 也可缩写为isnt或arent。

6、如: 1.There isnt a film in the cinema today.今天 电影院里没有电影上映。 2.There arent many people in the park.在 公园里没有很多人。主要语法Work seriously一般疑问句:there be句型的一般现在时的一般 疑问句是将be动词is或are放在there之前。 即Is/Are there +主语+其他? 肯定回答用Yes, there is/are.; 否定回答用No, there isnt/ arent.。如: 1.Is there a man in the room now?现在房间里 有一个男士吗

7、? Yes, there is.是的,有一位。 2.Are there any eggs in the fridge? 冰箱里面有 鸡蛋吗? No, there isnt.没有。主要语法Work seriously特殊疑问句:there be句型的一般现在时 的特殊疑问句是由“特殊疑问词 +is/are+there+地点状语+时间 状语”构成,有时地点状语和时间 状语可省 略。如: How many people are there in your class?你们班上有多少人? Fifty-three.53人。基础础复现现 天天练练目录contents5基础复现天天练Work serious

8、ly Monday星期一完形填空(Section A 1a2d)体裁题题材词词数难难度建议议 完成 时间时间实际实际 完成 时间时间正确 率 记叙 文周围 的人142 words 6 min _ _ min_ _/10 基础复现天天练Work seriouslyI have two good friends.They live beside me.They are Tom and Sam.Tom and Sam are twin brothers.They like playing soccer.They live 1 a big house 2 a beautiful garden.The

9、house is 3 the sea.They often go to the sea and swim 4 it.There are four 5 in 6 family.They are parents, Tom and Sam.Their father is a worker, 7 their mother is a teacher.基础复现天天练Work seriously8 is Sunday today.Tom and Sam dont go to school.Their parents are not at work.They go to a park by car.Now t

10、hey are in the park.The two 9 are swimming in the river and their parents are sitting 10 a tree.Look, they are talking and laughing.A bird is flying in the sky.It seems the bird is saying something to them.( )1.A.in B.on C.at D.to ( )2.A.in B.on C.with D.to ( )3.A.near B.in C.at D.on ( )4.A.in B.nea

11、r C.to D.on ( )5.A.boys B.girls C.workers D.people ( )6.A.them B.theirs C.their D.they ( )7.A.or B.all C.and D.so ( )8.A.It B.This C.That D.Its ( )9.A.girls B.child C.people D.children ( )10.A.in B.on C.under D.at 基础复现天天练Work seriouslyA C A A D C C A D C基础复现天天练Work seriously难难点释释疑 garden意为“花园”。如: Th

12、ere is a garden around my house. 在我家周围有一个花园。 laugh意为“笑”。如: He began to laugh when he heard the news. 当他听到这消息时,他开始笑了。 常用搭配为laugh at意为“嘲笑”。如:Dont laugh at others.不要嘲笑其他人。基础复现天天练Work seriouslyTuesday星期二短文填空( Grammar Foucs)体裁题题材词词数难难度建议议 完成 时间时间实际实际 完成 时间时间正确 率 记叙 文周围 环境148 words 7 min _ _ min_ _/10基础复现

13、天天练Work seriouslyHello, everyone! My name is Tina.I am 1 Australian girl, but I live in Dalian now.It is a very 2 city in China.It is near the sea.Every year, many people come here to 3 the beautiful sea.Our house is in the center of(在 中间) the city.It is 4 a very busy street. You can always see many

14、 people here.基础复现天天练Work seriouslyThere are many 5 centers here and many people like 6 some shopping here.I love going shopping here, too.Behind our house there is a park.It is not very big 7 clean. Many children like to play games 8 their parents in the park. Next to our house is a good 9 . The foo

15、d in it is very nice.Sometimes after work, my parents take me to the restaurant to 10 a big meal.What a beautiful place! I enjoy living here! 1._ 2._3._ 4._5._ 6._7._ 8._9._ 10._基础复现天天练Work seriouslyanbeautiful/niceenjoy/visitonshoppingdoingbut with restaurant have/enjoy基础复现天天练Work seriously难难点释释疑 near prep .意为“靠近”。如: His house is near the mountain.他的家靠近一 座山。 behind prep .意为“在后面”。如: Tom is taller than me, so he sits behind


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