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1、The ABC about English nameCathy Wu Dongyang Senior High School A Girls Name When our daughter was born, we named her Myles, after our beloved late father, despite the family warning that the name was too masculine(男性化) . Years later, when I felt she was old enough to understand, I explained to Myles

2、, your name is very special. I named you after my own father because I loved him very much. I know he would be proud of you. My daughter thought carefully about this and said, I know all that mom, but I dont understand why grandfather had a girls name. 教名 自取名 姓 William Jefferson Clinton George Bush

3、Barack Hussein Obama,个人名(教名,中间名) 采用圣经,希腊罗马神话,古代人名等 祖先的籍贯,山川河流,鸟兽鱼虫等 不同异体 昵称 新造词 母亲的娘家姓昵称 保留音节 Donald=Don Timothy=Tim Ie或者-y 如:Don=Donnie, Tim=Timmy 尾音节 Anthony=Tony Beuben=Ben 一个教名派生两个名字Andrew= Andy&Drew 不规则 William - Bill姓氏 直接用教名 Clinton 教名上加表示血统的词,如后缀:-s,-son,-ing 前 缀:M- Mc-, Mac- Fitz 教名前加表示身份的词缀

4、,如:St.-, De-,Du-, 表示地名,地貌或者环境特征的,如:Brook, Hill 反映身份或者职业的,如:Carter, Smith 借用动植物名的,如:Bird, rice 由双姓合并而来的,如:Burne-Jones前十的姓氏 Smith Jones Williams Brown Davis Johnson Anderson Taylor Thomas Evans与名字有关的谚语 All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. All shall be well, and Jack shall have Jill. Rob Peter to

5、 pay Paul. I dont know Jack about. He acts like he is just average Joe. I dont know her husband from Adam. Uncle sam Girls name that people favor Emily Sarah Maria Samantha Nancy Selina Cassie Sunny Ashley Amenda娇小,可爱文静公主,矮小,美丽卷发的女孩勇敢活泼的月亮公主倾听者高尚,温和,优雅月光之意,个性开朗,面貌柔和可爱,受欢迎的大学生聪颖,开朗,外向美丽的医生或者职业女性可爱的人Boys name that people favor Alex Steven Aaron Ben Jack Eric Ken Danniel Mark Leo


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