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1、含义;表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状 态。常常和过去的时间状语连用。1yesterday 昨天last year去年(last 短 语)one year ago一年前just now 刚才in 2009表示过去的时间词组当看到时间是“表示过去的时间词组”时就用 “一般过去时”The day before yesterday21、be 动词的一般过去时2、行为动词的一般过去时be 是am is arewaswere动词词尾加ed两者不共存Do you know 行为动词如何加 ed?一般过去时分为两种:3动词过去式的构成:规则变化不规则变化4动词过去式知多少?(小组合作探究学习:请观察给出

2、 的动词,你能写出其它动词的过去式吗?)1) want - wanted 2)live-lived 3) study studied clean cleaned dance danced play playedturn _ taste _ stay _ happen _ move _ cry _wish _ agree _ carry _ 4) stop_ plan_shop _turned happenedwishedtasted moved agreedstayed cried carriedplannedstoppedshopped5A. Regular verbs规则动词:1. 动词原

3、形+ed e.g. playplayed cleancleaned visitvisited staystayed practicepracticed askasked watchwatched 2. 以e结尾的+d e.g. livelived dancedanced 3. 辅音字母+y结尾,变y为i+ed e.g. studystudied trytried carrycarried 4. 重读闭音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的 动词,双写尾字母再加ed (两辅夹一元) e.g. stopstopped planplannedGrammar Focus6do _ go _ have _

4、come_ read _ see _ didwent hadcamereadsaw不规则动词的过去式无规则可循,要注意 自己积累。部分不规则动词可参考书本B. Irregular verbs: 不规则动词7如何正确选用这两种句型结构 ?1.当表示的是过去存在的状态时用-be动词的一般过去时2.当表示的是过去发生的动作时用-行为动词的一般过去时我们接下来总结一下这两种句型结构81、be 动词的一般过去时 例如: 他刚才在这。他刚才不在这。他刚才在这吗?He was here just now.He wasnt here just now.Was he here just now?肯定句:主语+w

5、as/were+其它 否定句:主语+wasnt/werent+其它一般疑问句:Was/Were+主语+其它?Be动词一般过去时的句型结构:92.句型变化 : be动词的一般过去时,肯定变否定 was/were后加not即可,变疑问把 was/were提到句首 总结:1.Was/were的用法:第一、三人称单数用was;第二人称用were.单数形 式用was,复数形式用were.101.My parents _ very busy every day. My parents _ very busy yesterday. 1.2. How old _ your father this year?

6、2. How old _ your father last year?3.3. We _ middle school students now. 4. We _ primary school pupils one year ago. 5.4. The jeans _ on the bed.6. The jeans _ on the bed just now. are isare are were was were were 昨天去年一年前刚才111.I was eleven years old last year.2.He was in Shanghai yesterday.3.They we

7、re in Japan yesterday.把下列各题变成否定句和一般疑问句:4.My parents were very busy yesterday.5.We were primary school pupils one year ago.I wasnt eleven years oldWere you eleven years old?He wasnt in Shanghai yesterday Was he in Shanghai yesterday?They werent in Japan yesterday Were they in Japan yesterday?My paren

8、ts werent very busy yesterday. Were your parents very busy yesterday?12否定句:He didnt play tennis last year.肯定句:He played tennis last week.一般疑问句: Did he play tennis last week?例句:肯定句:主语+动词过去式+ 否定句:主语+didnt +动词原形+ 一般疑问句: Did +主语+动词原形+?变否定主语后加didnt,动词用原形;变 一般疑问句,句首加did,动词用原形 131.They played with a ball.(

9、否定句)They _ play with a ball. 2. We went to Zhuhai. (否定句)We _ go to Zhuhai. 3. I went to a park on holiday.(同上)I _ go to a park on holiday. 4. I cleaned my room.(一般疑问句)_ you _ your room? 5. He went skating.(一般疑问句)_ he_ skating?didn tdidntdidntDid cleanDid go141.We often_ (play) on the playground. We

10、_(play)on the playground yesterday. 2.He _ (get) up at six oclock every day. He _(get) up at seven oclock this morning. 3. _you _ (brush) your teeth every morning? _ you _(brush) your teeth last night?4.What _ (do) he usually _ (do) after school? What _(do) he _(do) after school last Monday? 5.Mike

11、sometimes _(go) to the park with his sister. Mike _(go) to the park with his friends a week ago. playDo brushdogoesgetsdoesplayedgotDid brushdiddowent15I _ English this year. 我去年学日语。I Japanese last year. He in Beijing now. 他去年住在上海。He in Shanghai last year.They in China now.他们现在在中国工作。They in Japan in

12、 2009.2009年他们在日本工作。他现在住在北京。小结:Please look at the following sentences我今年学英语study studiedlives lived work worked动词 词尾加ed16Practice 一、写出下列动词的过去式: 1. is 2.do 3.play 2. 4. go 5.clean 6.visit wasdidplayed wentcleanedvisited二、根据汉语提示完成句子: 1. I (打、玩)tennis last Saturday. 2. She (去) to the beach yesterday. 3.

13、 He (清扫)his room last Sunday morning.played went cleaned17请用一句话总结下面3组句子:Did you play the piano last night ?Yes, I did. / No, I didnt.Did he go swimming last weekend?Yes, he did. / No, he didnt.Did Sarah read a book last Sunday?Yes, she did. / No, she didnt.Did 开头的问句,用动词原形。(did + 动词原形)181.I went to China last year.(一般疑问句) _ you _ to China last year? 2.I went to Harbin on my holiday. _ _ you _ on your holiday? 3.I went there by plane . _ _ you go there?划线提问 4.He went skiing .划线提问 _ _ he _?Did goWhere didgoHow didWhatdi ddo19Find the mistakes and co


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