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1、中译英的解题技巧Tips on translation 阅读汉语,分析信息,理解句子的意思。e.g. 今天下午我没空,我和牙医有约。(appointment)(2005高考)Im not available/free this afternoon because I have an appointment with my dentist.请尽早做出决定,不然你会坐失良机。(or)miss the golden chancePlease make your decision as early as possible, or youll miss the golden chance.他的话让我忍俊

2、不禁。(help)sb. cant help doing .I couldnt help laughing at what he had said.许多外国游客都想去长城一游, 他们知道“不到 长城非好汉。” (visit) (2002春考)“He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true man.” Many foreign tourists want to visit the Great Wall, for they know that “He who doesnt reach the Great Wall is not a true ma

3、n.” Have a try! 因人而异 不辞辛苦 受益非浅 喜闻乐见 大智若愚vary from person to persontake the trouble to do sthbenefit a lot from .love to see and hearA wise man appears / seems to be a fool.2. 根据意思选择句子结构,搭起基本框架。(特别要按英语的表达逻辑来调整语句。)这里禁止吸烟。坚持下去,必有收获。Here doesnt allow smoking.桌上有一份生日礼物。全市到处在建高楼大厦。应当注意对树木的保护。Keep doing, w

4、ill gain something.Keep doing it and you will gain something.Smoking is not allowed here.On the table has a birthday present.There is a birthday present on the table.Everywhere in the city is building highrises.Highrises are being built all over the city.Must pay attention to protecting trees.1. We

5、must pay attention to protecting trees. 2. Attention must be paid to protecting trees.Use passive voice Find a proper subjectUse some sentence structures (There be, imperative sentence, etc)no subjectSolutionHave a try !应该鼓励学生把课堂上所学的知识运用到实践中去。(apply)应当继续努力控制污染,保护环境。(effort)这里的菜烧得很好,还有免费蛋糕供应。(provide

6、) )外出旅游时务必注意保护环境,为他人着想。(sure) Students should be encouraged to apply what they have learned in class to practice. We should continue making all the efforts to control pollution and protect the environment. The dishes here are well cooked and free cakes are provided. Be sure to pay attention to prote

7、cting the environment and think of others while travel ing. 我们现在所居住的城市过去曾经是一个小村庄。(used) 装满衣物和药品的飞机昨晚到达灾区。(load)使我感到惊讶的是,六十年前生产的机器还在这家 工厂里使用。(in use)The city used to be a small village.The plane arrived at the disaster area last night.To my surprise, the machine is still in use in the factory.The cit

8、y which we live in now used to be a small village.The plane (which was) loaded with clothing and medicine arrived at the disaster area last night.To my surprise, the machine (which was) produced sixty years ago is still in use in this factory.figure out the central part (word) of the phraseuse prope

9、r participle or attributive clause(分词) (定语从句) pay attention to the subject-verb concord (主谓一致) 我从未想到Tom会当选为学生会主席。 ( occur)(2002) sth. occur to sb.It never occurred to me that Tom would be elected chairman of the Students Union. 所有学生都应该能够得到高等教育。 (available)sth. be available to sb.Higher education sho

10、uld be available to all the students? 你不可能独立完成这项工作的。 It is/was + adj. + for sb.+ to do . It is impossible for you to complete the task alone.同样要注意convenient, necessary, essential等词。他越说越激动。the more ., the more . The more he said, the more excited he became. 研究所给提示词,选择适当的词汇和表达 手段进行翻译。 e.g. 他的包被抢了。(rob

11、)rob sb. of sth.He was robbed of his bag.这款手机式样新颖、携带方便,深受年轻人的 欢迎。(popular)be popular with .The mobile phone is modern in style and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with youngsters. 检查。注意:是否有成分遗漏动词形式单词拼写 标点符号 大小写Homework: 1. 他突然想到忘了带驾驶证。(occur) 2. 所有学生都应该能够得到高等教育。(access) 3. 这小孩太调皮了,使得他那忙于工

12、作的父母 常常心烦意乱。(So) 4. 这位金牌获得者在电视上广泛地向公众露面 。(expose) 5.我向她请教,她总是有求必应,而且解释得令 我十分满意。(satisfaction) Homework: 1. 他突然想到忘了带驾驶证。(occur)It suddenly occurred to him that he had forgotten to take his driving licence / drivers license . 2. 所有学生都应该能够得到高等教育。 (access)All the students should have access to higher ed

13、ucation. 3. 这小孩太调皮了,使得他那忙于工作的父母 常常心烦意乱。(So) So naughty is the boy that he often upsets his parents who are busy with their work.4. 这位金牌获得者在电视上广泛地向公众露面。 (expose) expose sth./sb./oneself to sth 使.暴露于 . be exposed to .The gold medal winner has been widely exposed to the public on TV. 5.我向她请教,她总是有求必应,而且

14、解释得令 我十分满意。(satisfaction) Every time I ask her for advice, she is always ready to help, and explains to my full satisfaction. 1. 不遗余力 2. 不相上下 3. 不由自主 4. 不知所措 5. 不负众望 6. 重蹈覆辙 7. 出类拔萃 8. 触目惊心 9. 吹毛求疵 10. 大功告 成 spare no effort / go to all lengths be equally matched can not help be at a loss live up to

15、ones expectations make the same mistake again be distinguished be shocked at the sight of sth. find fault with others have achieved a great success 11. 大失所 望 12. 得意忘 形 13. 大惊小 怪 14. 颠三倒 四 15. 喋喋不 休 16. 半途而 废 17. 价廉物 美 18. 坚持不 懈 19. 岌岌可 危 20. 年老体 弱 be greatly disappointed go wild with joy make a fuss disorderly; confused; reverse talk endlessly give up halfway cheap and fine/ a good buy persevere in doing be at risk old and weak 21. 心烦意 乱 22. 热泪盈 眶 23. 置若罔 闻 24. 视而不 见 25. 筋疲力 尽 26. 热情洋 溢 27. 同甘共 苦 28.一见钟 情 29. 问心无 愧 30. 循序渐 进 be upset be filled with tears


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