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1、1UnitUnit 6 6 ImIm goinggoing toto studystudy computercomputer sciencescience. . SectionSection B B1.Bu1.But t foreignforeign languageslanguages areare notnot forfor me.me.但是外语不适合我。但是外语不适合我。foreign 形容词,意为“外国的”,其名词是 foreigner,意为“外国人”。如:His aunt lives in a foreign country.他的姑姑住在国外。I met a foreigner in

2、 the park on Center Street.在中心大街的公园里我遇见了一个外国人。2.To2.To questionquestion thethe ideaidea ofof makingmaking resolutionsresolutions 质疑下决心的观点质疑下决心的观点question 动词,意为“对表示质疑;提问”。如:I dont question his ability to do this job.我不怀疑他做这项工作的能力。Ill question the truth of his words.我将质疑他的话是不是真话。【拓展】question 可数名词,意为“问

3、题”。如:Can I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗?3.To3.To givegive thethe meaningmeaning ofof resolutionresolution 给出决心的含义给出决心的含义meaning 名词,意为“含义;意思”,指一个单词、手势或表情等所代表的含义。如:Do you know the meaning of the word?你知道这个单词的意思吗?This is a word with six meanings.这个单词有六种含义。4.Mom,I4.Mom,I promisepromise ImIm goinggo

4、ing toto tidytidy mymy roomroom whenwhen I I getget backback fromfrom school.school.妈妈妈妈, ,我保证我从学校回来时整理我的房间。我保证我从学校回来时整理我的房间。promise 及物动词,意为“保证;许诺”,常用于以下三种结构:promise to do sth.意为“许诺去做某事”。如:My mother promised to buy a piano for me.我妈妈许诺给我买一架钢琴。promise sb.sth.意为“许诺某人某事”。如:My aunt promised me a bike.2我

5、姑姑答应给我买一辆自行车。promise+that 从句,意为“答应”。如:Tom promises that he can return on time.汤姆保证按时回来。【拓展】promise 名词,意为“允诺;诺言”。如:Lily is a dishonest girl.She never keeps a promise.莉莉是一个不诚实的女孩。她从不遵守诺言。5.When5.When wewe makemake resolutionsresolutions atat ththe e beginningbeginning ofof thethe year,weyear,we hopeho

6、pe thatthat wewe areare goinggoing toto improveimprove ourour lives.lives.我们在一年的开头下决心时我们在一年的开头下决心时, ,我们希望会改善我们的生活。我们希望会改善我们的生活。at the beginning of 意为“在初”。如:At the beginning of this term,I found it hard to learn math.这学期初,我发现学习数学很难。【拓展】at the beginning 意为“起初”。如:I disliked this dog at the beginning.起初

7、我不喜欢这条狗。from beginning to end 意为“从头到尾”。如:I have read this book from beginning to end.我从头到尾读了这本书。improve 在此用作及物动词,意为“改善;提高”。如:We should try our best to improve our environment.我们应该尽最大努力改善我们的环境。The doctor gave us some advice on how to improve our health.医生就如何增进健康向我们提出了一些建议。【拓展】improve 不及物动词,意为“改善提高”。常

8、用短语有 improve in,意为“在有所提高”。如:I hope for the weather to improve soon.我希望天气会很快有所好转。He has much improved in health.他的健康状况有所改善。36.Some6.Some peoplepeople writewrite downdown theirtheir resolutionsresolutions andand plansplans forfor thethe comingcoming year.year.一些人写下来年的决心和计划。一些人写下来年的决心和计划。write down 意为“

9、写下;记下”,是动副词组,名词作其宾语可位于 write down 之后,也可位于write 和 down 之间;如果代词作其宾语,代词必须放在 write down 的中间。如:Please write down these new words.请把这些生词记下来。The word is important.Please write it down.这个单词很重要。请把它记下来。7.Many7.Many resoltuionsresoltuions havehave toto dodo withwith self-improvement.self-improvement.许多决心与自我提高有

10、关。许多决心与自我提高有关。have to do with 意为“关于;与有关系”。如:Miss Sun has to do with this matter.孙小姐与此事有关系。【拓展】have nothing to do with 意为“与无关”。如:I have nothing to do with Tom.我和汤姆没有关系。8.Some8.Some peoplepeople mightmight saysay theythey areare goinggoing toto taketake upup a a hobbyhobby likelike paintingpainting or

11、or takingtaking photos,orphotos,or learnlearn toto playplay thethe guitar.guitar.一些人可能说他们要培养一种爱好一些人可能说他们要培养一种爱好, ,比如画画或照相比如画画或照相, ,或学习弹吉他。或学习弹吉他。take up 意为“开始做;学着做”。如:When did you take up music?你什么时候对音乐感兴趣的?【拓展】take up 意为“占用”。如:This chair takes up too much room.这张椅子占地方太多。9.The9.The firstfirst resolu

12、tionresolution isis aboutabout mymy ownown personalpersonal improvement.improvement.第一个决心与自我提高有关。第一个决心与自我提高有关。own 形容词或代词,意为“属于自己的”,用在所有格之后 ,强调某事物为个人所有。常见短语有:of ones own“自己的”;on ones own“独自地”。如:She makes all her own clothes.她的衣服都是自己做的。He studied Chinese on his own.他自学的汉语。【拓展】own 动词,意为“拥有;占有”。如:4Who o

13、wns this house?这房子归谁所有?例 1 John wants to be a ,so he often helps sick people in the hospital. A. reporter B. doctor C. scientist D. cook解析:本题考查名词辨析。A 为“记者”,B 为“医生”,C 为“科学家”,D 为“厨师”。由后半句可知 John 长大想当一名医生。答案:B例 2 You need to take notes at the meeting so make sure a pen and some paper with you. A.bring B.bringing C.to bring D.not bring解析:考查固定搭配。Make sure to do sth.意为确保做某事。答案:C


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