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1、 硕士学位论文 论文题目 绿色节能光网络的优化设计 研 究 生 姓 名 吕云雷 指导教师姓名 沈纲祥 专 业 名 称 通信与信息系统 研 究 方 向 绿色光网络 论文提交日期 2014 年 4 月 14 日 绿色节能光网络的优化设计 摘要 I 绿色节能光网络的绿色节能光网络的优化优化设计设计 摘要摘要 随着因特网能源消耗的激增,其可持续性将面临巨大挑战。如何提升因特网的能效已成为一个面向未来迫切需要解决的科学问题。 光网络作为因特网的重要组成部分,其能耗优化问题日益受到大家的关注。 本文主要关注光骨干传输网络的节能问题。首先, 不同于传统的路由器端口睡眠策略,我们基于模块化路由接口卡的概念,联

2、合使用全光绕过和路由接口卡睡眠策略设计出了能耗最小化的 IP over WDM 网络。与非睡眠的情况相比较,可以降低高达 40以上的网络能耗。另一方面,为了减少由于网络能耗产生的温室气体的排放,我们提出要在网络中用可再生能源来替代化石能源。具体的操作策略如下,IP over WDM 网络定期进行光路虚拟拓扑重配置,使得尽量多的光路通过新能源丰富的网络节点从而减少不可再生能源的消耗。仿真结果表明,与传统能耗最小化设计相比较, 我们的操作策略可以减少高达 75%的化石能源消耗。最后,减少网络能耗最直接的一种方式是有选择性地关闭(或睡眠)网络设备或模块。然而,这一策略可能给网络的生存性和安全性带来重

3、大挑战。我们提出在各个网络节点中按需混合配置带有睡眠功能和非睡眠功能的路由器接口卡。 仿真结果表明,采用这种策略设计的网络可以有效地减少网络能耗,同时保证通信网络满足一定的生存性和安全性。 关键字关键字:绿色节能,IP over WDM 网络,路由接口卡,可再生能源,网络生存性与安全性; 作 者:吕云雷 指导老师:沈纲祥 ABSTRACT 绿色节能光网络的优化设计 II ABSTRACT As Internet energy consumption has proliferated in recent years, its sustainability will face huge chall

4、enges. How to improve the energy efficiency of the Internet has become an important scientific question that needs to be addressed in the near future. The energy consumption of optical network, which is one of the most important parts of the Internet, is attracting more and more attentions. This the

5、sis focuses on the issue of energy-saving in the backbone optical transport network. Based on the assumption of modular router cards, we design energy-minimized IP over WDM networks by jointly applying the lightpath bypass and router-card sleeping strategies, which is different from the traditional

6、router port-based sleeping strategy. The designed networks can significantly reduce energy consumption, up to 40% compared to the non-sleeping case. In addition, to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions of IP over WDM networks, we propose to maximize renewable energy usage at each network node so a

7、s to reduce the consumption of non-renewable energy. A “Follow the Sun, Follow the Wind” (FTSFTW) strategy is proposed for the IP over WDM network to periodically reconfigure the lightpath virtual topology to enable more lightpaths to start or end at nodes where maximum renewable energy is available

8、. The simulation results indicate that the proposed FTSFTW strategy can save up to 75% or more non-renewable energy in the considered example scenarios compared with the traditional pure energy-minimized design approach. Finally, a common approach for achieving high energy efficiency is to selective

9、ly turn off (or sleep) network devices. However, this strategy can create problems of network survivability and security if all the network devices were turned off by a hacker. We configure a mixture of sleep-enabled and non-sleep-enabled router cards at each node to design a green IP over WDM netwo

10、rk which can ensure network survivability and security and meanwhile maximally save energy consumption. Simulation results based on some test networks show that the proposed approach can save up to 28% energy consumption. 绿色节能光网络的优化设计 ABSTRACT III KEY WORDS: Energy saving, IP over WDM networks, rout

11、er line card, renewable energy, network survivability and security Written by: Yunlei Lui Supervised by: Gangxiang Shen目录目录 第一章第一章 绪论绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景 . 1 1.2 研究现状与主要存在的问题 . 3 1.2.1 国内外研究现状 . 3 1.2.2 主要存在的问题 . 6 1.3 论文结构 . 7 参考文献 . 9 第二章第二章 联合全光绕过和路由接口卡睡眠策略的联合全光绕过和路由接口卡睡眠策略的 IP over WDM 网络能耗最小化设计网络能耗最小化设计 . 11 2.1 全光绕过和路由接口卡睡眠策略 . 11 2.1.1 网络模型及全光绕过策略 . 11 2.1.2 路由接口卡睡眠策略 . 12 2.2 IP over WDM 网络能耗最小化设计方案 . 14 2.2.1 混合整数线性优化(MILP)设计 . 14 2.2.2 启发式算法 . 22 2.3 测试条件和网络 . 26 2.4 仿真结果及分析 .


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