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1、1UnitUnit 4 4 StoriesStories andand PoemsPoemsLessonLesson 2020 SaySay ItIt InIn FiveFive同步练习同步练习1. His grandparents are _ doctors.2. Here are some bikes. You can use _ of them.3. Do you want an apple or a pear? -_ is OK. I dont mind.4. They are both good at English, but _ of them is good at Chinese

2、.1. There are flowers on _ sides of the street.2. There are flowers on _ side of the street.3. He buys a newspaper _ day, but sometimes he doesnt read it.4. Its _ of your business.5. I have three erasers. _ of them are pink.1Name the topic of your composition _ one word.Aat BofCon Din 用用 both, eithe

3、r, neither, 填空填空 用用 all, every, each, none 填空填空 单选题单选题22The secretary ordered _ room for the guest.Aone single Bsingle one Cone singly Dsingly one3Dont tell anybody about it; keep it _ you and me.Abetween BamongCwith Din4These books _ out of the reading room. You have to read them here.Amust be take

4、n Bcant takeCcan take Dmustnt be taken5Susan lives on the _ floor and we are neighbours.Afour BfourthCfourteen Dforty1. 我爸爸出生于十八世纪。My father was born .2. 罗宾想谈谈在军队的生活。Robin wants to in the army. 3. 你能告诉我怎么去超市吗?Can you tell me the supermarket? 4. 用六个词说明你的主题。State your topic . 根据汉语意思翻译句子根据汉语意思翻译句子3参考答案

5、参考答案1. both2. either3. Either4. neither1. both2. each/either3. every4. none5. All/None解析:1. both 指两者都。2. each 与 either 都可指每一个。3. 固定词组每一天为 every day。4. 本句为这不关你的事。None 可接 of,表示否定。5. 根据句意可知,三块橡皮都是粉色或者都不是粉色。 用用 both, either, neither 填空填空 用用 all, every, each, none 填空填空41. D2. A3. A4. D5. B解析:1. in one wo

6、rd,固定搭配,强调用一句话就可以概括。2. one single room 意为“一个单间”。3. 句意:不要把它告诉任何人。这件事只有你知,我知。among 表示的是“在之间”,一般是指三者及以上;between 指的是“两者之间”;in 和 with 不符合题意。4. 句意:这些书不允许被带出阅览室。主语 these books 与 take 之间为被动关系,故应用被动语态;mustnt 有“不允许、不准”的意思。5. 由句意可知“住在第四层”应用序数词。1. in the eighteenth century 2. talk about the life 3. how I can get to 4. that you visited 单选题单选题55. in six words



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