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1、智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料雅思口语话题范文:描述一个家庭小编为各位考生整理了雅思口语话题范文:描述一个家庭的相关介 绍(What is Family? How do you define a family?),供考生们参考使用。 What is Family? How do you define a family? People who care and love each other with a heart filled with respect . I would define my Family as a breath of fresh air! People who you

2、hate most of the time, but are forced to love unconditionally : Bunch of people who will make you sometimes happy, sometimes sad but are always there when you need them, when you are going through good times and bad. The ones that are there for you all your life through good and bad. they love and c

3、are for you even if you are the most hated person in the world, and always have a shoulder to lean on. Some words to describe Family !fun, loving, caring, compassionate, thoughtful, wonderful exciting, joyful, protective, loving, functional togetherness, lovable, trustworthy, funny, adventuress,spon

4、tanious, fun filled, halarious, gods angelsm, comforting Say something about your Family! My maternal grandfathers ancestor came from. My family is big and hectic, but were always there for each other. definately protective. Unconventional, free-spirited, slightly bonkers, and occasionally irritatin

5、g. But compassionate, well-meaning and generally pretty great. 口语不好不一定是因为你害羞或者发音不准哦!真相点这里!口语 大师为你诊断Were not wealthy in assets, but we are richest in unity and support. Mostly we just get together for major family events. My immediately family is kind of large and I would not consider us close, thoug

6、h many outsiders do. I guess we are at least rather involved in each others lives for people to say that. However, each of us is an individual and independent of the others, so thats what makes me say that we are not close. We get along, in general, though. That is the important thing. And even with

7、in the immediate family, were not especially close, we just kind of sit around and have meaningless conversations, and the closest we ever come to actual family time anymore is maybe sitting down to play a few argument-filled hands of Gin Rummy. 相关推荐: 雅思口语part3解题技巧 雅思口语试听课限时预约,名师带你突围“哑巴英语”! 课程名称 授课课时 班型 咨询 雅思达标班 雅思6分钻石小班雅思6.5-7分钻石小班 150课时 全日制 了解详细 了解详细 了解详细 雅思精品保6分班 480课时 全日制 了解详细


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