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1、 1.培养对英语的兴趣_ 2.如何记单词_ 3.扩大某人的词汇量_ 4.查词典 _ 5.参加英语演讲比赛_refer to the dictionary/look up a word in the dictionarydevelop ones interest in Englishhow to remember English wordsenlarge ones vocabularytake part in the English speech contest6.写英语日记 _ 7.养成阅读习惯_ 8.每天练习英语口语_ 9.尽可能经常使用英语_ 10.培养用英语思考的习惯_develop t

2、he habit of thinking in Englishkeep a diary in Englishform the habit of readingpractise spoken/oral English every dayuse English as often as possible11.大胆而自信地说英语_ 12.提高写作能力/技巧_ 13.(通过实践)学会法语_ 14.流利表达意思_ 15.强调语法学习 _focus on learning grammarspeak English bravely and confidentlyimprove ones writing abi

3、lity/skillpick up Frenchexpress oneself fluently16.有效的学习方法_ 17.良好的学习态度_ 18.精通英语 _ 19.更好地了解这两种不同文化_ 20.就如何学好英语给我们提些建议_have a better understanding of the two different cultureseffective learning methodsa good attitude to learning have a good command of Englishgive us some advice on how to learn Englis

4、h21.提高学习效率_ 22.作为国际交流的一种工具_ 23.消除误会 _ 24.我觉得记单词很难。_ 25.对于A和B这两者的区别,我感到很迷惑。_I am confused about the difference between A and B.improve the learning efficiencyas a tool of international communicationclear the air; smooth away the misunderstandingI feel it difficult to learn words by heart.1.植树/砍伐树木_ 2

5、.违背自然规律_ 3.保护濒临灭绝的动物不被杀害_ 4.处于危险之中 _ 5.严惩捕猎者_(be) in danger of extinction/becoming extinct/dying outplant trees; cut down treesgo against natureprotect the endangered animals from being killedpunish the hunters severely6.保持/破坏生态平衡 _7.创造良好的生态环境_keep/break ecological balance; keep/damage the balance o

6、f naturecreate a pleasant ecological environment8.和动物和谐相处_ 9.致力于保护野生动物_10.唤醒人们保护野生动植物的意识_arouse peoples awareness of wildlife protectionlive in harmony with animalsdevote oneself to protecting wildlife11.采取有效措施保护珍稀动物_ 12.(地震等)袭击(某地) _ 13.被冲走 _ 14.全部焚毁_ 15.让整个城市成为废墟_leave the whole city in ruinstake

7、effective measures to protect rare animals(earthquake, etc.) hit/strike (some place) be washed awayburnto the ground16.被困人员 _17.困在废墟中 _18.面对各种困难 _19.克服困难 _20.受灾地区 _the stricken district/areathe people trapped be trapped in the ruins(be) faced with all kinds of difficultiesovercome difficulties21.地震灾

8、民_ 22.拯救受害人_ 23.呼吁人们捐赠_ 24.对伸出援助之手_ 25.从灾难中恢复过来_recover from the disasterthe earthquake victimsrescue victims/suffererscall on people to make donationshold out/give a helping hand to sb.1.改善生活 _ 2.改善居住条件_ 3.促进经济发展_ 4.以消耗资源为代价_ 5.往河里排放未经处理的废水_pour waste water into rivers without being treatedimprove

9、peoples lifeimprove our living conditionspromote the economic developmentat the price/cost of resource exhausting6.排放烟雾和有毒气体_ 7.水/噪音/空气/白色污染_ 8.污染环境/空气_ 9.使得全球温度上升_ 10.全球变暖_global warmingsend out smoke and poisonous gases into the airwater/noise/air/white pollutionpollute the environment/aircause th

10、e global temperature to go up11.温室效应 _12.异常的气候 _13.倡导绿色生活 _14.提高生活质量 _15.提倡低碳生活 _ advocate a low-carbon lifestylegreenhouse effectabnormal climateadvocate green lifeimprove the quality of life16.对生态友好的产品 _ 17.环保产品_ 18.生产或使用绿色产品_ 19.开发可再生资源_ 20.采取行动 _take actioneco-friendly productsenvironmentally-friendly productsgo greendevelop renewable resources21.改善环境 _ 22.雨后春笋般涌现_ 23.发出恶臭 _ 24.与污染作



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