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1、浅谈非网络环境下教学方法 和教学活动的运用Street教学课例分析河北省丰宁县新世纪外国语学校 王双艳小学英语跨越式教学改革的思想和原则 :一.跨越式以“双主”教学思想为指导,充分利 用 网络资源,将信息技术的运用贯穿于英语 学科的教学中,将情景创设与故事阅读有机 的结合起来.二.跨越式教学确立以学生为主体,教师为引 导,训练为主线的教学原则.课例概述:Street这一课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书新起点 英语二年级上册中的第一课时.新单词有:bus stop, van, taxi, subway, subway station, and bicycle .主要句型是:Where are yo

2、u going ? Im going to. 本课的重点是掌握有关交通工具的单词和Where are you going ?这一句型.难点是在询问的过程中如何去帮助别人,也就是掌握和运 用新句型:How can I get there ? You had better by .Step 1, Warming up1.Free talk 1.This is my family .2.Who is he / she ? 3.What is he / she like ?4.What is he / she ?5.I have a happy family .( I love my family .

3、)Key points:2. Revision Key points :1.What can you see in the picture ?2.Where is the? 3.What color is it ?What shape is it ?What is he like ?Step 2 Presentation Demonstration: T: Hi !S: Hello !T: Where are you going ?S: I am going to the zoo .1.2. Demonstration: T: Where are you going ?S: I am goin

4、g to the park . How can I get there ?T: You had better by bus .S: Thank you !T: You are welcome !Step 3 .自主听读,巩固新单词Stop and go on the busy street . Van , taxi and bus .Stop and go on the busy street . Bicycle , taxi and subway too.Stop and go on the busy street . We meet in the bus stop and subway s

5、tation all .Chant :Step 4. 创设情景,巩固新句型Demonstration: T: Where are you from ?S: I am from Britain .T: Where are you going ?S: I am going to the hospital .How can I get there ?T: You had better by taxi .S: Thank you !T: You are welcome !Step 5. 网络资源的学习播放一首英文歌曲: Down by the station Down by the station ,

6、 early in the morning .See the little puffer bellies all in a row .See the engine driver pull the little handle .“ Chug , chug ; toot , toot ” , off we go .2。播放资源:Dialogue Madam :Hi ! Taxi !Driver: Yes, madam , can I help you ?Madam: Yes. Post office, please .Driver: OK. Which post office would you

7、like me to stop at ?Madam : Any post office so long as I can send a letter by airmail .Driver : Well, would the General Post Office be OK ?Madam : But, How long will it take me to get there ?Driver : Oh, its only about twenty minutes drive .Madam : Thats fine .Driver : Get in , please .3.播放资源 : Alfy

8、 goes to school 提出问题:Where is Alfy going ?2.How did he go to school ?Today , Alfy is going to a new school , and he is not very excited.“Mom, do I have to go to school , I dont know anybody there . I want to go back to my old school , where all my friends are ”.“Alfy , just be friendly , be yourself

9、 and you will make lots of new friends ”.(Ahhhhhhhhhh)This is going to be no fun . (Ahhh) Here I am at school , oh well.Step 6. Scene changing学生利用自己的手抄报来描述曾经去过或者想要去 的地方,使他们在不同的语言环境中运用学过的句型和 新句型及单词,以达到运用语言的目的我们要充分发挥教师在课堂教学中的主导 作用,运用丰富多彩,趣味性强的网络资源,通 过在教学中不断总结,妙用多种形式的教学 活动,为学生创造理想的听说环境,提供尽可 能多的表达和交流的机会,在充分的对话,交 流中,提高听说以及综合运用语言的能力,并 积极探索思考存在的问题,努力寻求解决的 策略,不断完善,不断更新观念,使学生养成良 好的英语学习习惯.Thank you very much !


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