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1、Unit 2 Language 语言话题话题 之八低碳节节能三年2考2011江西假设设你是星光中学的李华华,将参加主题为题为“Lets Ride Bicycles”的英语语演讲讲比赛赛。请请撰写一份演讲讲稿,主要内容包括:1目前汽车带车带 来的空气污污染和交通堵塞等问问题题;2. 骑骑自行车车的益处处,如节节能环环保、有利健康等。参考词词汇汇:低碳生活(low-carbon life);节节能(energy saving) 注意:词词数:120左右。Good morning, everyone, I am Li Hua from Xingguang Middle School. The top

2、ic of my speech is “Lets Ride Bicycles”. As is known to us, air pollution and heavy urban traffic are becoming increasingly severe mainly due to the overuse of cars. Therefore, its high time we chose another better means of transport, that is, cycling. There are many good reasons to ride bicycles. F

3、irst of all, compared to cars, bicycles are much cheaper to buy and maintain, and you dont have all the added costs of fuel andparking. Whats more, bicycles are more environmentally friendly than cars, because they hardly make noises and exhaust. Cycling has become a new trend around the world, a go

4、od way of energy saving and low-carbon life. Last but not least, cycling is an excellent way to keep fit and live longer. By riding bicycles, you can cut down your risk of heart attacks, high blood pressure and other illnesses. So I think, riding bicycles actually has great effects on us. Lets ride

5、bicycles from today on! Thank you!1. 本文为为低碳节节能类类的演讲讲稿,话题话题 内容切合中学生生活实实际际,且在学生教材中出现现多次,很容易完成。第一段说说明目前汽车带车带 来的空气污污染和交通堵塞等问题问题 ,引出演讲话题讲话题 “Lets Ride Bicycles”。第二段说说明骑骑自行车车的各种益处处。第三段发发出呼吁,号召大家从今天开始骑骑自行车车。2. 全文行文流畅畅,句式变变化多样样,用词词高级级而地道。高级词汇级词汇 和短语语:increasingly, due to, compared to, maintain, added, envir

6、onmentally, exhaust, trend, keep fit, cut down高级级句型(虚拟语拟语 气):Its high time we chose another better means of transport, that is, cycling. 语语篇过过渡语语:therefore, first of all, whats more, last but not least. 【佳作习习得】一句多译译我们该动们该动 身了。1. _2. _Its high time we set off.Its high time we should set off. 单词盘单词盘 点

7、根据词词性和汉语汉语 意思写出词汇词汇1. _(vt. )占领领;占用(时间时间 、空间间等)2. _ (vi. )组组成,构成3. _(n. )混合;混合体4. _(adj. )官方的,正式的5. _ (vt. )替换换,代替,取代occupyconsistmixtureofficialreplace6._ (vt. )养育,培养;举举起;增加,提高;筹募;提及7. _ (vi. were dealing with it. 你不用管这这事了, 我们们正在处处理。As far as we ourselves are concerned, we are safe and sound. 至于我们们

8、自身, 则则安然无恙。The film The Flowers of War _ _ _Anti-Japanese war. 电电影金陵十三钗钗是有关抗日战战争的。Why _ you so _ _ the boys safety? 为为何你如此担心那个男孩的安全? is concerned withareconcerned about5. differ vi. 相异,有区别别She differs from her brother in character. 她与她哥哥性格不同。I am sorry I differ with you about this question. 我很遗遗憾在这这

9、个问题问题 上与你意见见不一致。【归纳归纳 】differ from. . . in. . ._differ with sb. on/about/over sth. _在上和不同与某人就某事意见见不同6. combine vt. youre not dependent on hotels. 开着一辆辆大篷车车, 你可以随时时停下来, 不用依赖赖旅馆馆。I keep my reference books near my desk for my convenience. 我把参考书书放在书书桌旁以用着方便。Will it be convenient【点津】convenient只能用物/事作主语语或

10、用it作形式主语语,而不能用人作主语语。9. pick up取(物),接(人);捡捡起,拾起;收拾;恢复;加快;学会;收听根据语语境写出下列句中黑体部分的汉语汉语 意思Please come to the hotel to pick me up. ( )He picked up his hat and went away. ( )He picked up French while he was staying in Paris. ( )They wont let him out of the hospital until his health has picked up. ( )Its nec

11、essary for us to use a short-wave radio to pick up the programmes. ( )接人拿起学会好转转收听【拓展】bring up抚抚养;教育,培养;呕吐look up查阅查阅set up建立keep up保持come up走近;被提出make up编编造;化妆妆;组组成;弥补补;整理take up拿起;着手处处理;对对有兴兴趣;占据【真题链题链 接】2010山东东,27Sam _some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. A. brought

12、 upB. looked upC. picked upD. set up【解析】选C。句意:Sam只是通过看别人在电脑上工作就学会了一些电脑知识。bring up提出,教育;look up查找;pick up学会;set up建立。10. hold up举举起,抬起;延迟迟,阻碍The policeman held up his hand, signing to the driver to park his car by the road. 警察举举起手,示意司机把车车停在路边边。The train was held up by the heavy snow. 火车车因为为大雪延误误了。A y

13、oung man ran off with some valuable treasures after holding up a jewel shop. 一名年轻轻男子在抢抢劫了一家珠宝店后携带带一些昂贵贵物品跑掉了。【拓展】根据汉语汉语 意思写出下列短语语_阻止;抑制_请请等一下;坚坚持_给给予;提供;抵抗;维维持;坚坚持_坚坚持;遵循hold backhold onhold outhold to11. take control of 控制,取得对对的控制There must be someone who can take control of these naughty children.

14、 一定有人能管住这这些淘气的孩子。【拓展】翻译译以下短语语beyond control_out of control_in control (of)_in the control of_lose control of_under control_under the control of_难难以控制,无法控制失去控制,无法管理控制;管理受控制控制不住情况正常,处处于控制之下受的控制【想一想】in control of和in the control of相当于一对对反义义短语语,类类似的短语语你还还能想到哪些呢?【拓展延伸】in charge of(负责)和in the charge of(由负责

15、); in possession of(拥有)和in the possession of(为拥有)12. The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet, it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds. 汉语汉语 与西方语语言不同,区别别在于它不使用字母,而是用汉汉字表示思想、物体或行为为。句中in that意为为“在于;因为为”,引导导原因状语语从句。I like the city, but I like the country better in that I have mo


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