人教修订版高二英语上unit 5 the british isles全单元教学设计

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《人教修订版高二英语上unit 5 the british isles全单元教学设计》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教修订版高二英语上unit 5 the british isles全单元教学设计(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高考高考资资源网源网 2006 精品精品资资料系列料系列人教修订版高二英语上 Unit 5 The British Isles 全单元教学设计课 题新人教版高二上 Unit 5 The British Isles课 时6-1授 课 时 间2005.10教 学 目 标1. Train the Ss listening ability by doing some listening.2. Master the expression for agreement and disagreement.3. Get the Ss to learn about the UK and Ireland.教学重、难

2、点Master the expressions for agreement and disagreement. Improve the students listening ability. 教、 学 具A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides预 习 要 求Search as much information as possible about the UK and Ireland教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注Step1: GreetingStep2: Warming-up1.Show the Ss a wor

3、ld map and ask the following questions:a.Where is Europe? b.Where is the British Isles? c.What do you know about the British Isles?2.Ask the Ss to look at the four pictures and guess where they were taken.3. Work in groups having a discussion and try to find out as much as you can about the geograph

4、y, history, culture, famous people, building and other things in the UK.Step3: Listening1.Get the Ss to discuss the following questions:a.What subject do you learn at school? b.What is your timetable like?Ss answer the questionsLook at the pictures Discuss and answerListen to the tape高考高考资资源网源网 2006

5、 精品精品资资料系列料系列c.How do you learn English?2.Make the Ss read the requirements to know what they should do .4.Play the tape for the first time to get the general idea, then play the tape three times for the Ss to do exercises 1,2 and 3.Replay some parts of the tape if necessary 5.Check the answers with

6、 the whole class.Step 4: Speaking1.Get the Ss to answer the following questions:a.Is English easy for Chinese people to learn? Or is Chinese easy for English people to learn? b.Do you agree that we can learn the geography of the UK more easily by going there? c.Which countries have better chances to

7、 become rich, small countries, big countries or island countries?2.Make the Ss have a discussion about the three statements in the books in three groups. For each group, talk about one and make up a dialogue to express themselves.Useful expressions:Dont you think that ?I dont think thats right I don

8、t think so.You must be mistaken Step 5: Summary and HomeworkSummarize the knowledge learnt in this period. Then ask the Ss to do vocabulary exercises in the workbooks. Listen to the tape and do exercises Answer the questionsDiscussDiscuss about the three statements. For each group, talk about one an

9、d make up a dialogue.Finish vocabulary exercises in 高考高考资资源网源网 2006 精品精品资资料系列料系列the workbooks.课 题SEFCB2 Unit 5课 时6-2授 课 时 间2004.教 学 目 标1. Get the Ss to know about the British Isles. 2. Develop the Ss reading ability by reading a passage “The British Isles”教学重、难点Train the students reading ability and

10、 develop their reading skill How to help the Ss to grasp the main idea of the text 教、 学 具A tape-recorder, a projector and some slides预 习 要 求Scan the illustrations and the contents above them教 师 活 动 内 容、方 式学 生 活 动 内 容、方 式旁 注高考高考资资源网源网 2006 精品精品资资料系列料系列Step1: Greeting and RevisionAsk the questions abo

11、ut the British Isles: What do you know about the United Kingdom? How many countries make up the British Isles? What do you know about Ireland? Step2: Pre-reading 1.Show the Ss a map of the British Isles on the Bb. Ask the Ss to speak out the names of some places on the map. 2.Make the Ss answer the

12、following questions according to the map a.What is the British Isles made up of? b.Where is the British Isles? c.Which is the largest island? Step3: Fast-readingNow read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not. The British Isles is made of 3 pa

13、rts. The British Isles lies off the west of Europe. The English Channel is only 20 miles wide. The British Isles is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles. Theres much rain in the British Isles. Ireland is part of the United Kingdom. Theres 6 languages that are considered to be native

14、 to the British Isles.Step4:Careful- reading 1.Read the passage carefully to find out some details to fill in the chart.Answer the questionsLook at the map and name the places on the mapSs read the text as fast as possible and try to decide whether the following statements are true or not. Scan the

15、text to judgeCheck answers with the whole class.Items DetailsLocationClimateCultureHistoryLanguage2. Read the text carefully and try to sum up the main idea of each paragraph. Para 1 General idea about England. Para 2 Position of the British Isles.Read the ext carefully to fill in the chart 高考高考资资源网

16、源网 2006 精品精品资资料系列料系列Para 3 The climate of the British Isles. Para 4 The culture of the people in the British Isles. Para 5 The language spoken in Great Britain and Ireland. Para 6 The history of the United Kingdom. Para 7 The language spoken throughout the British Isles. Step5: Post-reading 1.Listen


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