Public Speaking 2 Test PaperA

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《Public Speaking 2 Test PaperA》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Public Speaking 2 Test PaperA(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、黑龙江外国语学院 2013-2014 学年 第 2 学期 Term 2 2013-2014 Academic Year Heilongjiang International University *答卷封面(COVER)评阅结果Final mark评阅人Examiner Cody课程名称(Subject): Public Speaking 2 编 号 (No.): 13-14-2-040394 系 别 (Department): 商学系 专 业 (Major): 国际经济与贸易 姓 名 (Name): 段尊华 学 号 (Students Number): BC13240206 注意事项(Not

2、es)1.考生需按题签将上述有关项目填写清楚2.字迹要清楚,保持卷面清洁。3.交卷时请将本答卷和题签一起上交,题签作为封面下一页装订。1、Candidates should fill in the information appropriately.2、Keep the handwriting clear and the paper tidy.3、Candidate should hand in this cover and paper together; the answer sheet should be attached to the cover.黑龙江外国语学院 2013-2014 学

3、年 第 2 学期 Term 2 2013-2014 Academic Year Heilongjiang International University *机密(Confidential) 编号(No.): 13-14-2-040394A试 题(Test)课程名称(Subject):Public Speaking 2 考核类别(Type of test ):考查 课程类别(Type of course) : 专业必修课 考试形式(Test type) : 口语使用范围(Target group):2013 级财务管理 1-8 班,2013 级国际经济与贸易 1-2 班,2013 级人力资源管

4、理 1-2 班,2013 级市场营销 1 班Students will select an article pertaining to current business news from a prominent English magazine, journal, newspaper, or website (e.g. Forbes, Harvard Business Review, BBC News, etc.). They will present this article to their classmates in the form of a two-minute speech, d

5、elivered from memory. The student will then answer two questions about their speech: one proposed by them and a follow-up question proposed by the teacher.On the exam date, each student will submit the following: A copy of their business news article (their speech) A glossary that includes at least

6、five terms* from the articleThe total score for the final exam will be calculated based on the students oral delivery for the speech and their responses to questions.These terms include, but are not limited to: company names, jargon, business terminology, abbreviations, locations, etc. The purpose o

7、f this is to identify which words the student may have encountered without direct coaching on pronunciation or translation assistance from the teacher.黑龙江外国语学院 2013-2014 学年 第 2 学期 Term 2 2013-2014 Academic Year Heilongjiang International University *Microsoft, Qihoo 360 sign tie-up dealWriter:SohuSo

8、urce:china dailyBEIJING - Microsoft and Chinas leading Internet security company Qihoo 360 on Monday signed a cooperation deal covering mobile Internet and artificial intelligence, underscoring the multinationals determination to further tap the Chinese market.The two will begin cooperation in mobil

9、e Internet products such as Microsofts chatbots Xiaobing and Qihoo 360s mobile security service, before moving on to technology exchanges in artificial intelligence, according to Microsoft Search Technology Center Asia (STCA).The tie-up is an effort to help Chinese mobile users enjoy better experien

10、ces of mobile Internet and artificial intelligence. It will contribute to the openness of Chinas mobile Internet, according to the STCA.Security:Security refers to all the measures that are taken to protect a place, or to ensure that only people with permission enter it or leave it. Openness:somethi

11、ng are open. Cooperation: some people work together.Intelligence: Intelligence is the quality of being intelligent or 黑龙江外国语学院 2013-2014 学年 第 2 学期 Term 2 2013-2014 Academic Year Heilongjiang International University *clever.Determination: the act of determining the properties of something.2014.6.3 JACKBC13240206


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