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1、 谈判技巧 贸易条款的基本原则5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则MasteringMasteringthe 5 the 5 Golden RulesGolden Rulesfor Profitable Negotiations!for Profitable Negotiations!掌握掌握5 5条黄金法则条黄金法则使谈判更有成效使谈判更有成效5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Generally, things end up with a compromise. 大多数谈判的最终结果是双方达成一个折中的方案

2、。 thats why.所以 you should never start with a compromise!不可以在谈判一开始就折中的方案。Golden rule no. 1:Golden rule no. 1: 第第1 1条黄金法则条黄金法则“Dare to start with a“Dare to start with ahigh level of demands”. high level of demands”. 敢 于 在 谈 判 一 开 始 提 出 较 高 要 求谈判要点Points to be negotiated Listing the points to be negoti

3、ated列出谈判的要点 Ranking them 排出优先顺序优先顺 序Priority目标Objective Setting yourself an objective自己设定一个目标底限Bottom line Defining your limit 明确你的底限最初的要 求Initial demand Defining an initial level ofdemands 明确最初的要求辩论Argument Arguing out your demands 说服你降低要求High level of demand 高要求5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄

4、金法则Preparation matrix 准备矩阵图Items 项目Priorities 优先顺序Initial demands 最初的要求Objectives 目标Bottom line 底限Arguments 讨论X-3 Y-2 Z-3X-2 Y-1 Z-3X-1 Y-1 Z-32 stages 2个步骤Minimum 3 arguments 至少3次讨论Exercise练习High level of demand 高要Preparation matrix 5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Golden rule no. 2:Golden ru

5、le no. 2: 第第2 2条黄金法则条黄金法则“When you are asked for a concession,“When you are asked for a concession,initially answer with an argument.“initially answer with an argument.“当你被要求作出让步时当你被要求作出让步时, ,先转换至另外一个话题先转换至另外一个话题You are too expensive 你太贵了 You are 8% more expensive than your competitor你比竞争对手高8% Make

6、an effort. 再努力努力。 Your payment terms are outrageous! 你们的帐期条款是令人不能容忍的 You could make an effort and buy a new national communication . 你再努力一下, 做个全国DM If you are offering exclusivity, we can talk about it假如你的提议是排他性的,我们还能讨论讨论 You will have to carry this offer over in 20032003年内, 这个提议你必须完成Request for Con

7、cessions or Objections? 要求让步或异议?REQUEST: ”You should drop prices by 10%“ 要求: 你们价格应该下降10% “spontaneous” answer = counter-proposal: “直觉的”回答=反建议 Its too much: it will be difficult to go further than 2%. 太多了, 超过2%都是非常困难的OBJECTION: ”You are too expensive“ 异议: 太贵了! “spontaneous” answer = argument: “直觉的”回答

8、=争论 Take account of the quality. 考虑质量Answer Concessions with arguments 转换至另外一个话题转换至另外一个话题5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则When the customer asks you to make an “effort“,and yougive an immediate answer:当你的客户要求你作出”让步”,如果你立即回答将导致: Loses money 损失金钱 Makes the customer think that you are not giving

9、much away令客户认为你给出的让步并不多 Diminishes your “minute of power“减弱你的谈判力和谈判空间5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Each party puts their opponent under pressure by choosing their subjects:谈判双方用各自的话题向对方施加压力PRICE PRICE 价格价格 CONDITIONS CONDITIONS 现状现状 CONTRACTS CONTRACTS 合同合同 PROMOTIONS PROMOTIONS 促销促销PRODUCT

10、S PRODUCTS 产品产品 MKTG PLAN MKTG PLAN 大型市场计划大型市场计划 TRADE MKTG TRADE MKTG 小型促销计划小型促销计划 ASSORTMT ASSORTMT 品类数量品类数量 MERCH MERCH 生动化陈列生动化陈列 SERVICES SERVICES 服务服务KAM KA经理BUYER 采购Structured argument 讨论模式Preliminary question 起初问题Obtaining preliminary agreement 得到初步认同Reassures 确认Advantage 优势Why 为什么Raises int

11、erest 提升兴趣Proof 证据Because 因为Gives credibility 建立信用Customer benefit 客户利润So for you 所以,您Involves 参与Check question 再次确认起初问 题Obtaining the final “yes” 最终获得对方说”是”Commits 提交确认5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Golden rule no. 3:Golden rule no. 3:第第3 3条黄金法则条黄金法则“Only give a concession if you get a trad

12、e-off.“Only give a concession if you get a trade-off.“在得到相应交换条件的情况下在得到相应交换条件的情况下, ,做出一定让步做出一定让步Exercise练习What trade-offs can we get in exchange for an effort on buying terms? 使用 什么样的方式才能得 到交换条件能够帮助我们 拿到好的条款?Only give a concession if you get a trade-off在得到交换条件的情况下,做出一定的让步5 Golden Rules of Negotiation

13、 谈判的5条黄金法则Have a four-stage approach:有 四 种 应 对 方 式Arguments 讨论另外一个话题 Preliminary question: 起初问题:“Would you be ready to examine the question of.?“您是否已经准备好探讨关于。问题?“Openness: 开放式: “If you (.), so then perhaps.“如果您做到 (.), 那么也许我们可以”Counter-proposal:反建议: “Under these conditions, I propose.“在这种情况下,我建议”5 Go

14、lden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Golden rule no. 4:Golden rule no. 4:第第4 4条黄金法则条黄金法则“If you have to back down,“If you have to back down,only give a little at a time.“only give a little at a time.“如果你必须让步,每次只能让一小步如果你必须让步,每次只能让一小步5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Backing down a little at a time

15、: 每次只让一小步 1 -Make each concession smaller使让步的损失较小2 -Smaller concessions ,larger timeframes让步小,谈判的时间就可以多一些3 -Switch the attack话题的转换5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则Switching the attack转换话题”I cannot do anything on this point.However, I can offer to.“这件事我不能让步.但是, 我可以提供您.“5 Golden Rules of Negotia

16、tion 谈判的5条黄金法则Switching to concessions which are: 转换讨论话题的好处: less expensive 较少费用 less penalising in the long term 降低对长期合作的影响 recurrent/non recurrent (can come again)不要选择那些可能需要再次面对的话题 possible spreading to other customers, other products不要选择那些有可能波及到其他客户或其他产品的话题5 Golden Rules of Negotiation 谈判的5条黄金法则LOOKING FOR寻求realistic trade-offs合理的交换条件DISSUADING制止unacce



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