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1、江苏省扬州市8年级第二学期英语期中测试(试卷总分140分,考试时间100分钟) 2009.4第I卷(选择题 80分)一 听力部分(计25分)A ). 情景应答,根据听到的内容选择正确的答语(听一遍)。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ( ) 1. A. Thats a good idea B. No, lets go at 5:00 C. No, lets do it a little earlier( ) 2. A. Certainly,here you are B. Yes,thats right C. Not at all.( ) 3. A. Internet and help us a

2、 lot B. Twice a week C. Not often( ) 4. A. They are your B. Its yours C. They are ours.( ) 5. A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I like it C. Sorry, I dont knowB ). 听对话,选择正确的答语(听两遍)。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)听5段对话,每段对话后各有一个问题,根据对话内容及问题,选择正确的答语 ( ) 6. A. The bus stop. B. The post office C. The bookshop( ) 7. A. Because

3、she enjoys traveling.B. Because she thinks the way is too long.C. because the air ticket is too expensive.( ) 8. A. 10:40 B. 10:55 C. 11:10( ) 9. A. 35 kilograms B. 100 grams C. 100 kilograms( ) 10. A Yellow B. Black C. Red.听下面一段对话,回答11至12小题 ( ) 11. Where are the two speakers?A. At a food shop. B. I

4、n a library. C. At a book shop.( ) 12. Who likes history very much?A. The man. B. The mans son. C. The woman.听下面一段对话,回答13至15小题 ( ) 13. Whats wrong with Peter?A. He had a bad cold. B. His arm was broken.C. His leg was broken. ( ) 14. Where did the accident happen?A. In the street.B. In the school.C.

5、In the hospital.( ) 15. How long does Peter have to stay in hospital?A. A few days. B. A few weeks C. A few months.C ). 听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案(听两遍)。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分) ( ) 16. How do monkeys hold things?A. With their noses B. With their hands and feet C. With their mouths( ) 17. What are monkeys good at?A. E

6、ating other animals B. Swimming in the water C. Climbing and running( ) 18. Why cant monkeys live without trees and forests?A. Because they live in groups. B. Because they are good for treesC. Because they need fruits.( ) 19. What can we know from the passage?A. Monkeys love people. B. Monkeys sleep

7、 on the ground C. Monkeys live in groups( ) 20. If there is a danger, what will the head monkeys do?A. He will protect the other monkeys B. He will protect himselfC. He will do nothing.D ). 短文填空,每空一词 ( 听两遍 ) ( 共5空,每空1分,计5分)Timmy is a teenager. He lives in Taiwan. He survived the ( 21 ) _in 1999. He

8、was doing some shopping when he heard a loud ( 22 ) _ . When the noise ended, he was trapped and could not get out. A moment of ( 23 ) _ went through his mind. Then he tried to ( 24 ) _ down and ( 25 ) _ for help.二 单项选择。(每小题分,共分) ( ) 26. - _ will your father come back?-In a week.A. How farB. How soo

9、nC. How longD. How often( ) 27. I have made many friends _ I came here.A. for B. after C. since D. before( ) 28. The structure of this sentence The flowers look beautiful. Is _.A. S+V B. S+V+P C. S+V+DO D. S+V+IO+DO( ) 29.-_ou even been to Shanghai? -No, never. A.Have B.How often have C.Are D. How l

10、ong have( ) 30. Our hometown has changed a lot _.A.since the past B.for the past thirty yearsC.in the past D.sice the past( ) 31. He _to get up very late but nw he doesnt.A.uses B.used C.is used D.used not( ) 32. We are going to have a farewell party for them _the end of the term.A.in B.for C.at D.b

11、y( ) 33. I didnt know if _ was around and I felt _. A. someone, lonely B. someone, frightenedC. anyone, alone D. anyone, lonely( ) 34.You may call him _ 67778188 or e-mail him _ L.A. on, atB. on, onC. at, atD. at, on( ) 35. Your idea _, but I dont agree with it.A.is sounded good B.sounds well C. sou

12、nds nice D.sounds to be good( ) 36.-Mum, can I play the computer game now?-If your homework _.A.is finished B.will be finishedC. has been finished D. has finished( ) 37.You can go to the centre of the city _an underground or _taxi.A.on, by B.by, on C.on, on D.by, by( ) 38. There arent any _ the numb

13、er of golden eagles.A. changes onB. change onC. changes inD. change in( ) 39. The pigeons are flying _ in the sky. I can _ see them.A. high, hardB. highly, hardC. high, hardlyD. highly, hardly( ) 40. There _lots of stationery _ in the shop.A.are, to buy B.is , to buy it C.is, to buy D.are, to buy th

14、em三 完型填空。(每小题分,共分)Miss Williams was a teacher, and there were thirty small children in her class. They were very nice, and Miss Williams liked _41_of them, but they often lost clothes. It was winter, and the weather was very cold. The childrens mothers always _42_ them to school with warm coats and hats and gloves (手套). The children came into the classroom in the morning and _43_ their coats and hats and gloves. They _44_ their coats and ha


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