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1、TRAININGTRAININGPROCESSPROCESS工艺工艺意大利SIPA二步法 吹瓶机 TRAININGSTRETCH & BLOW MOULDING拉伸吹制 1. THEORETICAL PART原理部分TRAININGTableTable of of contentscontents内容内容总揽总揽Thermoplastic polymers聚合体的热塑性 General characteristics of PET一般特性 SBM process explanation拉伸吹制过程解释 Heating and conditioning process加热调整过程 Stretch

2、/blowing process拉伸吹制过程12345TRAININGCH2 = CH2 Ethylene乙烯基Polyethylene 聚乙烯-CH2- CH2- -CH2- CH2-CH2- CH2-CH2- CH2-例如:PolymersPolymers聚合体聚合体: : definitiondefinition定义定义Polymer chains聚合体链: a high molecular mass substance characterized by the repetition of one or more types of monomeric units由一种或多种单体副本组合而

3、成的高分子化合物Monomer单体: a simple compound whose molecules can join together to form polymers 分子组合在一起可形成 聚合体的一种简单化合物( )nMonomer单体Polymer聚合体Polymerization聚合n 1001TRAININGPET (PolyEthylene Terephthalate聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯), 是由Purified Terephthalic Acid纯对苯二酸 (PTA)和Ethylene Glycol 乙烯乙二醇(EG)两种原料 化合形成的聚脂, 这两种石油加工物在反应器内形

4、成聚脂1PETPET的原料和制造的原料和制造“POLYESTER”聚脂POLY = MANY许多ESTER = joining of an ACID and a GLYCOL酸和乙二醇的连接物EGPTAEGPTAEGPTAEGPTAEGPTATRAININGPolymersPolymers聚合聚合体体: : 结构结构The chain structure depending from the monomer链结构由单体的泛函性组成决定 functionality (2 or 3)1Monomer单体直线状(PET, HDPE)树枝状(LDPE)网状 (PU)F 平均泛函性: F = 2 线性

5、F 2.8 网状 2 只在必要时!TRAINING加热和调整加热和调整纵向温度曲线To be choosed in 2 steps分两步选择: 1. 瓶坯的统一加热 (因瓶坯底部和支撑环下部边缘影响的结果) 2. 根据瓶子的料分布定制(由外形决定)由以下参数控制: 灯管加热功率输出百分比4TRAINING细节 1 在瓶坯底部和瓶颈下部有边界效应 细节 2 瓶颈下部区域厚度小, 不需要很长的热转换时间 瓶坯底部厚度大,需要的加热量大,甚至可能使用超出瓶坯范围 的加热灯管(如底部下方) 有热分配问题的危险!加热和调整加热和调整4瓶坯底部和瓶颈下部的加热TRAINING加热和调整加热和调整 内侧 外

6、侧温度曲线内侧需要比外侧高的温度烘箱外一段时间 的调整是必要的由以下参数控制: 1.功率和加热灯管的数量 (如: 5 个灯管100%加热比10个灯管50%加热温差要高) 2. 风扇 (=冷却外侧) 3. 烘箱进出口加热功率的平衡 4. 烘箱外调整的时间热转换 4瓶坯内侧的拉伸 比外侧要多TRAINING热转换热转换: : 瓶坯瓶坯加热加热4105C95C理想的调整时间TRAINING热转换热转换: : 厚度厚度厚瓶坯 如:CSD瓶坯厚部位如:瓶身和瓶底出烘箱后有更多的时间 烘箱进口一侧更多的加热 更多的排风 灯管更高的功率更多的热转换薄瓶坯 如:纯净水瓶坯薄部位 如:瓶颈下部较少的热转换4出烘

7、箱后有较少的时间 烘箱两侧同样的加热 较少的排风 灯管较少的功率 一般都没有问题!TRAINING热转换热转换: : 生生产量产量1. The time at disposal for heating penetration加热处理的时间 2. The conditioning time after the exit from the ovens出烘箱后的调整时间 灯管加热和排风 烘箱进口一侧加热功率 烘箱出口一侧加热功率 SFL 系列生产量变化改变了什么? 产量 不充分的 热转换 产量 过度 热转换烘箱进口一侧加热功率 (甚至关闭烘箱进口的第一 组灯管)4怎么解决?TRAINING5拉伸吹制

8、拉伸吹制: : 过程过程描述描述 (1) (1)一次气 (10bar)二次气 (40bar)减压TRAINING拉伸吹制拉伸吹制: : 过程描述过程描述 (2)(2)拉伸杆下降 速度一次气进入 压力, 流量, 延时5气泡的形成 Omogeneous stretch Volume 60-70% No uncentered二次气进入 压力, 延时减压排气 时间一次气吹制时间二次气吹制时间TRAININGSTRETCH & BLOW- MOULDING 2. PRACTICAL TRAININGTRAININGTopics: Recipe setting工艺参数设定:Find a thermal p

9、rofile寻找适合的温度曲线Primary air blow一次气吹制Secondary air blow 二次气吹制Optimization in continuous production连续生产的优化Long period variations长时期后的变化12345TRAINING加热加热: : 瓶坯瓶坯温度温度需要使用多少个灯管参与加热? 在瓶坯上标记每个灯管的位置 (作为最终模板eventually use a template)1设定灯管和风扇的参数 Decision taken according to the productivity, preform characteri

10、stics ( thickness, color.) Es. lamps 60% ventilation 70%Modify heating parametersGlobal temperature is correct? Should be from 90C and 100C (pirometer or other kind of sensor)Thermal profile settingNOYESTRAININGHeatingHeating: : thermalthermal profileprofile settingsettingMark the position of the la

11、mps in preform1HeatingsFree blow p= 2.5-3.5 bar It depends of the preform thicknessThermal profile is OK? Preform should be stretched with uniformityPower lamps adjustment until the uniformity of stretch has been reachedNOYESPrimary air blowingTRAININGHeatingHeating: : thermalthermal profileprofile

12、settingsetting1Practical exampleHeating of L3 andL4 not enoughOptimum profileHeating of L1andL2 not enoughTRAININGPrimaryPrimary air air blowingblowingSettings of primary/secondary air blowing primary: when the stretch rod touches the preform bottomsecondary: when the stretch rod reaches the lowest

13、position 2Primary air blowing description: without the secondary air, blow a batch of preforms only with primary airAir and stretch rod should be syncronized. Adjustments to carry out in the following order: 1. Setting of the best primary air pressure and the best stretch rod speed 2. Setting of the

14、 primary air delay/advance 3. Adjustment of primary air flow regulator in each blow cavityTRAININGPrimaryPrimary air air blowingblowing2Check the conformation of the bubbles target: the bubbles should be stretched with uniformity, with a good disposition of thickness and centeredTRAININGSecondarySec

15、ondary air air blowblowSecondary air enabled: When: stretch rod reaches the lowest position How much time: all the remaining time before decompression with 30bar of pressure for natural water,light bottle 40bar for CSD 3Blow a batch of preforms with secondary air The following defects can happen:Whi

16、te area in the bottom low temperature of preform change the lamps power set, set T of ovens air, adjust the fans speedSchretched logos excess of formation in primary air delay the primary air, reduce the air pressure, advance the secondary airMaterial bad distribution thermal profile or primary air delay not optimized optimize the heating and the primary air delayTRAININGOptimizationOptimization in i



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