高一英语课件:下学期Unit 1 Test

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《高一英语课件:下学期Unit 1 Test》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语课件:下学期Unit 1 Test(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Task Telling a storyDo you like reading stories? What kind of stories do you like reading? Why?What are the common elements in stories?Plot-ExpositionComplicationResolution The sequence of events in a storywho? where? when? why?the problem experienced by the charactershow the problem is solved or ho

2、w the story ends天变黑在远处起航到目的地成功地登上救生艇消失听起来像环游世界听到头顶的雷声grow darkin the distanceset sail for our destinationmanage to get on a lifebostgo missingsound liketravel all around the worldhear the thunder overheadThis/It is the first/ last time that sb. +现在完 成时This/It was the first/ last time that sb. +过去 完成

3、时1)这是我第一次听她唱歌。This is the first time that I have heard her sing.2)这是我们第二次见面了。This is the second time we have met each other.He was very interesting to listen to.Your brother is pleasant to work with.跟你的兄弟共事很愉快。这男孩很难教。 The boy is difficult to teach.这床睡着很舒服。The bed is comfortable to sleep in.Suddenly,

4、 the lightening came very close and I could hear the thunder overhead.1)The bottle came open in my bag.2)My family always comes first.3)工作第一。Work must come first!step 1 completing a checklistTeacher: Remember that you need to write a story for the contest next week. you should start working on your

5、story soon. Before you start, you will need to know the rules for the storytelling contest.First, you need to work with a_. Second, you need to write your story and _it with_. Third, when you _your story, you must work with your partner and you must both join in the presentation. Fourth, you need to

6、 write a story about a young girl named _who had a _in a museum. Before you start writing, you will need to decide on the following points:partner support picturespresentSandyspecial experience_did she do before she went to the museum? _did she get to the museum? _did she go with? _ _of the year was

7、 it? What time of the _was it? At the end of the story you must provide a_ _. If everything is cleat, you can now get into pairs and start thinking about the _of the story.whatHowWhoWhat time day surprise endingbeginningS1: OK. Lets first think about how Sandy got there. should she go on the train o

8、r the school bus? S2: Well, we should first decide why she went to the museum. S1: Thats right. Was it because she liked the show in the museum? S2: Or perhaps she went because of a class project? You know we always do class project. S1:Thats a good idea. So she went to the museum to do a class proj

9、ect about S2: About art and history? S1: Thats not a bad idea, a project about art and history.S2: Now we can decide how she got to the museum. S1:If she went because of a class project, she and her classmates probably would go by school bus. S2: Why? S1: Because a school bus can take about fifty pe

10、ople. When we go on an outing, two teachers always go with us. Remember? S2: Thats true. So, they will all went by school bus. S1: Yes, so now we know how and why she went to the museum, and who she was with. But what did she do before she got here?S2: Perhaps, they were walking from the school bus,

11、 and Sandy and her partner Li Feifei were so busy looking around that they got lost. Then they started to run to try and find their classmates. Luckily, they could still see them and caught up with them at last. S1: Yes, that would explain why she was so tired. S2: Well, it seems that we have answer

12、ed all of the questions. S1: Yes, now wed better write the story! S2: No. We havent answered Questions seven and eight. S1: Yes. Youre right. Lets make it the summertime, because thats the time of year we usually go on school trips.S2: All right, but what about the time of say? S1: Well, most museum

13、s dont open until ten oclock in the morning. So, lets make it late morning. S2:Fine. Now weve answered all the questions. We had better write the story.answers to Part BSandyTo the museumTo do a class project about art and historyHer classmates and teacherSandy and her partnerLi Feifei got lost on t

14、heir way from the school bus to the museum, but they managed to catch up with their classmates at last.SummertimeLate morningpart CIt happened this summer. One morning at about 10, Sandy and her classmates went to the museum together with their teachers, because they had a class project about art an

15、d history. they got there by school bus. When they arrived at the museum, Sandy and her partner Li Feifei were so busy looking around that they got lost. So they ran about, trying to find their classmates and caught up with them.skill building 3using adjectives and adverbs in stories Mr. Liu Weihai is making good progress.The ship made slow progress through the rough sea.珍在英语上取得了很大的进步。Jean has made great progress in English. treatment treat 1) My parents still treat me like a child. _ 2) He was treated as a hero


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