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1、She remains a symbol of the human spirits abilityto overcome limitations.Period 1She remains a symbol of the human spirits ability to overcome limitations.What limitations did Helen Keller have?Limitations: She couldnt see or hear. So she was blind and deaf.The Great Wall is the symbol of China.How

2、much do you know about Helen Keller?Her story? Her books? Her rewards?Three Days to Seewanted to seeBeing deaf and blind, how could Helen overcome the physical limitations and managed to write books?Look at the picture and discuss with your partner.Is this a picture of Chinese Majiang?Is this a pict

3、ure of a kind of alphabet?Chinese MajiangBraille breil Get to know the Braille alphabetCan you figure out what these words mean?Can you write down your name in Braille? Lets have a try.HE L L L E R E N KE The following pictures are important for Helen.Work with your partner and discuss what they are

4、 about.a water pumpMatch the pictures with the sentences to get some background information about Helen Keller.A. In June 1904, Helen graduated from Radcliffe with honours. B. On March 3, 1887, Anne began teaching Helen.C. The documentary Helen Keller in Her Story won the Oscar for Best Feature-leng

5、th Documentary Film at the 1955 Academy Awards.D. On April 5, 1887, Helen grasped the purpose of language beside a water pump.Read the words below and guess their meanings or look them up in the dictionary.pumpspoutAnne lead Helen to a water pump, and put her hand under the spout so that a cool stre

6、am of water flowed over her hand. At the same time, Anne spelled the word water into Helens hand. Suddenly, the mystery of language was made known to Helen. Her eyes were shining with joy.Based on the pictures and the words, can you predict the content of the passage?沉默的 and had no way of knowing wh

7、ere the harbor was. 找不到港湾 This sentence means “It was impossible for me to know where the harbor was.”have no way of doing 表示“做谋事是不可能的”on that very day 这里very用作adj. 表示“(加强语气)就是;正是”。The very idea of cheating people again is distasteful to him. 他一想到还要欺骗人就感到很不是滋味。Thats the very thing Ive been looking f

8、or. 那正是我要找的东西。 the very + n. = just the + n. He is the very person ( just the person) we are in need of. 他正好是我们所需要的人。This is the very place (just the place) where we want to make homes. 这正好就是我们想安家的地方。 and the light of love shone on me on that very day 而爱的光芒正是在这一天照到了我的身上。proudAdollWhen I had played w

9、ith it a little while, Miss Sullivan slowly spelled into my hand the word “d-o-l-l”. play with 玩;与玩 Dont play with fire, or you will be burnt. 不要玩火,否则会自焚的。 = Not until several weeks later did I understand that everything had a name.= It was not until several weeks that I understood that everything h

10、ad a name.) notuntil 表示“直到才” We wont stop struggling until we get the equal rights as the white. 我们要获得与白人平等的权利后才停止斗。 But I didnt understand that everything had a name until several weeks later. 但是直到几个星期以后我才明白每样事物都是有名称的。One day, we walked to the well-house. Someone was drawing water and my teacher pl

11、aced my hand under the spout. As the cool stream flowed over one hand she spelled into the other the word water, first slowly, then rapidly. I stood still. Suddenly the mystery of language was fully made known to me. I knew then that “w-a-t-e-r” meant the wonderful cool thing that was flowing over m

12、y hand. That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, and set it free!A stream of water is flowing quietly in the well.Can we learn a word in other ways? By listening? By smelling? By tasting?Can you give examples to show?How did Helen learn the word water?living 生动的;充满生机、兴趣或活力的 Our h

13、istory teacher wants to make history a living subject. 我们的历史老师想使历史成为生动有趣的科目。 That living word awakened my soul, gave it light, hope, joy, and set it free! 这个鲜活的单词唤醒了我的灵魂, awaken vt. 唤醒, 使觉醒 Please awaken me at six tomorrow morning. 请于明早六点叫醒我。 set free 释放. The little child set the bird free.eager to

14、learn 是形容词短语,用作伴随状语。give birth to 生;产生;引起;造成 e.g. The woman gave birth to a pair of twins.Close is a noun. at the close of = at the end of 在末;在结束时Long is a verb . long for = look forward to渴望_ 1) Helen likes the ship in a heavy fog. _ 2) Miss Sullivan spelled “d-o-l-l” into Helens hand and Helen sud

15、denly understood. _3) At first, Helen just imitated the spelling of words without understanding them. _ 4) Helen realized that everything has a name after her teacher had been with her for several weeks. _ 5) While water flowed over one of Helens hands, Miss Sullivan spelled the word“w-a-t-e-r” into

16、 her other hand.Read the text quickly and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).F FT T T Was there any difference in Helens life before and after Miss Sullivan came? Work in pairs and fill in the blanks with the words from the text.Helen was like a ship in a heavy fog.She was lost, confused and wild.Her life changed totally. She learned to spell words She got to kno



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