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1、脑血管病变CT、MR、颅内感染 、血管畸形Diseases of CNS Diseases of CNS 疾病疾病lTumors 肿瘤lTrauma 外伤lVascular diseases 血管病变lInfectious diseases 感染性病变lDemyelinating diseases 脱髓鞘性病变Vascular diseases 血管疾病Acute Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage 急性脑内出血 Brain Infarction 脑梗塞24 hours2 hoursCadasilSubarachnoid haemorrhage 蛛网膜下腔出血Infecti

2、ous diseases 感染性疾病Fungus abscessPachymeningitisDemyelinating diseases 脱髓鞘性疾病Multiple sclerosis 多发性硬化血管畸形Aneurysm 血管瘤Brain Arteriovenous Brain Arteriovenous MalformationsMalformationsangioarchitecture relationship to clinical symptomsPre EPost EPost E + RadsPartial targeted Embolization for size redu

3、ction prior to Stereotactic Radiosurgery ( or Neurosurgery)Dural Arteriovenous ShuntsDural Arteriovenous Shuntsadultsadultslclinical presentation, classification and natural historyat the time of trauma8 months later (2 months history of bruit) D-AVSRCCR Ext CGlomus tumor 颈静脉球瘤CT examination: Unenha

4、nced, axial scan of the skull base: On the right side, a large, irregularly-shaped structure with the intensity of soft tissue can be seen, which has an unclear border (arrow). Angiography (DSA): In this picture, a hypervascular tumour of significant size, originating from the carotic glomus, can be

5、 observedGlomus tumorGlomus tumorMR examination: Unenhanced and contrast-enhanced coronal, T1- weighted scans: At the point of entry of the internal carotic artery into the carotic canal on the right side, an irregularly-shaped structure with a lower signal intensity than that of the brain tissue ca

6、n be seen (arrow), which is intensively contrast-enhancing (double arrow).精品PPT课件 浏览免费 下载后可以编辑修改。 http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ /炎中药方-肺胃郁热 【肺炎症状】身热有汗不解,咳嗽痰内见红,舌苔薄腻而黄,脉濡滑数。 【肺炎治法】清宣肺胃而化痰热 【肺炎方药】嫩前胡4.5克,清水豆卷12克,水炙桑叶9克,金银花9克,连翘壳9克,光杏仁9克,象贝粉4.5克,黑山栀9克,生甘草3克 【用法】水煎服。 【肺炎按语】风温,身热有汗不解,无形寒头痛之象,病邪由表入里,

7、尚在卫、气之间。叶香岩谓“在卫汗之可也,到气才可清气”,故治以栀子豉汤法清气透卫。以其身热汗出,表 卫已虚,故透卫仅取 桑叶、豆卷等微幸微甘之品,勿令重虚其表,庶免汗多亡阳;以其已具脉数、苔黄之侯,尚无烦躁、口渴等症,里热未炽,故清气只用银花、连翘、山栀等轻清之品,使药力不犯中 下二焦,勿令药过病所;以其“未传心包,邪尚在肺”,故以前胡、杏仁、象贝粉等宣肺化痰。 4.肺炎中药方-痰热雍肺,木火侮金 【肺炎症状】壮热不退,恶寒,午后更甚,咳嗽急促,痰稠量少,胸胁窜痛,咳嗽尤甚,口干苦,不饮食,小便黄涩,大便干燥,舌红苔黄白较厚,舌根腻,脉细数。 【肺炎治法】清肺豁痰,平肝降火 【肺炎方药】龙胆草,草栀子,木通,泽泻,生地白花蛇,舌草,黄苓,法半夏,栝萎仁(无药量记载) 【用法】水煎服。 【肺炎按语】由于肝气郁结,气郁化火,木火刑金,肺金失肃,因而咳嗽阵作;肝胆火旺则口苦;肝气太过,故胸胁窜痛,性急易怒。方用龙胆泻肝汤清肝泻火,加小陷胸汤清热化 痰开胸。特点之一。 综合医学


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