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1、Supported bythe world of organic agricultureafri ca 1.1 mi lli on haSTATISTICS particularly compared to the overwhelming majority of “conventional” production. For cocoa, organic production represents only about 2.1 percent, and for banana, even less than one percent of the total world production. I

2、ncreasingly, the organic label is also in “competition” with other VSS. For tea, organic has the smallest share of all VSS, but with 21 countries, has the highest world coverage for certified tea production. Organic volumes of cotton have stagnated ? partly because of a shift in demand to other init

3、iatives. On the other hand, double certification by Fairtrade and organic, for example in sugar, is increasing. Gathering relevant information on market trends is essential for the organic community in order to continue attracting the various stakeholders. Transparent information enables credibility

4、 and informed decisions on the costs and benefits of organic production for both the producing and buying sides. This book makes a major contribution to such transparency. With regard to the latest figures and the continuous, sustainable growth over many years, the organic movement can look confiden

5、tly into the future. Hans-Peter Egler Head of the Division for Trade Promotion Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO Bern, Switzerland ? 1 According to the United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS), so-called voluntary sustainability standards (VSS), also termed private st

6、andards, claim to improve the health, occupational safety, economic, social, environmental, or animal-welfare conditions under which products are made.For more information see http:/unctad.org/en/pages/newsdetails.aspx?OriginalVersionID=425 2 Potts, Jason et al. (2014): The State of Sustainability I

7、nitiatives Review 2014. Standards and the Green Economy. IISD, Winnipeg, and IIES, London. Available at www.sustainablecommodities.org/ssi/background ?Foreword FiBL and IFOAM FiBL Olugbenga O. AdeOluwa, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria; Raymond Aendekerk, Institut fir biologesch Landwirtschaft

8、an Agrarkultur asbl IBLA Luxemburg, Munsbach, Luxemburg; Raymond Auerbach, Nelson Mandela Motropolitan University, George, South Africa; Uygun Aksoy, Ege University, Bornova Izmir, Turkey; Lina Al Bitar, Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei - Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo d

9、i Bari - CIHEAM- IAM Bari, Valenzano (BA), Italy; Gulzaada Aleshova, Helevtas, Jalalabad, Kyrgyz Republic; Mohammed Al-Oun, Jordan National Centre for Research and Development, Jordan; Saif Moh Al-Shara, Ministry of Environment and Water, Agricultural Affairs and Animal Sector, Dubai, United Arab Em

10、irates; Mirit Amrani, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Israel; Stoilko Apostolov, Bioselena: Foundation for organic agriculture, Karlovo, Bulgaria; Markus Arbenz, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Bonn, Germany; Lidya Ariesusanty, Indonesia Organic Allian

11、ce IOA, Bogor, Indonesia; Elhag Meki Ali Awouda, Federal Ministry Of Agriculture Roberto Azofeifa, Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadera, La Sabana, San Jos, Costa Rica; Vugar Babayev, Ganja Agribusiness Association (GABA), Ganja city, Azerbaijan; Khaoula Baghdadi, Ministre de lAgriculture, des Resso

12、urces Hydrauliques et de la Pche, Tunis, Tunisia; Verena Batlog, GIZ Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia; Lukas Baumgart, Forschungsinstitut fr biologischen Landbau, FiBL, Frick, Switzerland; Andrew Bayliss, Soil Association Certification Limited, Bristol, UK; Milena Belli, Istituto per la Certificazione Etica

13、 ed Ambientale (ICEA), Bologna, Italy; Mohamed Ben Kheder, Centre Technique de lAgriculture Biologique, Sousse, Tunisia; Paulina Betancourt, Agrocalidad, Quito, Bolivia; Olivera Bicikliski, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management (MZSV), Skopje, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia;

14、Marian Blom, Bionext, LC Utrecht, Netherlands; Barbara Bck, BIOFACH - Worlds leading Trade Fair for Organic Food, Nrnberg, Germany; Herv Bouagnimbeck, IFOAM Africa Office, Bonn, Germany; Thavisith Bounyasouk, Department of Agriculture (DOA), Vientiane, Lao PDR; Lorcan Bourke, Bord Bia - Irish Food B

15、oard, Dublin 2, Ireland; Trevor Brown, Jamaica Organic Agriculture Movement JOAM, Kingston 6, Jamaica; Marie Reine Bteich, Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei - Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari - CIHEAM- IAM Bari, Bari, Acknowledgements 18 FiBL Klaus Bchel, Klaus Bche

16、l Anstalt, Mauren, Liechtenstein; Stefan Bhler, Bio Test Agro AG, Mnsingen, Switzerland; Andreas Brkert, Universitt Kassel, Fachbereich kologische Agrarwissenschaften University of Kassel, Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences, Witzenhausen, Germany; Diana Callear, Afrisco, Lynnwood Ridge, South Africa; Flvia Castro, International Federation of Organic Ag


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