第四章 The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture文化的内涵与维度 国际企业与跨文化管理课件

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1、The Meanings and Dimensions of Culture 文化的内涵与维度chapter fourMcGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright 2009 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.4-2Chapter Objectives 学习目标1.DEFINE the term culture, and discuss some of the comparative ways of differentiating cultures. 2.定义文化的概念,讨论区分文化的一些比较方法。 3.DES

2、CRIBE the concept of cultural values, and relate some of the international differences, similarities, and changes occurring in terms of both work and managerial values. 4.描述文化价值观的概念,并按照工作价值观和经理人价值观来讨论文华 异同和变迁。 5.IDENTIFY the major dimensions of culture relevant to work settings, and discuss their ef

3、fects on behavior in an international environment. 6.识别与工作环境相关的主要文化维度,讨论在国际环境中文化对行为的 影响。 7.DISCUSS the value of country cluster analysis and relational orientations in developing effective international management practices. 8.讨论国家群体分析方法的价值及 在开发有效果及管理实践中的相关导 向。4-3The Nature of Culture 文化的本质 Culture

4、defined: Acquired knowledge that people use to interpret experience and generate social behavior. This knowledge forms values, creates attitudes, and influences behavi or. 文化的定义:文化是已经获取的知识,利用这 种知识,人类可以解释各种经验和产生社会行 为。这些知识构成了人们的价值观,决定了人 们的态度,影响了人们的各种行为。4-4Characteristics of Culture 文化的特征 Learned 文化是学习

5、形成的 Shared 文化是可以分享的 Trans-generational 文化是代代相传的 Symbolic 文化具有象征性 Patterned 文化是模式化的 Adaptive 文化是适应性的4-5Priorities of Cultural Values4-6How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches 文化对国际管理的影响 Centralized vs. Decentralized Decision Making: 集中决策与分散决策 In some societies, top managers make all important organ

6、izational decisions. 在一些社会中所有重要的决策都由高层领导人决定 ;, In others, these decisions are diffused throughout the enterprise, and middle- and lower-level managers actively participate in, and make, key decisions. 在其他社会中,这些决策被分散在整个企业,中层和 基层管理者能够积极参与到决策活动中,并能够做 出一些重要的决定。4-7How Culture Affects Managerial Approache

7、s Safety vs. Risk: 安全与风险 In some societies, organizational decision makers are risk averse and have great difficulty with conditions of uncertainty. 在一些社会中,组织决策这就厌恶风险,难以应付 不确定的环境; In others, risk taking is encouraged, and decision making under uncertainty is common. 在其他一些社会中,就鼓励冒险,在不确定的环境 下决策也十分常见。4

8、-8How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches Individual vs. Group Rewards: 个人回报与团队回报 In some countries, personnel who do outstanding work are given individual rewards in the form of bonuses and commissions. 在一些国家,奖金、佣金等形式的回报主要给予那 些做出杰出贡献的个人; In others, cultural norms require group rewards, and indivi

9、dual rewards are frowned upon. 而在其他国家,文化的规范则要求团队的回报,不 赞成个人的回报。4-9How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches Informal Procedures vs. Formal Procedures: 正式程序与非正式程序 In some societies, much is accomplished through informal means. 在一些社会中,许多工作都是通过非正式的方式完 成的; In others, formal procedures are set forth and f

10、ollowed rigidly. 而在另一些社会中,提出并严格遵守正式的工 作程序。4-10How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches 文化是怎样影响国际管理的 High Organizational Loyalty vs. Low Organizational Loyalty 较高的组织忠诚度与较低的组织忠诚度 In some societies, people identify very strongly with their organization or employer.在一些社会中,雇员可以根据其所属的组织或雇主加 以区分 In others

11、, people identify with their occupational group, such as engineer or mechanic.在另一些社会中,雇员主要依据其职业类别来区分, 如工程师或机械式4-11How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches 文化是怎样影响国际管理的 Cooperation vs. Competition合作与竞争 Some societies encourage cooperation between their people.一些社会鼓励人与人之间的合作 Others encourage competit

12、ion between their people. 另一些社会则更鼓励竞争4-12How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches 文化是怎样影响国际管理的 Short-term vs. Long-term Horizons短期视野与长期视野 Some culture focus most heavily on short-term horizons, such as short-range goals of profit and efficiency.一些文化更强调短期视野,如利润和效率的短期目标 Others are more interested in

13、long-range goals, such as market share and technologic developments. 另一些国家则更注重长期目标,如市场份额和技术发 展4-13How Culture Affects Managerial Approaches 文化是怎样影响国际管理的 Stability vs. Innovation稳定与创新 The culture of some countries encourages stability and resistance to change.一些国家更注重稳定,反对变革 The culture of others puts

14、 high value on innovation and change.在另一些国家更注重创新和变革4-14A Model of Culture 文化模型4-15Business Customs in South Africa 南非的商业习俗 Arrange meeting before discussing business over phone.在讨论业务前通过电话安排一次会议 Make appointments as far in advance as possible.会面应该预订的越早越好 Maintain eye contact, shake hands, provide bus

15、iness card 保持眼神交流,握手并向每一位递送名片 Maintain a win-win situation维持一种双赢的战略 Keep presentations short 保持介绍简短4-16Values in Culture 文化中的价值观 Values价值观 Learned from culture in which individual is reared来自于人们所扎根的文化 Differences in cultural values may result in varying management practices不同的价值观导致了不同的管理实践 Basic con

16、victions that people have about人们所持的基本信念 Right and wrong正确与错误 Good and bad好与坏 Important and unimportant重要与不重要4-17Values in Culture4-18Values in Culture4-19Values in Culture4-20Value Similarities and Differences Across Cultures 不同文化之间的价值观异同1.Strong relationship between level of managerial success and personal values管理者获得成功的层次



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