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1、国内图书分类号: TP391国际图书分类号: 621.3工程硕士学位论文多局组网中归属位置寄存器系统的设计与实现硕 士 研 究 生:阎玉双导师:王宽全教授副导师:王成工程师申 请 学 位:工程硕士学 科 、 专 业:软件工程所 在 单 位:软件学院答 辩 日 期:2007 年 12 月授予学位单位:哈尔滨工业大学Classified Index:TP391U.D.C.: 621.3Dissertation for the Masters Degree in EngineeringTHE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATIONOF HLR SYSTEMIN MULTI-BUREAUS

2、 NETWORKCandidate: Supervisor:Associate Supervisor:Academic Degree Applied for:Speciality:Affiliation:Date of Defence:Degree-Conferring-Institution:Yan Yushuang Prof. Wang Kuanquan Engineer Wang Cheng Master of EngineeringSoftware EngineeringSchool of SoftwareDecember, 2007Harbin Institute of Techno

3、logy哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文摘要本课题来源于大唐电信科技股份有限公司和北京信威公司合作开发的 SCDMA( Synchronization Code Division Multiple Access 同步码分多址,俗称大灵通)无线接入系统。目前 SCDMA 无线接入系统已经在国内十多个 省市开始使用,但是,随着用户规模的不断扩大,原来的 SCDMA 核心交 换网的设计方面暴露出一些缺陷。主要表现在两个方面:一个是用户量急剧 增长,需要占用过多的网间中继资源,对用户规模造成瓶颈。另一个是用户 量的膨胀对核心网的稳定性和安全性都提出了更高的要求。本论文主要研究在 SCDMA 核心交换网改

4、造中, HLR( Home LocationRegister 归属位置寄存器)系统的设计和实现。 HLR 属于 SCDMA 核心交换网的重要组成部分,主要用来存贮用户的 各种信息。本文在分析原有 SCDMA 系统组网模式的基础上,采用数据库 表优化的方法,并借鉴移动通信的组网模式和经验,设计开发出一套新型的 HLR 系统。首先,本文对 HLR 的数据库模块做了分析,根据系统访问数据库的特 性,设计了一套新的 HLR 数据库库表结构,新的数据库系统具有更高的效 率和良好的实时性。 其次,根据业界标准的关口局概念,设计并实现了GHLR(Gateway HLR 关口 HLR)系统,满足了核心交换网系

5、统中多局组网 的需要,并且扩大了系统的容量。然后,为了满足用户对系统稳定性的要求,提出和设计了 HLR 系统的容灾处理模型。最后,给出了系统的测试结 果,并对测试结果进行了简单的分析。 本系统在成都市网通公司通过验收以后,迅速在大庆油田、陕西、广西 等多个地方规模应用。实践证明,新系统能够满足用户的各种要求,具有易 于扩展和高稳定性的优点。目前,系统运行状况良好,并且为用户带来了可 观的经济效益。关键词同步码分多址;多局组网;归属位置寄存器;关口归属位置寄存 器;容灾技术- I -哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文AbstractThis question for discussion is fr

6、om the SCDMA wireless access system which was researched and developed by Datang telecom company and Beijing xinwei communication company. The system has been used in many provinces and cities in china. However, with the rapid development of the scale of subscribers, the design of old core switch ne

7、twork in SCDMA system explored many limitations.It mainly represented in two aspects: first, the sharply increase of subscribers demanded a lot of relay resource in network; second, the expanding of the subscribers is a threaten to the stability and security of the core switch nework. This paper is

8、mainly about the design and implement of HLR(Home Location Register) system SCDMA core switch network. HLR system is an important part of SCDMA core switch network. It can keeps the all of users information. This paper will design a new HLR system based the old SCDMA system network pattern and the n

9、etwork mode of mobile communication system will be used for reference. First, throuht the analyzing of database tables, it designs new tables based on the access of database. Second, it designs the GHLR(Gateway HLR)system according the standard of communication, meets the demand of multi-bureaus net

10、work in core switch and gives a high capicabilities. Third, it bring forward the disaster recovery technology of HLR for stabilitiy of the system.Finally, it gives the results of system testing, and analyzes the results. After being checked and accepted by Chengdu telecom company, this HLR system wa

11、s rapidly used in Daqing, Xian, Nanning and so on. The fact carried out that the new system fulfilled all kinds of demands of the subscribers and has the advantage of flexibleness and stability. At present, the status of the running system is all right and it brings a great deal of economic benefic.

12、KeywordsSCDMA,Multi-bureausNetwork,HomeLocationRegister, Gateway HLR, Disaster Recovery Technology- II -哈尔滨工业大学工程硕士学位论文目录目录摘要. I Abstract. II 第 1 章 绪论. 1 1.1 课题来源及背景. 1 1.1.1 SCDMA 系统简介.1 1.1.2 本课题研究的来源. 2 1.1.3 与论文相关的主要英文缩写的说明. 3 1.2 与课题相关的国内外研究综述. 3 1.2.1 国内外 SCDMA 研究现状.3 1.2.2 关于 HLR 系统的研究现状. 5 1.3 本论文的主要工作内容. 5 第 2 章 HLR 系统结构和改造内容.7 2.1 SCDMA 系统介绍. 7 2.1.1 SCDMA 系统网络参考模型. 7 2.1.2 SCDMA 系统本地组网方式. 8 2.2 HLR 的系统结构.



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