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1、中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 历来农村剩余劳动力转移问题就是世界各国尤其是发展中国家普遍关注的重大课题发展经济学人口学社会学等都分别用本学科的观点理论和方法对农村剩余劳动力转移进行了研究并取得了大量的科研成果在我国党的十六大确立的全面建设小康社会奋斗目标中就明确指出农村富余劳动力向非农产业和城镇转移 是工业化和现代化的必然趋势恩施州地处四川盆地与江汉平原间是连接沿海沿江发达地区与西南西北的交通要道,它在国家西部大开发中具有极大的经济意义和深远的政治意义因此研究该地区农村劳动力转移在解决三农问题推进农村城镇化现代化进程加快整个地区经济发展具有深远的现实意义 本文的研究视角是运用发展经济学

2、的一般性理论分析一个具体地区恩施州在农村劳动力转移上所呈现的特征并揭示当地农村劳动力转移中存在的问题以及如何解决这些问题以加速农村劳动力转移的进程本论文由三大部分内容构成第一部分是农村剩余劳动力转移的基本理论和模型阐述以及研究恩施州农村劳动力转移的因由 第二部分论述了恩施州农村劳动力的具体状况和特征第三部分论析了恩施州农村劳动力转移的各种影响因素具体分析了当地农村劳动力转移的实际情况及其存在的问题并提出了一些建议以提供给相关部门在研究和推进当地农村剩余劳动力转移起一种参考作用 因此本文试图从对恩施州农村劳动力转移现状入手通过对专项调查数据和历年州统计数据的分析找出恩施州农村劳动力转移存在的问题

3、和困难并借鉴其他地区转移农村劳动力和增加农民收入的有益经验从而提出加快恩施州农村劳动力转移和农民增收的政策措施 通过分析发现恩施州农村劳动力转移中存在的问题主要有第一制度保障与社会服务体系不健全劳动力转移的组织化程度低这又体现在农村劳动力的劳动保障程度低和其应有的权利得不到保障第二乡镇企业发展滞后与农村剩余劳动力转移内在需要存在矛盾恩施州当地经济发展水平不高二三产业发展缓慢乡镇企业规模小吸纳劳动力能力有限农村劳动力就地转移缺乏有效恩施州农村劳动力转移研究 II 的载体第三恩施州农村劳动力综合素质较低它主要表现在劳动力的文化素质低以及接受专业培训的劳动力少等方面第四农村劳动力流出后的遗留问题多负

4、效应有所扩大归纳起来主要表现在以下方面首先年轻劳动力流出后农村老龄化问题和儿童以及青少年的教育和成长问题比较突出其次土地搁荒问题也很严重另外农村素质较高的青壮年劳动力的流出使农村二三产业和其它社会事业的发展也受到了影响 针对恩施州目前农村劳动力转移中存在的问题结合地区区情并借鉴国际国内经验本文提出了几点建议以促进当地农村劳动力的顺利转移第一进行制度改革消除各种制度性障碍对农村劳动力转移的制约作用这包括改革户籍管理制度和农村土地制度 健全社会保障制度以消除农村劳动力转移障碍 第二加强政府职能发挥政府和社会组织在劳动力转移中的积极作用首先要健全劳动力转移服务体系加强政府对劳动力市场的预测规划调控立


6、变技术的进步产业进一步升级其对劳动力综合素质的要求将越来越高增加对人力资本的投入加大教育和培训力度不断提高农村人口和劳动力整体素质增强农村劳动力就业适应能力是加快农村劳动力转移的基本保证和内在要求这也是促进劳动力有序流动解决农业剩余劳动力转移的治本之策 关键词恩施州农村劳动力转移人力资本投资 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III ABSTRACT The transferring of extra labor force in rural area has long been in the top list of all countries, especially that of the deve

7、loping countries. Subjects such as development economics, demography, and sociology have achieved many useful results using opinions, theories and methods of its own to conduct research in this topic. In China, 16th Party Congress points out its inevitable to transfer the extra rural labor force in

8、the rural area to the non-rural area or suburb area in the section of constructing a well-off society. Enshi District is located between Sichuang Basin and Jianghan Plain. It connects the coastal and developed area with the Southwest and Northwest area. It plays a significant role in the development

9、 of economics and politics in the western region. Thus study of the transferring of the labor force in this area will be of significance in settling the “Three Agricultural Problems“ and advancing countryside urbanization or modernization as well as speeding up the local economy development. Using t

10、he common theory of developing economics, it analyzes the features of transferring the labor force from rural area (such as Enshi District) and explore the problems and the way to solve the problem so as speed up the process. This thesis constitutes the following three parts: fist part is about the

11、common theory of extra labor force in rural area and the model description, and the reasons to study the transferring labor force of Enshi District; second part is about the labor force status and features in Enshi District; finally, this article analyze the factors affecting the transferring of lab

12、or force in Enshi District, specifically analyzing the real problems and possible suggestions to relating department as a reference for promoting the transferring process. Thus, this thesis first explore the current situations of the labor force transfer in Enshi District and then find out its diffi

13、culties in the process by analyzing dedicated 恩施州农村劳动力转移研究 IV statistical data and the districts statistical data of the past years. It also learns from useful experience of other district in transferring the labor force and increasing the income of the farmers to bring up useful measures. There are

14、 mainly the following outstanding issues found during the analysis in transferring the labor force: Firstly, the social security system and the social service system is incomplete resulting in poor organization and low level of social security system. Secondly, the backward township enterprises coul

15、d not take in the extra labor. The economy in township enterprises is not developed, and the second and third industry developing snail-slow, so the small sized enterprises could only take in limited labor force. Thirdly, the education background of Enshis labor force is low and has very little trai

16、ning. Last but not least, the transferring of labor force has some bad effects on the district. First, with the flowing of young labor force, the large population of senior citizens and the educating of the youth in the rural area are becoming more serious; second, the abandon of land is very serious; moreover, the flowing of the young and educated labor forces affect the second, the third industries and other fields. So this thesis brings forth some suggestions in transferring the lab


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