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1、华中科技大学第七届模拟联合国大会HUSTMUN2012背景文件Background Guide联合国教科文组织UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)2012 年 10 月华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国 HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN2012 2 2 22华中科技大学模拟联合国大会HUST MUN2012BackgroundBackgroundBackgroundBackground GuideGuideGui

2、deGuideCommittee:Committee:Committee:Committee:UNUNUNUN Educational,Educational,Educational,Educational, Scientific,Scientific,Scientific,Scientific, andandandand CulturalCulturalCulturalCultural OrganizationOrganizationOrganizationOrganization (UNESCO)(UNESCO)(UNESCO)(UNESCO)Language:Language:Langu

3、age:Language:EnglishEnglishEnglishEnglishTopic:Topic:Topic:Topic: SafeguardingSafeguardingSafeguardingSafeguarding IntangibleIntangibleIntangibleIntangible CulturalCulturalCulturalCultural HeritageHeritageHeritageHeritageTheTheTheThe AuthorsAuthorsAuthorsAuthors ofofofof thethethethe BackgroundBackg

4、roundBackgroundBackground GuideGuideGuideGuideXuXuXuXu YunkeYunkeYunkeYunke MaMaMaMaYingboYingboYingboYingbo华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国 HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN2012 2 2 23WelcomeWelcomeWelcomeWelcome LetterLetterLetterLetterDear delegates,Itisour distinct pleasure to we

5、lcomeyouto the Educational, Scientific and CulturalOrganization (UNESCO)ofHuazhong UniversityofScience and Technology Model United Nations 2012 (HUSTMUN2012)inWuhan!As the conference approaches, we suppose thatyouare excited about participatinginoneofthe most important specialized agenciesofthe Unit

6、ed Nations. Since establishedin1946, UNESCO has been working to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. Itisthrough this dialogue that the world can achieve global visionsofsustainable development encompassing obser

7、vanceofhuman rights, mutual respect and the alleviationofpoverty, allofwhich are at the heartofUNESCOSmission and activities.Youwill have the opportunity to interact with students from universities all over the country, who share a passion for solving the worldsmost pressing issues. This year, the U

8、NESCO committee will have a debate concerned with safeguarding intangible culturalheritage. All the delegates are encouraged to take the obligationsoftheir presented nations and try to come up with constructive proposals todeal withthis culturalproblem.Given your expertise and experience the followi

9、ng may appear evident, however, we cannot stress enough how crucial itisthat asyouare preparing for the conference and researching the topicsyoufocus on the role and interestsofyour specific countryina global context. We encourageyoutoengageinresearch that goes beyond the study guide,sothatyouwill e

10、nter the conference with a solid foundation and a profound understanding of, and appreciationfor,the complexityofthe topics.This conference will be a spectacular experience for allofus. Ifyouhave any questions, please donthesitate tocontactusbye-mails. We look forwardtomeetingyouallinDecember!Faithf

11、ully, XuYunke () Ma Yingbo()华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国华中科技大学模拟联合国 HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN201HUSTMUN2012 2 2 24CommitteeCommitteeCommitteeCommittee BackgroundBackgroundBackgroundBackgroundThe United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)isa specialized agencyoft

12、he United Nations (UN). It works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. Itis through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visionsofsustainable development encompassing observanceofhuman rights, mutual

13、 respect and the alleviationofpoverty, allof which are atthe heartofUNESCOSmission and activities. UNESCOisthe heirofthe LeagueofNations International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation. The broad goals and concrete objectivesofthe international community as set outinthe internationally agreed d

14、evelopment goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) underpin all UNESCOsstrategies and activities. Thus UNESCOsunique competenciesineducation, the sciences, culture and communication and information contribute towardsthe realizationofthose goals. UNESCO has 195 Member States (it rece

15、ntly added PalestineinNovember 2011) and eight Associate Members. Mostofthe field offices are “cluster“ offices covering three or more countries; there are also national and regional offices. Most Member States have established Permanent Delegations to UNESCO which, headedbyAmbassadors, undertake li

16、aison between the Organization and their governments. All Member States have established a National Commission for UNESCO. The UNESCO National Commissions are national cooperating bodies set upbytheMemberStatesforthepurposeofassociatingtheirgovernmentaland non-governmental bodies with the workofthe Organization. Member States and Associate Members designate one or several Ministries responsible for relations with UNESCO and/or MinistriesinUNESCOs field


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