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1、 如何算是一篇好文章? 覆盖了所有的要点 应用了较多的语法结构 和词汇有效地使用了语句间的 连接成分,使全文结构紧 凑,行文连贯,条理清楚 。要 点 全 词汇,句型 (高级)和 语法多样化(较复杂)连 接 词技 巧1. 使用较高级的词汇3. 使用恰当的连接词词汇反映你知识贮存量的 多少,也是衡量英语水平 的一个重要标志。运用得当的句子结构可以 给文章增色不少,从而使 整篇文章因此而生辉 。使用恰当连接词,对写一 篇有“英语味”的文章很重 要,能使文章上下衔接自 然、紧凑。增强书面表达效果的技巧增强书面表达效果的技巧2. 使用较丰富的句式一. 适当地运用一些词组,习语来代替单 个单词或平淡的句子

2、,以增加文采,丰 富语句的表现力)You will find my house easily.Youll have no trouble/difficulty finding my house.2). She likes sports very much.She shows great interest in sports.Or: She is very fond of sports.She is crazy about sports.4). I hope to receive your reply soon.Im looking forward to hearing from you soo

3、n.5). Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable.Thanks to/Due to/Owing to the good weather, our journey was comfortable.6).We all think he is a great man.We all think highly of him .二. 尽量避免过多地重复使用某一 单词短语或句型选择使用其他恰 当的同义词,词组来代替1. I like reading while my brother likes watching.2. 2. Wev

4、e built a new classroom building besides the old one and weve also built a library where the old 3.playground used to be.(enjoys)(set up)三.适当运用分词或介词结 构When she heard the news, she began to cry. (使用V-ing形式).Hearing the news, she burst out cryingAt the news, she burst into tears. 2. Mr Smith was invit

5、ed by Nanjing University. Mr Smith wanted to make a speech on DNA. (使用V-ed形式).Invited by Nanjing University, Mr Smith wanted to give a lecture on DNA.四.适当使用一些主从复合句来代 替简单句或并列句.2.To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things.1. Th

6、e meal was very nice. We all enjoyed it very much.The meal was so nice that we all enjoyed it very much.五.适当打破常规,用一些倒装句 ,强调句或感叹句,为意思的表 达增添一点新意1.He did not know what had happened until he read the news in the newspaper.It was not until he read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened.

7、Not until he read the news in the newspaper did he know what had happened.2. I was very surprised to see Peter there.How surprised I was to see Peter there!(改为感叹句)六 通过合句,将意义相关的几 个句子用一定的连接方式连接起来, 或通过紧缩,去掉一些多余的成分或 无意义的重复,避免冗长累赘,松散 无力,以增强句子的连贯性,达到 更好的表达效果1. We had a short rest. Then we began to play ha

8、ppily. We sang and danced. Some told stories. Some played chess.(have fun doing sth.)After a short rest, we had great fun singing , dancing, telling stories and playing chess.2. Im seventeen years old this year; that is to say, Ill be eighteen years old in 2008. Ill be eighteen years old in2008. 3.

9、The school is surrounded by many green trees. It looks very beautiful. The school surrounded by many green trees looks very beautiful. The school looks very beautiful with many trees surrounding it.七有效地使用语句间的连接成分,使 句子间的逻辑关系更加明确,使整篇文 章条理清楚,连贯流畅。, music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere. , mus

10、ic can bring us relaxation, which reduces the tiredness. Listening to music also makes us feel happy., some students dont think so. ,As we all know BesidesOn the other hand In their opinion八恰当运用谚语,熟语 As an old saying goes, “One is never too old to learn/Where there is a will, there is a way.” An old saying , “One is never too old to learn.” tells us the fact that As we all know, every coin has its two sides; therefore, shopping online has its advantages and disadvantages.但是,值得提醒的是,同学们在使用较 复杂的句型和结构时,要有把握能正确 地表达;也要注意分寸,应根据书面表 达的内容和篇章结构而定,做到地道得 体千万不能生搬硬凑,画蛇添足多看多读多背多模仿多翻译Practice makes perfect!


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