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1、a 工学硕士学位论文 更紧密的频率复用技术在 GSM 网络扩容中应用的研究 程义远 哈尔滨工业大学 2007 年 12 月 国内图书分类号:TN929.53 国际图书分类号:621.39 工学硕士学位论文 更紧密的频率复用技术在 GSM 网络扩容中应用的研究 硕士研究生: 程义远 导师: 张钦宇教授 副 导 师: 刘政高级工程师 申 请 学 位: 工学硕士 学 科 、 专 业: 信息与通信系统 所 在 单 位: 深圳研究生院 答 辩 日 期: 2007 年 12 月 授予学位单位: 哈尔滨工业大学 Classified Index: TN929.53 U.D.C: 621.39 Dissert

2、ation for the Master Degree of Engineering STUDY ON COMPACT FREQUENCY REUSE IN THE CAPACITY ENLARGING OF GSM NETWORK1 Candidate: Cheng Yiyuan Supervisor: Prof. Zhang Qinyu Associate Supervisor: Liu Zheng Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Engineering Specialty: Information and Communication Syst

3、em Affiliation: Shenzhen Graduate School Date of Defence: December, 2007 Degree- Conferring- Institution: Harbin Institute of Technology 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - I - 摘 要 随着移动通信技术的飞速发展, 在传统话音业务继续保持高速增长的同 时,构建在 GSM 网络上的移动数据业务也在随着世界数据通信高速发展的 潮流迅速崛起。 话音与数据业务的增加导致现有的网络容量已经无法满足用 户对话音和数据业务的需求。 欧洲一些国家已经于 2003 年开始正

4、式商用 3G 通信网以缓解 2G 网络频率资源紧缺所造成的压力。中国移动目前正在各地 进行 GSM 网络的第十一期扩容,同时也是 3G 上马前的最后一次扩容,因 此相信 3G 在国内的商用已是指日可待。 但无论是话音业务还是 GPRS、EGPRS 等数据业务,都是构建在原有的 GSM 网络上的。GSM 网络的频率资源是有限的,原本满足语音业务就很紧 张了,在叠加了数据业务后就更显得捉襟见肘。因而在保证通信质量的前提 下最大限度的提高 GSM 网络容量,充分挖掘和开发现有 GSM 频谱资源承 载用户的能力,在 3G 商用之前解决容量不断增长的实际需求是摆在运营商 和设备制造商面前的重要课题。 本

5、文在研究 GSM 网络传统的宽松频率复用技术的基础上,结合 GSM 网络现在已经部署紧密复用的实际, 分析了各种紧密复用方法以及采取的诸 如跳频技术等抗干扰技术的优点及适用范围, 其中重点研究了跳频抗干扰技 术与紧密复用技术的关系及在抗干扰中的作用。并结合参与的扩容项目,根 据亲自参与的路测以及基站统计数据的采集、分析来说明 GSM 网络的紧密 复用方案已经不能满足广大用户对移动通信网络发展的需求这一矛盾, 继而 提出更紧密的频率复用技术结合跳频抗干扰技术在网络扩容中的应用并通 过对更紧密复用方案实施后基站运行数据的采集与分析来验证更紧密的频 率复用技术与紧密复用技术相比在保证网络质量的前提下

6、对网络容量的提 升更大。同时针对由 GPRS 升级到 EGPRS 的项目提出了在数据业务网络升 级中在网络频率复用方面需要注意的问题, 并对未来网络扩容方案的着眼点 和发展方向做出建议。 关键词 紧密频率复用技术;更紧密的频率复用技术;网络规划哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - II - Abstract With the fast development of mobile communication technology, the mobile data service, which based on GSM network, is increasing with very high sp

7、eed that had never encountered before combined with the traditional voice service also facing its fast growing. Although the capacity of mobile network is enlarging fast, it is still far from meeting the needs of subscribers voice and data service development as both voice and data service aer devel

8、oping at very high rate. Some Europe countries had started to use 3G mobile networks commercially from 2003 so as to solve the shortage of frequency resources. China Mobile Limited is now taking its the 11st GSM network enlarging project which is also the last GSM enlarging project before taking int

9、o use of 3G commerically. So there should be short period of time from now on to 3G being used wihin China. Both the voice service and data service just like GPRS and EGPRS are based on the undertaking GSM network, sharing GSMs moderate frequency resources which is quite limited especially when data

10、 applications taking on service. The most challenging problem now encountered is how to solve the frequency shortage problem without affecting voice and data service quality. Using compact frequency reuse technology seems to be the only way that worked to solve the capacity shortage and not affectin

11、g the service quality as well. How to plan the frequency and use the compact frequency reuse technology needs to be considered and researched seriously. By analysing the undertaking compact frequency reuse technologies and frequency hopping anti interference technology, this paper presents the fact

12、that also the compact frequency reuse technology undertaking, the network operator, both China Mobile which have 19MHz frequency spectrum resource and China Unicom which have only 6MHz limited spectrum, had encountered the shortage of the network capacity comparing with the customer need. So its dis

13、cussed that the tighten compact frequency reuse imposed on the GSM infrastructure by analysing the capacity enlarging impact of a real network under compact and 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - III - tighten compact frequency reuse patterns. The conclusions drawn from the stastic data analysing indicate the charac

14、teristics and rules of the impact of tighten compact frequency reuse on the enlarging of the capacity of GSM netowrk. Then give advice to the GPRS updating to EGPRS with relates to its networks frequency reuse schedule and make suggestons to the further capacity enlarging. Keywords compact frequency reuse, GSM, tighten compact frequency reuse 哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 - IV - 目 录 摘 要 .I Abstract. II 第 1 章 绪论.1 1.1 课题背景 .1 1.2 本课题研究的目的及意义 .2 1.3 国内外相关技术发展现状 .3 1.3.1 国外更紧密频率复用技术的发展状况 .


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