冀教版英语九上《Unit 6 Accidents》(lesson41)word教案(一)

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1、 中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ Unit6 AccidentsLesson 41 After an Accident教学目标:1 掌握词汇:accident , refuse2 认知词汇:acting , victim, pretend, warning, reporter3 重点/难点:dont have to, have an accident 翻译词组:1.假装是_ 2.告诉某人做某事_3. 出了一个意外_ 4. 照顾_/_5. 使某人暖和_ 6.别害怕_7. 到达这里_ 8. 听某人的劝告_听课文,判断正、误1) Jenn

2、y, Danny and Brian are acting an accident.2) The victim is the person who is hurt.3) Jenny is good at acting, so she wants to be the victim.4) Danny will be the friend of Jenny, and Brian will pretend a reporter.5) At last, Jenny becomes angry with Danny. 自学指南1. accident n. 意外事件;事故 a traffic acciden

3、t 一个交通事故;a little accident 一个小意外;by accident 偶然;无意中 _ happened to him yesterday.昨天他发生一个小意外。I met him _ in the park. 我偶然在公园遇见他。2. I want to do something.我想演戏。do 此处的意思可以解释为“演出” 。Mr. Smith _ Hamlet.史密斯先生要扮演哈姆雷特。3. I dont have to pretend. I am her friend.我没必要装。我就是她的朋友。(1) dont have to 意思是“没必要, 不必” 。dont

4、 have to do sth , neednt do sth 和 it is unnecessary to do sth 都表示“不必做某事”的意思。中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ There is a lot of time left. We _ hurry.时间还很多,我们不必着急。(2) pretend 意思是“假装” ,后接动词不定式或宾语从句。Why dont you _ Jennys friend? 你假装詹妮的朋友不好吗?She _ when his mother came back. 当妈妈回来时,她假装在学习4.

5、 Are you badly hurt, Jenny? 詹妮,你伤很重吗?badly 此处的意思是“非常;在很大程度上”常与表示匮乏、需要等词语连用或与表示不良情况的词语连用。例如:The school is badly in need of history teachers. 这所学校急需历史老师。He wants to see her badly. 他很想见到她。badly 还可以作“不好;不适合或不能令人满意的方式”解。例如:They played football badly. 他们球踢得很糟。5. I told her to stop, but she refused!refuse

6、v. ( not agree) 拒绝,谢绝,推辞,不准,不肯refuse + 名词 拒绝某物refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事He _. 他拒绝了礼物。The children _me. 这些小孩子不肯听我的话。巩固练习 一、完成句子1.What should we do if you see _ _ _(事故发生)?2.The victim is the person _ _ _(受伤的).3.I want to _ _(演出).4.Why dont you _ _ _(假装当) Jennys friend?5.I told you _ _(停止)!Why didnt you _

7、 _ _ _(听从我的劝告)?6.Now youve _ _ _ (出意外了).7.Are you _ _(伤的严重)? Dont _ _(害怕).8._ _ _ _(不要忘了给看) your classmates.中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 9.These students have _ _ _(为拿来绷带)their play.二、选择填空1)She pretended _ me when I passed by.A. not seeing B. not to see C. having not seen D. to not

8、 see2) It is hard to keep the room _ on such a snowy day.A. cleaning B. to clean C. cleaned D. clean3) When _ the accident _ ?A. was; happened B. had; happened C. did; happen D. was happening4) Dont be _ when you meet difficulties in your study.A. scared B. to scare C. scaring D. scares5) Did he hur

9、t himself _ when they played football.A. bad B. badly C. well D. good三、连词组句1. week, traffic, happened, a, accident, Danny, to, last _.2. often, the, pretends, boy, be, to, ill_.3. hurt, when, she, fell, badly, the, bike, was, she, off_?4. refuse, teenagers, go, to, to, should, the, bar, net._备注:_Les

10、son42 Be Careful, Danny! 教学目标1.掌握新词汇及短语: careful, ceiling, serious2.认知新词汇及短语: ladder, injure; fault; ambulance; fall on top of ; Its my fault. 课前预习根据课文,选择填空中小学教育资源站(http:/),百万资源免费下载,无须注册!中小学教育资源站 http:/ 1.Danny, Jenny and Brian are _ the art classroom for Christmas.A. decorating B. cleaning C. build

11、ing D. sweeping2. Danny is _ to put the star onto the ceiling.A. tall enough B. too tall C. too short D. so short3. Danny climb _ before he falls down.A. up a ladder B. on Mrs Jones chair C. onto his desk D. onto Mr Jones chair4. _ runs into the room when hears the cry.A. Jenny B. Danny C. Brian D.

12、Mr Jones5. _ is hurt. A. Jenny B. Danny C. Brian D. Mr Jones6. Theres something wrong with Brians _.A. head B. arm C. leg D. tall7. Jenny will _.A. take Danny to hospital B. call an ambulanceC. make a telephone call to Brians mother D. put the star onto the ceiling翻译下列词组1给你拿梯子_ 2. 够高_ 3.爬到他的椅子上去_ 4.小心_ _5.跑进房间_6.跳起来_ 7.那是我的错._. 8.想接住丹尼_ 9.跌落在我上面_10.叫救护车_11.送某人去医院_ 12.躺在地板上_ 自学指南1.Is


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