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1、课题:课题:UnitUnit 8 8 IsIs therethere a a postpost officeoffice nearnear herehere 流程流程具体内容具体内容目目标标导导学学1.能掌握以下词汇:post office,police station,hotel,restaurant,bank,hospital,street,pay,near,across from,in front of,behind,town,around2. 能使用 Is there.?与 Where is the.?句型问路,能使用方位介词为他人指路To learn to ask for and g

2、ive directions on the streetIs there a.near here?Yes,there is.Its on.Street. Where is the.?Its across from/in front of/behind/next to/between.and.自自主主学学习习A.预习生词,做到会读知意。B.知识点拨:1.1 IsIs therethere a post office near here? 这附近有邮局吗?Yes, therethere isis . Its on Bridge Street. 是的, 有。它在大桥街上。1.2 IsIs there

3、there a hospital on Center Street? 在中心街上有一家医院吗?No, therethere isnt.isnt. 不, 没有。1.3 ThereThere areare two pencils in my pencil-box. 在我的铅笔盒里有两支铅笔。归纳归纳there be 意为“_ ”,强调“存在关系”。在 1.3 中,句型为”There+ _ +某物/人+_”。看 1.3 其中 be 动词的单复数形式依照距离 there 最近的名词的_数形式而定。反馈训练反馈训练 1.这附近有一个邮局。_ _ a post office near here.2.我家有

4、三口人。_ _ three people in my family. 3.瓶子里没有水。 _ _ any water in the bottle. C.预习检测: 翻译下列词组。医院 _ 银行 _ 酒店 _ 饭店 _ 在附近 _ 在大桥街上 _ 警察局 _ 在对面 _ 在前面 _ 紧邻的 _ 在中间 _ 在后面 _合合作作探探究究探究一探究一:根据 1c,看图,编对话,并进行表演展示。1.A: Excuse me. Is there a _ near here? B:Yes, there is.Its_ .2.A: Excuse me. Is there a _near here? B:No,

5、 there isnt.3.A: Excuse me. Is there a _ near here? B:Yes, there is.Its_.4.A: Excuse me. Is there a _near here? B:Yes, there is.Its_.探究二探究二:根据 2b,补全对话,并进行表演展示。For example: A: Wheres the hospital? B: Its next to the police station.1.A: Wheres the _ ? B: Its _.2.A: Wheres the _ ? B: Its _.3.A: Wheres the _ ? B: Its _.4.A: Wheres the _ ? B: Its _.5.A: Wheres the _ ? B: Its _.反反馈馈提提升升小组内讨论设计自己理想的居住社区。A:Is there.near here?B:Yes,./No,.A:Where is it?B:Its._


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