【良品课件】冀教9下UNIT5 Lesson34课件Danny’s Dinosaur Dinner

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1、Lesson 34:Lesson 34: Dannys Dinosaur DinnerDannys Dinosaur DinnerWarming up: DiscussionlHave you ever invited a guest to your home?Have you ever been a guest?Have you ever cook food for your guests?What do dinosaurs eat?New wordsknock v. 敲打 hang (hung; hanged) v. 悬挂;绞死 hang up 挂起 offer v. 提供Listenin

2、g Task:vListen to the tape and fill in the blanks with the correct words you hear.v1. When Jenny and Brian come to Dannys home, he is in the _.v2. Danny gives Brian and Jenny some _ to eat.vKeys:1.kitchen v2.grassReading Task: Read the text and decide the following statements are true or false. 1. J

3、enny and Brian come to Dannys home on Sunday. 2. Jenny and Brian drink some milk in Dannys home. 3. Dinosaur food is certainly different.Language notesnWould you like something to drink? 你们想要喝点什么吗?nWould you like something和Would you like to do sth.句型通 常用来向对方礼貌地提出建议、邀请或询问。如:nWould you like a cup of t

4、ea? 你要不要来杯茶?nWould you like to come to my party? 来参加我的聚会好吗 ?n【注意】:对Would you like?提出的建议或邀请作肯定 回答,一般说Yes, Id like to.或Yes, Id like that.,而不说 Yes, I would.。这里的Yes可有可无,较熟的人还可以回 答OK.或All right.。 2.Do you have anything else? 你还有别 的吗? 1)anything是不定代词,现将不定代词的用 法用表格归纳如下: 用于肯定句、疑问句、否定句中用于肯定 句中用于非肯定句中 用于否定句 指

5、人everyone everybody someone somebodyanyone anybodyno one nobody 指物everythingsomething anything nothing 2)else adj.别的,其他的l【辨析】:else与other lelse与other都可作形容词,都有“别的”之意 。else用来修饰不定代词、疑问代词或疑问 副词,且位于这些词之后;而other用来修 饰名词,且位于名词之前。如: lThe other students are all in the classroom. 其他的学生都在教室里。 lDo you have anythi

6、ng else to say? 你还有 别的事情要说吗? Im only offering dinosaur food tonight. 今天晚上我只提供恐龙食品。 offer v.给予,offer to do sth.主动提 出做某事。如; He offered me a cup of tea. 他给了 我一杯茶。 I offered to help my mother do housework. 我主动提出帮妈妈做家务 lAnd its time for supper. 该吃晚饭了。lIts time for sth. 到了做某事的时间了。 相当于its time to do sth.。如

7、:lIts time for lunch. =Its time to have lunch. 到了吃午饭的时间了。lIts time for class. 该上课了。 Danny has made a big bowl of grass. 丹尼做了一大碗草。 make v. 做 My mother made me a new coat. 妈妈给我做了一件新外套。 Help yourselves to some grass. 请随便吃点草 吧。 help v. 使进食,款待 Help yourself to bananas. 随便吃香蕉。 【注意】help作动词,还有“帮助”之意。help sb

8、. (to) do sth.和help sb. with sth. 都表示“帮 助某人做某事”。介词with后通常接名词,不接 动词-ing形式。如: Could you help me carry the heavy box? =Could you help me with the heavy box? 请 帮我搬一下这个重箱子好吗? Brian wants to be polite. 布莱恩 不想失礼。 polite adj. 有礼貌的,温和的,其反 义词是impolite,其副词是politely 。如: The child is polite to people. 这 孩子对人很有礼貌

9、。 Its not polite to laugh at the people in trouble. 嘲笑困境中的人 是不礼貌的。lIs that enough? 够了吗?lenough adj. 充足的,足够的,在句中可作表 语或定语。作定语修饰名词时,可放在名词 前,也可放在名词后。如: lA cup of tea will be enough. 一杯茶就够了 。 lDo you have enough money? 你的钱够吗?ladv.充分地,足够地,用于动词、形容词和 副词之后。如: lHave you played enough? 你玩够了吗?lThe desk is light

10、 enough for me to carry. 这 张桌子很轻,我搬得动。 Would you like some more grass? 作 你想再要些草吗? more adj. 另外的,附加的 Would you like to have some more tea? 你要不要再喝点茶? 【辨析】:more与another 两者都有“还”“再”之意。more位于数词之 后;another位于数词之前。如: We need five more men. =We need another five men. 我们还需要5个人。nDanny runs to the television and

11、 turns it on. 丹尼跑 过去打开电视。nturn on打开(电源、开关等)nPlease turn on the TV. 请把电视打开。n【拓展】:turn off关上 turn up调大 turn down调 小nTurn off the light before you leave. 在你离开前把灯 关上。nTurn the gas down. 把煤气关小点。nI cant hear clearly, turn the radio up, please. 我听不 清楚,请把收音机声音调大点 pardon n.原谅,宽恕 I beg your pardon. 请原谅。Lets do it What do you do to make your guests feel comfortable? How do you treat your guests?


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