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1、UnitUnit 2 2 IdId likelike somesome noodlesnoodles peroidperoid 33教学目标1. 能通过观察自己总结归纳 Section A 部分语法重点(名词的数);2.通过学习对话 继续学习点餐句型。 3.通过小组交流合作能用 What-questions 和 would like 以及 some/any 正确造句。教学 重 点熟练点餐,注意名词的数的变化。教学 难 点To learn how to order food;学情 分 析本单元,学生学习谈论食物。通过上两节课学习学生已经掌握了一些词汇和订餐用的 句型,本节课通过总结语法和完成对话

2、练习继续学习订餐的所用句型,分清可数名词 和不可数名词,学生会比较感兴趣。老师要创造真实环境,引领学生模仿练习,达成 学习目标。 教学 准 备Recorder. Multimedium computer集体备课个人备课StepStep One:One: ShowShow thethe previewpreview worksworks (text-books(text-books andand note-paper).note-paper). Teacher : 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard.2. Listen to the report fr

3、om the winners. Try to find out how the students preview, and sum up .3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)StepStep Two:Two: LearnLearn byby themselves.themselves. Students: 1. Decide my own aims.2. Self-study: 1) correct

4、 their wrong answers2) 1. 2a: Listen and check.Listen again and repeat (听跟读.)2. 2b:Listen and check the names of the foods.2c: Listen again and complete the sentences.3. Group-study: Talk about their problems.Teacher: Show the teachers problem(订餐句型练习总结)-May I take/ have your order? - (Yes.) Id like

5、some.-What kind of noodles would you like? - Id like beef noodles, please.-What size would you like? - Large, please.StepStep Three:Three: TalkTalk aboutabout thethe problemsproblems withwith thethe teacherteacher together.together. SomeSome mapomapo tofutofu withwith rice(withrice(with 的用法的用法) )Ste

6、pStep Four:Four: Practice:Practice: make a conversation根据 2d 内容,设计点餐场景,一人为服务员,一人为顾客,编制合适的点餐对话,课上交流。地点:“Mr Lee” KFC、A-Xiang noodles 等。StepStep Five:Five: SummarySummary andand TestTestStepStep Six:Six: ShowShow studentsstudents howhow toto previewpreview forfor nextnext class.class. (3a-(3a- 3c)3c)小结

7、: 学科知识构建与板书设 计UnitUnit 2 2 IdId likelike somesome noodles.noodles. Aims:Aims: 能用能用 GrammarGrammar FocusFocus 点餐用的句型做对话点餐用的句型做对话 分清已学过的不可数名词和不可数名词分清已学过的不可数名词和不可数名词 完成完成 3a3a 并能表演并能表演 自由对话完成自由对话完成 3c.3c.TargetTarget Language:Language: WhatWhat kindkind ofof noodlesnoodles dodo youyou have?have? Oh,Oh,

8、 a a mediunmediun bowl,please.bowl,please. WhatWhat sizesize bowlbowl ofof noodlesnoodles wouldwould youyou like?like? WeWe havehave large,large, mediummedium andand smallsmall bowls.bowls.反思与重建附:课前检测题:个性预习作业同层对比二课堂检测题:请按要求完成句子请按要求完成句子, , 每空一词每空一词 ( (含缩写含缩写) )。1.1. IdId likelike muttonmutton andand

9、potatopotato noodles.noodles.( (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) )_ _ _ noodlesnoodles wouldwould youyou like?like? 2.2. ShedShed likelike a a largelarge bowlbowl ofof dumplings.dumplings. ( ( 对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) )_ _ bowlbowl ofof dumplingsdumplings wouldwould sheshe like?like? 3.3. I I likelike chickenchicken andand cabbagecabbage noodles.noodles. ( (改为否定句改为否定句) )I I _ likelike chickenchicken _ cabbagecabbage noodles.noodles. 三、作业设置:1. Review and master the new words and drills learnt in this class. 2. Preview the contents from1a to 1e in Section B. 3. Workbook Exx. Part 3 and 4.



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