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1、Health and Medical CareHealth and Medical Care输入型病例 疑似病例 确诊病例 domestic flu case case of serious conditions 居家隔离 流感集中爆发 高发季节 homegrown vaccine acquired immunity 敏感群体 不良反应 基本药物 社区卫生站imported case suspected case confirmed case 流感“二代”病例 重症病例 home quarantine flu outbreak high-occurrence season 本土疫苗 后天免疫

2、sensitive groups adverse reaction essential medicine grassroots clinics流感疫苗 抗病毒药物 ease flu symptoms 呼吸道疾病 incubation period human-to-human transmission/spread/infection预防措施 避免与接触 加强检测 制止病毒的扩散flu vaccine anti-viral medications/drug 减轻流感症状 respiratory disease 潜伏期 人与人之间的传播/感染 precautionary measures avo

3、id contacts with step up surveillance stem the spread of the virusHealth care in the United StatesHistory of health care reform in the USHealth care debateBackground Information134Health care system in USA2Listening PracticeHealth care in the United States Health care in the United States is provide

4、d by many separate legal entities 实体. primarily provided by the private sector Public programs: Medicare医疗保险, Medicaid公共医 疗补助制, the Childrens Health Insurance Program, the Veterans Health Administration third highest public healthcare expenditure per capita按人口平均计算 Many have argued that the system do

5、es not deliver equivalent value for the money spent. Health care in the United States The US pays twice as much yet lags behind other wealthy nations. The total number of people in the US, whether insured or uninsured, who die because of lack of medical care was estimated in a 1997 analysis to be ne

6、arly 100,000 per year.higher infant mortality rate死亡率 life expectancy lags 42nd in the world, after most rich nationsHealth care system in USA Public programs: Medicare covers the elderly (65) and disabled with a historical work record 老年保健医疗(制度) Medicaid is available for some, but not all of the po

7、or 医疗补 助(制 度) State Childrens Health Insurance Program covers children of low-income families Veterans Health Administration directly provides health care to U.S. military veterans Tricare provides civilian health benefits for military personnel, military retirees, and their dependents, including so

8、me members of the Reserve Component 预备 役人员 Together, these tax-financed programs cover 27.8% of the population and make the government the largest health insurer in the nation.History of health care reform in the US U.S. efforts to achieve universal coverage began with Theodore Roosevelt in 1912, an

9、d had been devoted by many administrations, e.g. that of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush etc. However, they all failed. In fact, many interest groups, including the private insurance industry and the pharmaceutical制药的 industry came out intensely against the reform.

10、During the 2008 presidential election Barack Obama called for universal health care. After Obama assumes his office, he announced the health reform plan officially in June, 2009.Health care debate Americans are divided in their views of the U.S. health system, and that there are significant differen

11、ces by political affiliation政治派别. Belief that the U.S. system is best was highest among Republicans (68%), lower among independents (40%), and lowest among Democrats (32%). Whether a government-mandated 政府指定的 system of universal health care should be implemented 执行 in the U.S. remains a hotly debate

12、d political topic, with Americans divided along party lines in their views of the U.S. health system and what should be done to improve it. Those in favor of universal health care argue that the large number of uninsured Americans creates direct and hidden costs shared by all, and that extending cov

13、erage to all would lower costs and improve quality. Some argue that people should be free to opt out of health insurance.Health care debateAdvocates for a national government-funded systems believe it will produce better health outcomes at lower cost. Opponents deride 嘲笑 this type of system as “soci

14、alized medicine“ in which the government owns the means of providing medicine. According to economist and former US Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich, only a “big, national, public option“ can force insurance companies to cooperate, share information, and reduce costs. Some Republicans have expressed

15、 opposition to the public insurance option believing that an universal health coverage is still affordable and the government will not compete fairly with the private insurers. President Obama fought hard for health care reform system which would cost at least $1 trillion 万亿over roughly a year of le

16、gislative drama, and won a victory to pass the health care reform by signing the bill into law on 23, March 2010.Obama Renews Push for Healthcare ReformObama Hopes to Regain Health Care Momentum with Speech to CongressUS Democrats Highlight Accomplishments onHealthcare, EconomyObama to Soon Sign Major Healthcare ReformListening Practice13456Insurance Industry Fighting hard to Stop Hea


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