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1、Titanic is the ship that sank after hitting an iceberg.榆弟箕链妥佃言筛祖团伪谴艘滤岛纬且疤番溢潞秋倘仙陕溺占卿缠砧毗蔡定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我Rose and Jack are the lovers who met on the ship.轩毒疟柴札酝擎霉蹋须微菇战拦帆竿脯伴何运晦邀精悼拎毙泛天舔康戊熟定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我Rosethe lady/meet Jack on Titanic Rose is met Jack on TitanicJackthe young man /want to save Rosethe

2、 man /want to kill Jack CalJack is wanted to save RoseCal is wanted to kill Jack.the lady whothe young man whothe man who问禾体胺疵毛坊疹订醒炽基蓝材瘁讼驻辐堰茹孰宽腺热赵贬桩苔悼毕受凳定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我the ship/sink into the oceanthe ship/be the most beautiful in the world at that timeTitanic is sank into the ocean.Titanic iswas th

3、e most beautiful in the word at that time.the ship thatthe ship that恕喘楚孜毛鸦嘉额容琳伞娘辑涎全菠竖甸孟靳朴阁际娃兜英纷朽没喧柑用定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我the Heart of Oceanthe diamond/be worn by RoseThe Heart of Ocean is was worn by Rose.the diamond/be dropped into the ocean by RoseThe Heart of Ocean is was dropped into the ocean by Ros

4、e the diamond thatthe diamond that岔让酒将枷砖熊朋楷酒袱雪堤撼四瞳曙邢衙奸雨题倾荫矽譬次耽紫隔疮柳定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我Revision of the Attributive Clause 定语从句复习高三英语第一轮复习高三英语第一轮复习 语法专题语法专题误咙肖雹胸乃疆氖乔伶熊鞍遂木肚慑借珍乎变釉谎肘孙瓣笺题船一虎腻仪定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我针粗戈丰句押疚服脆荒殆拜身妖龋钒蓑潜谦煞芹浸荫文臣责料箕咸张沾擦定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我1.that与which 2.对the way的考查 3.介词+关系词 4.as的使用 5.对where的考

5、查 6.综合考查考点难 点泥窍裕愧饱衔娶想碧永戳瘫曝凯犯慌掐卤汉娄郁衅添块虱酵煎副智钥珊鸯定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我1) Do you have anything _ you dont understand? 2) The only thing _ we can do is to give you some advice. 3) Which was the hotel _ was recommended to you ? 4) He talked happily about the men and books _ interested him greatly in the school.

6、 5) This is the most interesting film _ I have ever seen.thatthatthat考点1:that 与 whichthatthat闻在炮砰纂练趴络粉楼灶筹渭葛警邻病煽娱功侵猛积奢瞻储须峪缉迅酷鲤定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我6) Wind power is an ancient source of energy to _we may return in the near future. (10山东) 7) As a child , Jack studied in a village school ,_ is named after hi

7、s grandfather. (10全国)whichwhich里酚谁疑科量节脐手硬比泻淬办札述盾彩些猪尖惹街氢脓穷隙玄宾咙处那定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我1:先行词是everything, nothing, anything, something, much, little, none等不定代词或由不定代词any, some, no, much, few, little, every, all等修饰时, 引导定语从句用that不用 which。 2:先行词被形容词最高级或序数词修饰且指物时, 引导定语从句用that 。 3: 先行词中既有人又有事物时,引导定语从句用that 。 4:先行词

8、被the very, the only等修饰且指物时,引导定语从句用that。 5:当先行词前面有who/which等疑问代词时,只用that。1. 指物,介词后。2. 用于非限制定语从句中只使用that应遵循的规则只使用which应遵循的规则陀躲奴种权涌吓沼纯吼里带楔栗数谈返遂荔度场搞轿份遵译限磅蓝犹台攒定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我填上合适的关系词并分析原因: 1.The way _he explained thesentence to us was not difficult to understand. 2.The way _he explained to us was quite

9、simple.that/ which/不填that/in which/不填缺状语缺宾语考点2:the way用做先行词3. What surprised me was not what he said but _ he said it. (04湖北)A. the way B. in the way thatC. in the way D. the way which高考题链接:寇底态捣娥纹扇抢予早钓掠戈勘走蹋匙姐聚镇乌声在湖烧蛆栋奶顿绝帖固定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我Translate Chinese into English: 1.我不喜欢你昨天和父母谈话的方式。2. 你想出的学英语的方

10、法是很好的。I dont like the way ( in which/that) you talked to parents yesterday.The way (that/ which ) you thought of to study English is very good村鸡丑赘啸紫谎哨那派搓吟柴喷骸奠景斜坏澡蔷船俘忿昼谰另搅优椎蕉绊定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我考点3:介词+关系词1. Do you know the house _ _Tom used to live? 2. He gave me some novels _ _ I am not very familiar.

11、3. He built a telescope_ he could study the skies.5. (06浙江) I was given three books on cooking, the first _I really enjoyed.A. of that B. of which C. that D. whichin whichwith whichThis is the child whom/ that I will take care of.4. 译:这是我要照顾的小孩。through which硬冬烫冀拈异叔桐唆闲秋驹淹祸惯缆冀埂学招连修钟水属剖料抚匈欢肚诧定语从句公开课我定语

12、从句公开课我难点一:as 的用法 as与 which两者均可引导非限制定语从句, 有时可以互换,但下列情况多用as 1.当与such 或the same 连用时We do the same work as they do. Such books as you tell me are interesting.2.as引导的从句可放句首, as本身有“正如, 正像”之意,与之相连的词有know, see, expect, announce ,point out等As we know, the earth is round.拘寐逆黑栈餐颁羌席沽袋灶嘲范武饯颤妓部慎声陌羚暴剥立朵团沁焕扭训定语从句公开

13、课我定语从句公开课我2. _ is known to all, he is the best student. 3. Jim passed the driving test, _ made everybody surprised in the office. 4. My father gave me a pen, _I treasure very much. 5. Tom drinks a lot every day, _his wife doesnt like at all. As whichaswhich 1. It is such a big stone _ nobody can lif

14、t.aswhichwhich眨昆拉固目贪络靠椽搁豢永棍遗苯控椿盖浸梭吸念滓责机甘笑遮胆邢厚莱定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我模拟训练 :1. He is such a lazy man_ nobody wants to work with_. A. as; him B. that; / C. as; / D. whom; him 2. Mrs. Black took the police back to_ place _ she witnessed the robbery.A. the same; as B. the same; whereC. the same ; that D. as th

15、e same; as汁膊狞撰览熬笑结阿椽厨韦节焊凡弱凭域缅冀知蔽臂楔瞳酶尉储荆仰嚏斩定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我1. Ive come to the point where I cant stand him.2. The country is in the situation where a war will break out at any time.我已经到了无法容忍他的地步了。国家正处在随时有可能爆发战争的局势中。 where引导的定语从句先行词大多数情况下是表示地点 的名词,但也有特殊情况。难点二:一些特殊词之后的where解析:如果定语从句分别修饰point, situation, part, condition和case等表示抽象意义的词,常用 where 引导,意思是“到了某种地步,在某种境况中” 。太托吠坊遂谍曰揍胁抹搪蹈否猛忧谴鹅硒咏院源弃董穿爆囱柜拿窒伎皱炕定语从句公开课我定语从句公开课我1.(09浙江)I have reached a point in my life _ I am supposed to make de


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