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1、托福专业 1 对 1 在线保分培训机构 【TPO 小站】http:/ 1 1 1 1 对对 1 1 1 1 在线培训机构【在线培训机构【TPOTPOTPOTPO 小站小站】 【保【保 100100100100分】分】 QQQQQQQQ:1684572074168457207416845720741684572074OROROROR1759468305175946830517594683051759468305 http:/ 小站】 荣誉出品托福满分作文素材集锦托福专业 1 对 1 在线保分培训机构 【TPO 小站】http:/ 1 1 1 1 对对 1 1 1 1 在线培训机构【在线培训机构【

2、TPOTPOTPOTPO 小站小站】 【保【保 100100100100分】分】 QQQQQQQQ:1684572074168457207416845720741684572074OROROROR1759468305175946830517594683051759468305 http:/ find examples one need look no further than the success of fantasy film “The Lord of The Rings“, one of the most renowned films in the year 2004. This out

3、standing film, which won all 11Oscar awards that it was nominated, is understandable to most people asatale about an imaginative alliance of good souls battling againstafrightful evil, and may be further interpreted as struggle of humans with industrialization and war. The success of “The Lord of Th

4、e Rings“ isno doubt the representative of such great artistic works.(容易被接受;反应现实)康德Its extremely hard and obscure. This is because its ideas are radical and difficult, and because Kant isacareful philosopher. recognize this book as what it is-one of the most important contributions toascholarly field

5、 ever.Theyre for specialists and scholars, and are written inalanguage that is appropriately technical to that task.(简介)Kant, the founder of classical mentalism, wrote his great work The Critique of Pure Reason quite obscurely, and even the most outstanding contemporary philosophers would not be abl

6、e to understand it. However, the book is now acknowledged as the prerequisite books for those whomajor in philosophy. (难懂的作品也会得到承认)莫奈Monets famous work “Impression: Sunrise“ was not understood initially, since it seems peculiar foralarge amount of blue was used as the major color for sunlight. Howev

7、er, this work eventually earned its reputation and had led to the name for impressionism.(难懂的作品也会得到承认)Monet did not find acclaim and wealth to later in his life and at times suffered through extreme poverty. Success also allowed him some degree of freedom in his work.(艺术家很贫穷)达芬奇 Leonardo da Vinci tr

8、ained asapainter during the Renaissance and becameatrue master of the craft. His amazing powers of observation and skill as an illustrator enabled him to notice andrecreate the effects he saw in nature, and addedaspecial liveliness to his portraits.(简介)He hadakeen eye and quick mind that led him to

9、make important scientific discoveries, yet henever published his ideas. He wasagentle vegetarian who loved animals and despised war, yet he worked asamilitary engineer to invent advanced and deadly weapons.He was one of the greatest painters of the Italian Renaissance, yet he left onlyahandful of co

10、mpleted paintings.(通才)All in all, Leonardo believed that the artist must know not just the rules of perspective, but all the laws of nature. The eye, he believed, was the perfect instrument for learning these laws, and the托福专业 1 对 1 在线保分培训机构 【TPO 小站】http:/ 1 1 1 1 对对 1 1 1 1 在线培训机构【在线培训机构【TPOTPOTPOT

11、PO 小站小站】 【保【保 100100100100分】分】 QQQQQQQQ:1684572074168457207416845720741684572074OROROROR1759468305175946830517594683051759468305 http:/ the perfect person to illustrate them.(艺术家创造的源泉)Evenamaster like Leonardo was forced to sell out in order to support himself(也有穷的时候)贝多芬Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-18

12、27) was one of the greatest, if not the greatest, composer to ever live. Most people are familiar withafew of his works, if nothing more than the beginning of the Fifth Symphony, the Finale of the Ninth Symphony and the “Moonlight“ Sonata.(简介)Beethoven, the German Composer, began to lose his hearing

13、 in 1801 and was entirely deaf by 1819. However, this obstacle could not keep him from becoming one of the most famous and prolific composers in art history. His music, including 9 symphonies, 5 piano concertos, severalsenates and so on, formsatransition from classical to romantic composition.(耳朵失聪坚

14、持创作) The fourth movement of his Ninth Symphony isasetting of Schillers poem Ode toJoy,an optimistic hymn championing the brotherhood of humanity.Beethoven, one of the greatest composers and musicians, created many symphonies. Astonishingly, he produced his most famous symphony, Chorus, with complete deafness. How could he manageit? It must be the prominent imagination that stimulated him to struggle and thrive, thus he can even listen in spite of no hearings.(兴趣的作用)When his finale of Ninth Symphonies, Choru


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