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1、1)The nicotine gum and patches are often used by millions of smokers to help kick their habit.But they have no lasting benefit and may backfire in some cases,according to the most rigorous long-term study to date of so-called nicotine replacement therapy. The study, published Monday in the journal T

2、obacco Control, included nearly 800 people trying to quit smoking over a period of several years,and is likely to intensify a long-running debate about the value of nicotine alternatives. The market for nicotine replacement products has taken off in recent years,rising to more than $800 million annu

3、ally from $129 million in 1991.The products were approved for over-the-counter sale in 1997,and many state Medicaid programs coverat at least one of them. In medical studies,the products have proved effective,making it easier for people to quit,at least in the short term.Those earlier, more encourag

4、ing findings were the basis for federal guidelines that recommended the products for quitting smoking.But in surveys, smokers who have used the over-the-counter products have reported little benefit.Doctors said that the study findings were not unexpected,given the occasional way smokers used the pr

5、oducts.“Patient compliance is a very big issue,” said Dr. Richard Hurt, director of the Nicotine Dependence Center at the Mayo Clinic,who was not involved in the study. The researchers argue that while nicotine replacement appears to help people quit,it is still not enough in the long run.Motivation

6、 matters a lot; so does a persons social environment,the amount of support from friends and family,and the rules enforced at the workplace. 2)Disappointment, as uncomfortable and even painful as it can be for us,is essential and important on our journey of growth.Making peace with disappointing othe

7、rs allows us to release our erroneous demands for perfection.Letting go of our fear of being disappointed gives us the ability to take more risks and ask for what we truly want. When were able to embrace disappointment,we create a sense of liberation and space that frees us up to be who we truly are

8、 and let go of our attachment with othersopinions.This is not always easy,but is so powerful and can be transformational. Here are a few things you can consider and do to expand your capacity to embrace disappointment: First,take inventory.Take an honest look at some of the most important relationsh

9、ips and activities in your life.How many of your actions,thoughts, conversations have to do with your avoidance of disappointing others or being disappointed? Second, practice saying “no.”This is a great practice,especially for those “people pleasers”who find saying “yes”to stuff they dont really wa

10、nt to do.While there is great value in being someone who is willing to say “yes” in life,there is also power in owning our “no” as well. Third, expand and express your desires.Make a list of some of the most important and vulnerable desires you currently havethe things you really want,but maybe have

11、 been afraid to admit.When you allow yourself to express your authentic desires,you give yourself the freedom to ask,dream and create. 3)Sleep is crucial for good health.It helps memory and mood,keeps you fit,strengthens your immune system,fights inflammation and keeps your heart and blood vessels i

12、n tip-top shape. While youre snoozing,the body repairs damaged tissue,produces crucial hormones and strengthens memoriesa process called consolidation,which helps you perform a new skill better after sleeping than you would if you spent an equivalent amount of time awake.Its a way for the body to in

13、tegrate everything that happened over the past waking day and to kind of prepare for the next day. Short sleepers,typically defined as people who get less than six hours of sleep at night,as well as people who dont spend enough time in the deepest stages of sleep,are at higher risk of heart attacks

14、and strokes than those who get at least seven hours. Its not clear why sleep may affect the heart,or if there is some unidentified factor that affects your cardiovascular system and ability to sleep.But one nighttime problem is a known heart hazardsleep apnea (睡眠呼吸暂停).People who have this problem te

15、nd to snore and have upper airway collapse during sleep.This causes them to snort and gasp for breath,without really waking up enough to be aware of it. If youre not feeling rested during the day and your bed partner says you snore,you should ask your doctor about sleep apnea.Theres enough evidence

16、out there suggesting that it is bad and people need to take it seriously. 4)Great employees are dependable,diligent, great leaders and great followers.they possess a wide range of easily-definedbut hard to findqualities: They ignore job descriptions.The smaller the company,the more important it is that employees can think on their feet,adapt quickly to shifting priorities,and do whatever it takes,regardless of role or position,to


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