教学法lecture 11---class 2

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《教学法lecture 11---class 2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《教学法lecture 11---class 2(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Relation between Syllabus and Methodology Syllabus deals with WHAT is to be taught and the ORDER in with it is to be taught (WHY), while methodology deals with HOW it is to be taught. The textbook (teaching material) is the bridge between syllabus and methodology. Key Terms in ELT Methodology metho

2、dology (教学法) communicative competence (交际能力) language skill (语言技能) language knowledge (语言知识) approach (路子,途径) method (方法) procedure (教学过程) activity (活动) task (任务) technique (技术) lead-in (导入活动) plenary work (lockstep) (全体练习) group work (小组练习) pair work (对子练习) individual study (自学) classroom managemen

3、t (课堂管理) language acquisition (语言习得) context (上下文) curriculum (课程) deductive method (演绎法) inductive method (归纳法) discourse analysis (话语分析) error analysis (错误分析) need analysis (需求分析) first language (第一语言) grammar translation method (语法翻译 法) audiolingual method (听说法) language teaching method(语言教法 ling

4、uistic competence (语言能力) materials (教材) mother tongue / mother language (母语) native language (本族语) motivation (动机) notional syllabus(意念大纲) notions and functions(意念功能) topic (话题) second language (第二语言) skill (技能) TEFL / TESL (英语教学) culture (文化) emotion (情感) habit (习惯) model (模式) socio-linguistics(社会语

5、言学) structuralism (结构主义) interactionalism (交际主义) functionalism (功能主义) curriculum criterion (课程标准) classroom management (课堂管理) lesson plan (教案) teaching plan (教学计划) fluency (流畅性) accuracy (准确性) target language (目标语) authenticity (真实性) feedback (反馈) all-life education (终生教育) quality-oriented education

6、 (素质教育 ) exam-oriented education(应试教育) adult education (成人教育) full-time education (全日制教育) compulsory education (义务教育) open education (开放教育) distance education (远程教育), teaching demand (教学要求) task-based teaching (任务型教学) demonstration class (示范课) learning strategy (学习策略) teaching assessment (教学评估) draw

7、back (不足) learners need (学习者需求) teaching aid (教具) objective / aim (目标) proficiency test (水平测试) achievement test (成绩测试) placement test (分班测试) diagnosis test (诊断测试) quiz (小测验) NMET (National Matriculation English Test: 全国标准化英语考试英语高考) NUEE (National Unified Enrollment Examination for All General Instit

8、utions of Higher Education 高考:全国普通高等学校 统一招生考试) Sensory/ Perceptual Learning Style Visual AuditoryTactile/ Kinesthetic Visual students: prefer charts, graphs, something to read or a picture Auditory students: prefer listening to lectures, conversations, tapes, etc, when learningUse flash cards, video

9、s, or other visual aidsProvide opportunities to listen tolectures and discussions. Tactile/ Kinesthetic students: prefer aids can be touched, manipulated, or written; and may practice language by drawing and/or tracing.Provide hands-on experiences to understand language and culture Psychological Typ

10、es of Students and Suggestions in Teaching Extroverted Introverted Random-Intuitive Concrete-Sequential Closure-Oriented Open-OrientedExtroverted students: energized by the outside world; active; interaction-oriented; outgoing; have broad interests; tend to reflect later (motto: Live it, then unders

11、tand it.)Make available a wide range of social, interactive learning tasks (games, conversations, discussions, debates, role-playing)Introverted Students: energized by the inner world; prefer concentration; focus on thoughts and concepts; have fewer interests, but deep one; like to be reflective (Mo

12、tto: Understand it, then live it.)Encourage more independent work (studying, reading, or working on the computer) or one-on-one work with another personRandom-Intuitive Students like finding the big picture; enjoy formal model-building and abstract terms; focus on the future; look for possibilities;

13、 random access (when asked for 5 examples, they give 4 or 6 instead)Provide future-oriented activities that call for language, such as speculatingabout possibilities.Concrete-Sequential Students like to work step-by-step; follow directions carefully; tend to be linear and sensory-oriented; focus on

14、the here now; concrete sequential (when asked 5 examples, they give exactly 5)Suggest that they perform tasks on a one-step-at-a-time basis and that find ways to get feedback every step of the way (from peers, teachers, or natives outside of class)Closure-Oriented Students: decision makers; action t

15、akers; make and follow lists; want quick closure and control; have a low tolerance for ambiguity; often jump to conclusions by wanting to know answers right away; often hard working and decisive; find deadlines helpful.Encourage learners to plan ahead and make their own deadlines; provide them with specific directions, and encourage them to ask questions.Open-Oriented Students: information gatherers; like to take in a lot of information and experience before making a decision; think learning should be fun; can make work into play; might make lists. But dont check off each item; tend to


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