必修2 Unit 2 知识点讲解

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《必修2 Unit 2 知识点讲解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《必修2 Unit 2 知识点讲解(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 He used to drive his ancient car.他过去常常开他的老式车。To my surprise, the ancient custom is popular today.让我惊奇的是, 这种古代习俗今 天还流行。1. ancient adj. old-modernin ancient timesin modern timescompete (v.)competition (n.)competitor (n.)competitive (adj.)2. Compete vi. 竞争,参加比赛;对抗compete for: 为而竞争 compete against / wi

2、th:与竞争 compete in: 在中竞争be in competition with: 与竞争Compete with sb in sth: 在某方面与某人竞争 compete for: 为而竞争 compete against / with:与 竞争 compete in: 在中竞争 be in competition with: 与 竞争 compete with sb in sth: 在 某方面与某人竞争 1. Some of the athletes have competed _ two Olympic Games.2. He will compete _ seven othe

3、r athletes from foreign countries.3. All the players compete _ honor as well as medal.inwith/againstforA. compete with/against B. compete for C. compete ingame / match /contest / competitiongame: 游戏,比赛,运动,球赛为美式英语,指棋 类、桥牌类;复数为运动会; match: 球赛为英式英语, 指预先安排好的正 式比赛,如摔跤, 拳击等; contest: 指智力和知识竞赛(=competition)

4、 competition: 通过个人体力, 智力,技能 等获 取名次。 Do you like watching boxing_. I prefer to play a _ of chess. 3. She took the first place in the speech _. 4. They are both in _ with each other for the gold medal.game / match /contest / competitionmatches gamecontest/competition competition3. take part in 参加,参与 e

5、g. 1.The students take part in all kinds of activities after class. 2. Marx took an active part in politics. take part in : 指参加某项活动并且在 其中发挥作用 (play a part in) join: 参加(党派、团体、组织等), 表示成为了其中的一员 join in: 指参加某项活动 join sb in doing sth : 与某人一起 做某事 attend: 指参加会议、婚礼、典礼、 听讲座等 1. Women were not allowed to _the

6、 Olympic Games at first. 2. He _the Party last month. 3. Please come and _us _ the game. 4. Its pity that I cant _ the lecture on pollution.take part in joined join in attend medal 奖牌/章; prize 奖金, 奖励, 获奖名次;award 奖品, 奖金; reward 报酬, 回报4. medal n. 奖章、勋章1.Its certain that he will win a silver _ for raci

7、ng.2.He did win the first _ in the 100 meters race. 3. The winner received a gold medal as an _. 4. A large _ will be offered to whoever finds the missing ring.medalprizeprize / medal / reward / awardaward reward5. stand for 支持、代表、主张represent vt. 代表、象征、表示 on behalf of 代表相关词组: stand by 站在一边,袖手旁 观 stand down 退出(比赛或竞 选) stand out 显眼、引人注目 stand up for 支持、维护 stand up to 经受住6. interview (n./v.) 采访, 会见, 面试interviewer(采访者)interviewee(被采访者)Tomorrow Ill have an interview for a new job.I interviewed 20 people for the job.a job / telephone / TV interview



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