Unit 8 Space Exploration.ppt1 (3)

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《Unit 8 Space Exploration.ppt1 (3)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 Space Exploration.ppt1 (3)(39页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 Space Exploration第三组制作组长:王巧莉 组员:任华茜、陈鹏、彭江湖、李俊甫 曾海、罗骁、王霆、魏东、燕鸿博The development of space exploration Exploring outer space history records too much, I only brief help you summarize: October 4, 1957 launch in human history first man- made satellite: putnam, Nick. On April 12, 1961, the Soviet un

2、ion successfully launched the worlds first manned spaceship “Oriental“ 1, on the ships astronaut is added and Lin. On June 16, 1963 the worlds first female astronauts to the list of the Soviet unions poritzkova ride “Oriental“ 6 in space, in orbit of 70 hours 50 minutes and 48 laps around the earth.

3、 July 16, 1969, the us Apollo 11 spacecraft leave the earth, flying to the moon. July 20, the United States 10 PM eastern time 56 minutes, landing in about six hours, the astronauts Armstrong to drill a command module, down to the surface of the moon. April 15, 1970 Apollo 13 crew arrived at the moo

4、ns far side, the distance from the surface of the moon 254 kilometers, 400171 miles (kilometers) from earth, a astronaut space flight at the far end of the record. July 25, 1984, the Soviet union female astronautss maria go savoy card “salute“ 7 of the space station batteries, for 3 hours and minute

5、s of a space walk, become the worlds first female astronauts on the space walk. In 2008 India plans to explore Mars In 2010, the space shuttle discovery will abolish after the shuttle will not repeat it, upgrade is empty day plane, safety performance is improved greatly. In 2010, the international s

6、pace station will be built, the total weight of 423 tons, 108 m long and 88 meters wide. There are six laboratory, and a standard payload ark, can carry six to seven. This will be the biggest space station. The 2012 human plan in the moon base construction. In 2026 the United States plan of putting

7、humans into Mars.学 习 任 务 cultivate your interest in exploring the space learn about the word-choice in EST writing read English scientific papers from world famous lectures about the space write a summary or abstract for a scientific paper develop your word-building, sentence-making, discourse-under

8、standing abilities in EST enrich your vocabulary related to the subject of the space exploration translate EST sentences专 业 术 语宇宙尘埃 cosmic dust宇宙膨胀 expansion of the universe宇宙射线 cosmic rays极光 aurora星球 orb 人造卫星 artificial satellite 宇宙 cosmos行星的 planetaryThe intruduction of astronomersStephen William

9、Hawking, (born 8 January 1942) is an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist, whose scientific books and public appearances have made him an academic celebrity.普朗克,M.(Max Planck 1858 1947)近代伟大的德国物理学家,量子 论的奠基人。1858年4月23日生于基尔 。1867年,其父民法学教授J.W.von普朗 克应慕尼黑大学的聘请任教,从而举家 迁往慕尼黑。普朗克在慕尼黑度过了少 年时期,1874年入

10、慕尼黑大学。由于这一发现对 物理学的发展作出 的贡献,他获得1918年诺贝 尔物理学 奖。 自20世纪20年代以来,普朗克成了德国 科学界的中心人物,与当时德国以及国 外的知名物理学家都有着密切联系。 1918年被选为 英国皇家学会会员,1930 1937年他担任威廉皇帝协会会长。 1947年10月4日在哥廷根逝世Does God Play Dice? 1 In ancient times, the world must have seemed pretty arbitrary and random. Disasters such as floods or diseases must have

11、 seemed to happen without warning, or apparent reason. Primitive people attributed such natural phenomena, to a pantheon of gods and goddesses, who behaved in a capricious and whimsical way. There was no way to predict what they would do, and the only hope was tow in favor by gifts or actionsMany pe

12、ople still partially subscribe to this belief, and try to make a pact with fortune. They offer to do certain things, if only they can get an A-grade for a course, or pass their driving test. 2 Gradually however, people must have noticed certain regularities in the behavior of nature. These regularit

13、ies were most obvious, in the motion of the heavenly bodies across the sky. So astronomy was the first science to be developed. It was put on a firm mathematical basis by Newton, more than 300 years ago, and we still use his theory of gravity to predict the motion of almost all celestial bodies. Fol

14、lowing the example of astronomy, it was found that other natural phenomena also obeyed definite scientific laws. This led to the idea of scientific determinism, which seems first to have been publicly expressed by the French scientist,Laplace1.I thought I would like to quote Laplaces actual words, s

15、o I asked a friend to track them down. They are in French of course, not that I expect that would be any problem with this audience. But the trouble is, Laplace was rather like Prewst,in that he wrote sentences of inordinate length and complexity. So I have decided to paraphrase the quotation. In effect what he said was, that if at one time, we knew the positions and speeds of all the particlesin the universe, then we could calculate their behavior at any other time, in t


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