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1、 1 学校代码:学校代码:1003610036 工商管理工商管理硕士硕士专业专业学位论文学位论文 国国有有商业银行商业银行养老金业务发展战略研究养老金业务发展战略研究 培养单位:国际商学院培养单位:国际商学院 专业名称:工商管理硕士专业名称:工商管理硕士 研究方向研究方向:战略管理:战略管理 作作 者:者:韦韬韦韬 指导教师:指导教师:周煊教授周煊教授 论文日期:论文日期:二一四年五月二一四年五月2 Study on the Strategy of Pensions Business of State-owned Commercial Banks 3 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人

2、郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文, 是本人在导师的指导下,本人郑重声明: 所呈交的学位论文, 是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成外,本论文不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文果。对本文所涉及的所涉及的研究研究工作工作做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律责任责任由本由本人承担。人承担。 特此声明特此声明 学位论文

3、作者签名:学位论文作者签名: 年年 月月 日日 4 学位论文版权使用授权书学位论文版权使用授权书 本人完全了解对外经济贸易大学关于收集、保存、使用学位本人完全了解对外经济贸易大学关于收集、保存、使用学位论文的规定,同意如下各项内容:按照学校要求提交学位论文的论文的规定,同意如下各项内容:按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,印刷本和电子版,并采用影印、缩印、扫描、数字化或其它手段保存论文;学校有并采用影印、缩印、扫描、数字化或其它手段保存论文;学校有权提供目录检索以及提供本学位论文全文或部分的阅览服务;学权提供

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5、问题。同时,近年来随着新兴金融领域的迅猛发展、利率市场化的深入推进,传统商业银行面临着前所未有的、巨大的业务转型压力。此时研究国有商业银行的养老金业务发展战略对于养老金行业的发展和国有商业银行综合盈利能力的提升具有重大理论和实践意义。 本文综合采用了比较研究、PEST 方法、五力模型等理论和方法,并充分结合国情和业务实践经验,解答了“身在何处” 、 “去往何方”以及“如何到达”这三个国有商业银行在养老金业务发展战略上的核心问题。本文主要对比了中美两国的养老金业务,认为我国以企业年金为主的养老金业务在制度等方面还存在若干缺陷。详细分析了影响中国养老金业务发展的各个宏观条件,并对起决定作用的政策因


7、在职能层战略上以 X 银行为例开展案例研讨,在营销、财务资源、产品创新、运营和系统建设等方面给出具体建议。 关键词:商业银行,战略,养老金,企业年金 6 Abstract With the promotion of the average life-time of Chinas populations and the intensified trend of aging, pension issues increasingly become a social problem. Meanwhile, in recent years, with the rapid development of e

8、merging financial business and the further reform of market-based interest rates system, traditional commercial banks are facing an unprecedented pressure. Under these circumstances, study on the strategy of pensions business of state-owned commercial banks means a lot, which has important theoretic

9、al and practical significances on the development of Chinas pension industry and the profitability of Chinas state-owned commercial banks. This paper, using a combination of comparative studies, PEST method, Five Forces model and so on , has solved three core strategy issues which are “Where you are

10、 “, “Where to go “ and “ How to get“ with fully understanding of Chinas conditions and pension market. This paper compared the pension business of China and USA, figuring out some deficiencies of Chinas pension system. This paper analyzed various macroeconomic conditions on Chinese pension business

11、development, and predicted the policy factor which plays a decisive role. In terms of the five forces affecting the pension industry, the force of buyers bargaining strength works significantly. Compared with their major competitors-insurance companies, state-owned commercial banks have both strengt

12、hs and weaknesses. They stay on top of each dominant area. However, the imbalance of the competition structure of commercial banks themselves seems obviously. In regard to the next role position, state-owned commercial banks should focus on the trustee role in enterprise annuity business, and make t

13、hemselves become a “pension provider with a platform of integrated financial services“ in the whole pension business. Based on the results of practices and theoretical analysis, this paper proposed several specific improvements for the corporate strategy of state-owned commercial banks. The competit

14、ive strategies should give priority to differentiation strategy, which differs from insurance companies to provide customers with comprehensive pension & financial services plan, supplemented by cost leadership strategy and focus strategy. At the same time, 7 state-owned commercial banks should also

15、 pay attention to cooperation strategy with other competitors. In operational strategy, this paper carried out case studies on X Bank, for example, gave specific recommendations in terms of marketing, financial resources, product innovation, operational and IT system construction. Keywords:Commercial Banks, Strategy, Pensions, Enterprise Annuity 8 目目 录录 第 1 章 引言 . 10 1.1 研究对象及文献综述 . 10 1.1.1 研究对象及意义 .10 1.1.2 研究的主要目的 .11 1.1.3 文献综述 .


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