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1、reception 12 uphold permanent Representative of China to the United Nations 13 Pivotal moment gain a better understanding of make what is good still better inauguration 14 opening ceremony suppliers dealers business associates corporate citizen span 21 Grammy action motive 22 be hooked on 23 buddy l

2、ist balance sheet 30 leading products 31 the Empire State Building the Pentagon output value 32 average annual growth rate subsidiaries bottom end publicly held companies lunar new year 41 reunion dinner strengthen the sense of togetherness core values multi-generation families kinship and friendshi

3、p smart/posh restaurant send new year greetings via phone or text message seek temporary refuge Chinese cultural legacy modes of celebration apply for scholarship 42 liven up campus activities the General Assembly Session 52 full of modern vitality招待会 维护,发扬 中国常驻联合国代表紧要关头 增进了解 锦上添花 开业 开幕式,典礼 供货商 经销商

4、业务伙伴 企业公民 跨过 格莱美奖 动作片 迷恋 好友名单 资产负债表 主导产品 帝国大厦 五角大楼 产值 年均增长 分公司 垫底 上市公司 农历新年 团圆饭 增强凝聚力核心价值观 多代同堂 亲情和友情 高级餐馆 电话、短信拜年避年 中华文化遗产 庆祝的形式 申请奖学金 活跃校园 全体大会 充满时代生机a country with a long history and civilization folk customs 53 World Cultural Heritage sites World Natural Heritage sites a well-off society sustain

5、able development give a major push to be vested by with 54 full member associate member affiliate member sovereign state at an enormous rate 55 alleyway back-streets be blind to coordinate, harmonize Framework Convention on Tobacco Control 67 bring into force second-hand smoke violate a national con

6、stitution be infected with 69 take efficient measures prevention curb the rapid spread of monitoring system grass roots culmination 77 doping Olympic Truce the rule of law/ run the country according to the law 87 people become masters of their country safeguard peoples democratic rights and human ri

7、ghts press ahead with political reform emerging economic power 89 family planning policy 99 sex ratio at birth/ birth ratio/ newborn sex ratio working-age population 100文明古国民族风情 世界文化遗产地 世界自然遗产地 小康社会 可持续发展 起到重要的推动作用 受到。 。 。委托进行。 。 。工作 正式成员 联系成员 附属成员 主权国家 快速地 小巷 小街 对。 。 。熟视无睹 协调 烟草控制框架公约使。 。 。生效 被动吸烟

8、违背国家宪法 受到感染 采取有效措施 预防 控制。 。 。蔓延 监控系统 基层 顶点 兴奋剂 奥林匹克休战 依法治国人民当家作主保障人民的民主权利和人权推进政治体制改革 崛起的经济大国 计划生育政策 出生性别比劳动适龄人口life expectancy adverse effects 102 place a high priority on clothing, food, lodging and transportation lift out of poverty Millennium Development Goals total volume of the economy 109 on a

9、 sound track 110 do practical things 112 “China threat theory” the UN Security Council permanent member (of the Security Council) the starting point and purpose a staunch force for peace anti-dumping action 121 charge duty on remove the injury to initiate export-oriented economy trade dispute fricti

10、on labour - intensive industry knowledge-based industry dispute settlements 123 eliminate trade barriers foreign exchange reserve 125 overall national strength protection of intellectual property rights sales promotion 133 unexpected disaster 143 preventive and warning mechanisms bring coals to Newc

11、astle 146 fertilizers, pesticides, other chemicals and silt something marine creature awareness of environmental protection make a good start/ the beginning of the year is crowned with success 167预期寿命 负面影响 高度重视 衣食住行使。 。 。脱贫 千年发展目标 经济总量 运行情况良好 办实事 “中国威胁论” 联合国安理会 常任理事国出发点和归宿 维护和平的坚定力量 反倾销措施 对。 。 。加收关税

12、 消除对。 。 。的损害 发起 外向型经济 贸易争端 摩擦 劳动密集型产业 知识型产业 解决争端 消除贸易壁垒 国家外汇储备 综合国力 知识产权保护促销,产品推介 突发灾难 预警机制班门弄斧,多此一举 化肥、杀虫剂、其他化学产品和煤粉 都在不断地毒害和扼杀海洋生物环保理念开门红processing trade growth momentum the site- use- right/ the right to use the site 179 assets evaluation company the most congenial city in China 191 pillar industry/ fundamental sector the plot ratio construction density the green rate currency regime 222 bad loans turnover combat the financing of terrorism 224 money laundering trade deficit 225加工贸易 增长势头 场地使用权资产评估公司 中国最温馨城市支柱产业 容积率 建筑密度 绿地率 货币机制 坏账 交易量 反恐融资洗钱 贸易赤字



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