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1、 The finger monkey is the tiniest living primate in the world. Its so small that it can hold on to your finger. This cute little primate hugs and grips on to your finger so tight that it pulls your heartstrings and you wish you could take it home with you. Finger monkeys are, as a matter of fact, py

2、gmy marmosets. They are also known by the names “pocket monkey“and “tiny lion“. These primates belong to the family Callitrichidae, species Cebuella and genus C. pygmaea. They are native to rain-forests of Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador and Colombia. (Source: Buzzle)这种手指猴是世界上极小的活体猴子。它们个头很小,因而能抓紧你的手指

3、。 这种可爱的小猴子,实际上是一种矮体小猿。它们也被称作 “ 口袋猴子 ” 或爱 称“小狮子 ” 。它们也是一种灵长类动物。其原产地是巴西、秘鲁、玻利维亚、 厄瓜多尔和哥伦比亚的雨林。 (资料来源: Buzzle) E-mail文化传播网www.52e-背景音乐:小精灵的手指舞不仅露脸不仅露脸 还伸一小手儿还伸一小手儿 Bu Bu jinjin loulou lianlian haihai shenshen yi yi xiaoxiao shoushou登高远望 天地好大呀 Deng gao yuan wang Tian di hao da ya惊回首惊回首 JingJing huihui s

4、houshou离天三尺三离天三尺三 Li Li tiantian san chi san san chi san悬 崖 Xuan ya傍上老大傍上老大 Bang Bang shangshang laolao dada 得意洋洋得意洋洋 De De yi yi yang yang yangyang爬不好 瞎爬 Pa bu hao xia pa睁只眼睁只眼 zhengzheng ZhiZhi yanyan闭只眼闭只眼 bi bi ZhiZhi yanyan热炕头上热炕头上 愣睡不着愣睡不着 Re Re kangkang toutou shangshang lengleng shuishui bub

5、u zhaozhao恐高症耶 Kong gao zheng ye高处不胜寒 Gao chu bu sheng han只知向上看只知向上看 ZhiZhi zhizhi xiangxiang shangshang kankan 就会向上爬就会向上爬 JiuJiu huihui xiangxiang shangshang pa pa狐狸脸儿 抛媚眼儿 Hu li lian Pao mei yan雪地潜伏雪地潜伏 XueXue didi qianqian fu fu这山望着那山高 zhe shan wang zhe na shan gao小可怜儿 Xiao ke lianSZT 根据CGYLH转发图片编制 2011.4.26.更多精彩请点击这里访问http:/www.52e-


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