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1、 Brief IntroductionHeadlines : is a bit of a short summary, introducing the story at the beginning of a news, or appearing at the top of an article or a website.Why should I read this story?in terms of form and contents Straight headlineHeadlines that contain a questionFeature headlinesHeadline that

2、 contain a quotationFrom language and words technology Long and prolixprecisePlain and ordinaryForm classicalArtful forms with decorationAccording to its forms Cross line or KeylineFlush-left headlinesInverted pyramid formDrop or step headlineBanner headline or streamerCentered headlineJump head hea

3、dline straight headline (最普遍的标题) it is the easiest news headline for the readers to understand. this kind of news headline usually highly summarizes the news item and represents readers the most valuable content. from this, the readers can get an impression of the directness and vividness of English

4、 language. Examples: a. girls die in blaze b. Taiwan recognizes mainland currencyheadlines that contain a question (1) indicating things are likely to happen in the future, such as, a.oil price to rise b. OPCE to raise oil output? (2) doubting about the reality of some affairs a. Korea unity in fire

5、 year? b. A Europe “with one voice”? c. police allowed jailbreak? those who know the situation or have the common sense would suspect the above news item and their possibilities. (3)representing the reasons of a specific event a. Murder on campus: can it be averted? b. why congress dont work? headli

6、nes that contain a quotation (1) using the reasonable words from people as a news headline Example: we owe lives to our pilots.(this news headline is a sentence said by someone. ) (2) directly using words from the interviewer or a spokesman a. “we have to save our people” b. we dont quit” (3) using

7、words or opinion without improvement as a headline Vietnam: us planning another war” (4) the meaning of the words with a quotation mark usually differs from its general meaning. Norse “invasion” feature headlines(特色标题) feature stories should have feature headlines. the feature headlines are marked b

8、y language that can touch a readers curiosity, amazement, skepticism or humor. they reflect the tones of the stories rather than summarize the facts in them, Example:once-destitute village waves straw into goldprecise (简要标题) a . starstruck(Time) b. mugwump britain(the Spectator) c. anything but beef

9、(the Economist) d. battle for brains(Financial Times) the examples above use only one or two words. however, all of these news headlines represent the themes of these news items. long and prolix a. It must be a victory which peace can be built(The Sunday Times) b. heavy loses are reported in fightin

10、g in south Lebanon and along the coast ( The Sunday Times) these two news headlines can be rewritten in much briefer ways like this: a. Peace can be built only on a victory b. heavy loses for fighting in Lebanon this type of news headline is limited to appear in newspaper because of the restriction

11、of the page make-up. plain and ordinary a. Taiwan recognizes mainland currency(South China Morning Post) b. Kyrgyz troop free 4 us. hostages (The Washington Post) from classical this kind of news headline is in the form of quotations or from the classical works. some old sayings, proverbs and idioms

12、 are commonly used in this type of new headline. for example: a. Pride and prejudicefilm location(Geographical magazine) b. Farewell to arms (Times) c. A tale of two hearts(Newsweek) d. Liberty is the true mother of invention(u. s. News & World Report) artful forms with decoration rhetoric is used i

13、n this type of news headline, such as metaphor, rhyme, iron, exaggeration and pun with the purpose of acquiring certain effects. with the help of rhetoric, the news report can be vivid, humorous, and ironic so that the readers could have the experience of enjoying reading. therefore, this kind of ne

14、ws headline can not be understood promptly. only when the readers finish reading the whole news report can they obtain the theme of the news.cross line or key line this is the most traditional headline from which occupies only one or two columns arranged in one single line. usually it is recommended

15、 to mark a brief new story, e.g. markets brace for more volatility flush-left headlines u.n.agency warns of u.s.surge of deaths drop or step headline many new york clubs and offcie buildings violate the fire laws inverted pyramid form (倒金字塔结构) a special summer and forecast of federal and state tax D

16、evelopmentFactory WalkoutThreat OverSackingcentered headline death gap widens between cities and the county banner headline or streamer this is a big headline which runs across the whole printed paper. it is used to denote the importance new. e.g. OPEC ministers agree to drop the price of oil jump head headline(隔页标题)


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