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1、Unit 13 Healthy eating考纲要求:考纲要求:考纲规定的考试范围考纲规定的考试范围:1. 重点单词与短语 fat; stomach; fever; ripe; ought; examine; plenty; diet; fit; gain; energy; soft; bar; fuel; chemical; balance; tasty; boil; mixture; ought to; plenty of; keep up with; make a right choice; short of; now and then; roll up 2. 句型 Our eating

2、 habits have changed, as has our way of life. as =so 表示也怎么样的用法Only in this way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life. “Only+ 状语”位于 句首倒装的用法。 The best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habitsto develop healthy eating habits 不定式做表语的用法3

3、. 语法:情态动词()had better,should,ought to复习本章要达到的目标复习本章要达到的目标1. 掌握 stomach; ripe; examine; plenty; diet; fit; gain; energy; balance; tasty; boil; mixture; ought to; plenty of; keep up with; make a right choice; short of; now and then; roll up 等重点单词及短语的用法。 2. 掌握 as 引导的定语从句的用法;only+状语位于句首倒装的用法;情态动词 must/h

4、ave to/have got to 的用法; 教材知识归纳教材知识归纳 知识归纳知识归纳1. Ive got a pain here.Pain 的用法: (1). 痛,疼痛;痛苦(不可数名次) The death of her son gave her infinite pain.她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。(2)(身体特定部位的)疼痛(可数名次) She has a pain in her stomach.她胃痛。The old man suffers greatly from a pain/pains in the back.背疼使得那个老人很受折磨。(3)辛苦,努力(常用复数形式) No

5、 pains, no gains.不劳则无获。With great pains and much patience, I got the information at last.凭着巨大的努力和耐心,我最终得到了那条消息相关归纳:(1)in pain 常坐表语Is your legs constantly in pain? 你的腿老疼吗?(2)with pain 常作状语The boy was crying with pain, after he broke his arm.摔伤了胳膊,那个孩子疼得哭了起来。(3)take pains to do sth.Thank you very much

6、 for taking pains to show me how to do it.十分感谢您不辞辛劳地教我怎么做那件事。(4)be at pains to do sth.We are at pains to learn English well. 我们正在努力学好英语。注意:(1)pain 是可数名词,可以指身体某部位的疼痛,也可指心理上的痛苦。可以用复数形式,也可既不加冠词,也不用复数。作“辛苦,努力”讲时,用复数。(2)ache 一般用作动词,主要指身体某部位的隐疼。用作名词时,出现在复合词中。His head aches badly sometimes. (He has a bad h

7、eadache sometimes.)有时他头疼的厉害。His stomach begins to ache after drinking some alcohol.= He has a stomachache after drinking alcohol. 他一喝酒胃就疼(3) hurt 只能用作动词,及物动词意思是“使受伤害”,可指身心受伤;不及物动词相当于 ache。What will you do if someone falls off a bicycle and hurts himself badly?如果有人从自行车上摔下来,伤得很厉害,你会怎么办?What he said hu

8、rt me, so I said, “Dont judge a person by what he wears.”他的话使我受到了伤害,因此我告诉他:“别以貌取人”。My leg hurts and my arm hurts, too. 我腿疼,胳膊也疼。2.You ought to be careful with fruit.用作情态动词,没有人称、时态和数的变化,意思是“应该,应当”,表示责任、义务、劝告、推测等,语气比 should 强,否定式为 ought not to 或 oughtnt to,疑问式为“ought+主语+to do”。 (1) 用于第一人称,表示有责任或有必要去做某

9、事,与 should 相比,语气较弱。 We ought to be more careful with our homework.我们应当更加认真地做作业。 I really ought to phone my mother.我确实应该给妈妈打个电话。(2) 用于第二、三人称,表示建议或劝告 You ought to follow Mr. Wangs advice.你应当听王老师的话。 You ought not (oughtnt) to go.你不应当去。(3)表示对现在或将来某种可能性的推测,这种推测是可信的。 Henry ought to be here soon. He left h

10、ome at six.亨利应当很快就到,他六点就从家里出来了。Tom ought to be home now.汤姆现在该到家了。(4)后接动词不定式完成式,表示对过去存在的某种可能性的推测,或指过去该做而未做 的事情,意思是“早应该“、“本应该“。若是否定句,则表示发生了不该发生的事。 Im sorry. I ought to have phoned to tell you I was coming.对不起,我本应该先给你打个电话告诉你我要来。 You ought not to have allowed the child to go alone.你本不应该让孩子一个人去。(5)ought

11、to 后可接不定式进行时,表示“应该在(立即)“,这样用时语气比 should 严肃。You oughtnt to be talking so much.你不应当说这么多话。 They felt they ought to be doing something.他们感到他们应该做点什么事。(6)用来表达客观上难以实现或不能实现的愿望,与虚拟语气相似。 I love summer! It ought to be summer all the year.我喜爱夏天,全年都应是夏天。 They ought not to make much noise here.他们不应该在这里喧闹。3.If we

12、want to keep up the high pace of modern life, we had betterr(1)keep up 的用法区别: 支撑;维持 vi. Do you think the bad weather will keep up? 你认为坏天气将持续下去吗? Those houses are so strongly built that they would keep up even in strong earthquakes.那些房子建造得很牢固,能抵御强烈的地震。 继续,坚持,使保持在某一高度 Keep up your courage and stick to

13、 your work, you can succeed in time.鼓起勇气,坚持工作,迟早你会成功的。 People in China still keep up the traditional custom of enjoying mooncakes on the mid-autumn festival. 中国人仍保持着中秋节吃月饼的传统习俗。 (2)keep up with 和-并驾齐驱,和某人保持同等地位 Walk slower please. Im afraid I wont keep up with you.请走慢点!我怕赶不上你。 Everyone should study

14、now and then or they cant keep up with the latest development in science.每个人都要不断学习,否则就跟不上科技发展的步伐.保持联系Though he is busy, he tries to keep up with his old friends far away.虽然很忙,但他仍然设法与远方的老朋友保持着联系。 (3)catch up with 赶上并超过 Lets hurry and catch up with the group ahead.我们快点,赶上前面的那一伙人 (4)come up with (针对问题等

15、)想出;提供 He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.他想出一个推广产品的好方法。 He could not come up with a proper answer.他想不出一个合适的回答。 4.Lie down and let me examine you.examine, check, test 的用法区别:(1) examine 可指对病人的检查、诊断,也可指对机器的检查。Now, let me examine your chest once more. 让我再检查一下你的胸部。The workers examine t

16、heir machines and equipment carefully before they start to work every day. 每天上班以前,工人们都要仔细检查机器设备。examine 表示测验、考试,比 test 正式。The teacher examined the students knowledge in/on the previous lessons.老师测试了学生前几堂课的掌握情况。(2) check 主要指对某物进行核对,以免出错。Will you check your homework yourself first? 你能自己先检查一下作业吗?The department store checks stock every day. 百货商店每天盘点。(3)test 作为动词使用的频率并不高,意思是“检测,测试”。多用作名词,表示检测某人的知识或技能,有时也可表示对某物的检查或实验。Youd better have your eyes tested without de


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