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1、湖南大学硕士学位论文顾客资产的价值评估研究姓名:谢峰申请学位级别:硕士专业:企业管理指导教师:于坤章20041001硕士学位论文 I摘 要 顾客价值研究是近几年市场营销领域的一个热点,但也是一个难点。顾客是企业价值和利润的源泉,企业的市场策略和市场行为都应该以顾客的需求为中心。 然而有些企业会发现,尽管企业很好地满足了顾客的需求,但有些顾客却不能给企业带来利润,有的顾客甚至还会侵蚀企业的利潤。因此,企业不应该盲目地满足顾客需求,作为一个盈利性组织,企业应该对顾客有所选择,这就需要对顾客的价值进行分析和研究。顾客资产理论作为一种顾客价值研究理论,它从资产的视角来研究顾客在企业生产经营中的地位和作

2、用,并以此制定企业的顾客经营策略。而顾客资产理论的一个首要和核心观点就是如何确定顾客资产的价值,本文的研究也因此侧重于对顾客资产的价值评估。 论文首先对国外内有关顾客价值的理论进行了介绍,并对这些理论的先进性和缺陷进行了阐述,以便论文能具有扎实的理论基础、前瞻性和深刻的理论意义。在论文的第二章,对顾客资产价值的实质、特性和构成进行了详细论述,发现顾客资产的实质在于顾客关系的价值创造性,并由此得出顾客资产价值主要由顾客基本购买价值、交叉销售价值、口碑价值和知识价值四方面构成,这些研究结果为顾客资产价值评估模型的构建奠定了坚实的基础。论文的第三章对顾客资产价值评估所必需支撑理论关系营销理论、顾客生

3、命周期理论和资产评估理论与预测技术这三大理论进行了阐述。第四章和第五章是本论文的核心部分,分别从理论和实证两方面对顾客资产价值评估进行了研究。在理论研究部分,论文首先提出了顾客资产价值评估的计量模型,并创造性地将顾客维系模型和交叉销售模型融入 L O G I T模型,提出了顾客维系率和交叉销售率的计量方法;在实证研究部分,论文以电信企业为背景,对理论研究部分提出的顾客资产价值评估模型及其中主要参数的确定方法进行了实证检验,检验的结果表明了评估模型的准确性。最后,论文概述了顾客资产价值评估的应用,表明了顾客资产价值评估的实际意义,并在结论部分总结了论文的研究成果、研究缺陷以及进一步研究的方向。

4、关键词:顾客;顾客资产;顾客资产价值;评估 顾客资产的价值评估研究 IIAbstract The study on customer value is a focus of the marketing field in recent years, but a difficult point. Customers are the source of enterprise value and profit, so market tactics and market behavior of enterprise should regard the customers demand as in the

5、 center. But some enterprises will find, though enterprises well meet customers demands, but some customer can bring little profit to enterprise, some customer can corrode the profit of enterprises even. So, as a profitability organization, enterprises should not meet customers demand blindly, but s

6、hould choose to some extent customer, and this need in the analysis and study on customer value. As one customer value theory, customer assets theory studies customer status and function of the production from visual angle of assets in enterprise, and with the management tactics of this customer who

7、 make enterprise. One of customer assets theory primary and key views is how to confirm customer value of assets, and the research of this paper lays particular emphasis on the value assessment to customers assets, too. The paper has introduced the theory about customers value in domestic and foreig

8、n countries at first, and it is summarized to go on to advance and defect of theory these, so this paper can have sturdy theoretical foundation, perspective and deep theory meaning. Chapter two in paper goes on in detail expounding the fact to form to customer assets essence, characteristic of value

9、, finds that the essence of customers assets lying in the value creativity of customers relation, and draws that customer assets value is major built by customer basic buying value, cross- selling value, public p raise value and knowledge value. These results of study have settled solid foundation f

10、or construction of customers assets value assessment model. Chapter three of the paper discusses the supporting theory to customers assets value assessment- Concern relationship marketing theory, customer lifetime theory and assets assessment theory and predict technology. Chapter four and chapter f

11、ive is the key part of a thesis, which carry on research to customers assets value assessment from the theory and reality respects respectively. In the theoretical research part, the paper has put forward the assessment model of customers assets value at first by maintaining customer the model and c

12、ross- selling model incorporate LOGIT model creative, propose customer person who maintain and cross metering methods of the sales rate; In the positive research part, the paper takes telecom enterprise as the background, and main sure method of parameter examine the 硕士学位论文 IIIreal example among the

13、m to theoretical research customer assets value assessment model that part put forward, the result of inspection has indicated that the accuracy of the model is assessed. Finally, the paper sums up customer assets application of value assessment, indicate customer assets actual meaning of value asse

14、ssment, and has summarized the research results, research defects and direction studied further of the paper in the conclusion part. Key Words:Customer; Customer Asset; Customer Asset Value; Assessment 湖 南 大 学 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果

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