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1、非谓语动词难点透视 n一、动词不定式nA. 做表语n1. I think the best thing you should do is _ another job.n A. looking for B. looked for C. look for D. about to look forB.做定语n2. Im going to the supermarket. Have you got anything _?n A. bought B. to be bought C. to buy D. being bought n7. Why do you look sad?n- There are s

2、o many problems _.nA. remaining to settle B. remained settling C. remaining to be settled nD. remained to be settledn10. Every student in our class had an application form in his/her hand, but no one knew which office _.n A. to send it to B. sent C. sending to D. sent to nwhich和不定式连用相当于一个缩短了的定语 从句,例

3、如:nShe must have time in which to grow calm.nShe has some money in the bank, with which to help her mother.nHe only had long nights in which to study.C.做状语n3. Australians have to prevent dingoes _ their sheep and cattle. n A. from protecting B. to protect C. protecting D. to protecting n4. Which do

4、you enjoy _ your holiday, going abroad or staying at home?n A. spending B. to spend C. being spent D. spend 形容词做状语 nShe grasped my hands, unable to say any thing. nCurious, we looked around for other guests. nAnxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. nWe like living in a village,

5、 free of crowds and noise. nShe hurried up the steps, nervous and pale.nShe grasped my hands, unable to say any thing. nCurious, we looked around for other guests. nAnxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote. nWe like living in a village, free of crowds and noise. nShe hurried up t

6、he steps, nervous and pale.n8. Lilys mobile phone was left in a taxi accidentally, never _ again.n A. to find B. to be found C. finding D. being foundn11. What happened to you on your way back to the hotel last night?n -I lost my way in complete darkness and, _ things worse, it began to pour. n A. m

7、aking B. to make C. having made D. make D.做宾补n6. The pilot felt something _ wrong with the engine just before the plane took off. n A. go B.went C. was going D. to gon15. The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, _ after eleven p.m. n A. to stay out B. from staying out C. staying

8、out D. not to stay outE.做宾语n9. Tom pretended _ it, but in fact, he knew it very well.n A. not listen to B. not to hear about C. not to have heard about D. not to listenF 构成复合谓语n18. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _ in broad daylight yesterday. n A. being robbed B. having been robbed C. t

9、o have been robbed D. robbednHe is known to be honest.nShe was told to stay at home. nHe was known to have taken money from Germans.nHe is said to have declared that Voltaire was his God. nHe is thought to be hiding in the woods. nMiss White is supposed to be going with me. 主语+及物动词+宾语+现在分 词(做补语)nfin

10、d see hear notice smell feel keep watch leave get bring catch like hate remember nHe found Hellen knitting there. nI could feel the wind blowing on my face nI saw her chatting with Nancy. nI could smell trouble coming.nThey walked off and left me sitting there. nThe lecturer got us thinking. nI shou

11、ld like to catch them saying a word against me!nCan you imagine me doing such a thing? nI cant understand you keeping such a thing to yourself. nVoices were heard calling for help. nShe was seen speaking to a policeman. nShe was found jogging in the park. nOnly one of the walls was left standing the

12、re. n主语+及物动词+宾语+不带to的不定式( 做补语)nSuddenly we felt the atmosphere grow tense. nWe had never heard her sing like that before. nShe was often heard to sing this song.二、动名词n动名词的逻辑主语n1. Is there any possibility of the film _ in Paris International Festival?n A. trying out B. tried out C. to try out D. bein

13、g tried out n2. He suggested me _ the teacher for help.n A. to ask B. asking C. should ask D. askn3. _ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.nA. The girl was educated B. The girl educated C. The girls educating nD. The girls being educatedn4. I really cant understand _ he

14、r like that.n A. you treat B. you to treat C. why treat D. you treatingn5. _ the homework made his father lose his temper. A. The boys not having done n B. The boy not having done C. The boys having not done D. The boy having not donen6. We didnt find the Blacks _ the lecture.nn No one had told them about _ a lecture the following day. nA. to attend; there to be B. attending; there being nC. attended; there be D. attend; there was动名词做主语 n1. _ his way and not knowing where to go, he asked a policeman for help.n A. Lost B. Having lost C. Losing D. Losen2. _ twice a year, whether it i


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