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1、重视基础 突出重点 提高效率 决战高考天津南开中学 姚卫盛一。天津南开中学高三英语教学概况n插入天津南开中学图片二。2009年高考英语命题综述n1. 教育部考试中心命制n2009年,与2008年大体相同,15个省、自治区 采用教育部考试中心命制的英语试卷。考试中 心根据这些省份的要求命制了三类高考英语试 卷:n含听力试卷,n不含听力试卷,n新课程标准试卷,n由2个省区使用:宁夏和海南n新课程标准卷既宁夏海南卷大部分与含听力卷 相同,只是有二十分不同(补全短文和改错)n2. 各地高考试题,16个省、直辖市独立命题。n3. 试卷简评n(1)语言知识与词汇考查要求全国卷要求考生掌握2000左右的词汇

2、,而 课改区卷要求掌握2500-3800不等,较大幅度提高 了词汇要求。(2)非选择题试题比例呈提高趋势。非选择题比例的提高一方面避免了考生猜测 答案,提高考试信度,另一方面考察了考生的语 言综合运用能力。“课程标准”英语课程的评价体系 做出了新的规定,要求“笔试应避免单纯的语音知 识题和单纯语法知识题;增加具有语境的应用形 试题;适当减少客观题,增加主观题”n3. 保持听力考查n4. 保持重点测试阅读理解能力,突出语篇。各地利用不同题型,在语篇基础上提升了试 题考点角度的灵活性和测试层次的多样性,较 好的考察了考生快速获取信息,综合运用语言 知识和各种技能的能力n5. 提高写作能力要求,取消

3、和改革短文改错辽宁和浙江省采用了宁夏海南卷短文改错形 式。n相比而言,全国卷是目前难度比较低的试题 n2009年宁夏海南卷n 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修 改作文,请你修改你同桌写的一下作文。文 中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。 错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。n增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在 其下面写出该加的词。n删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。n注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不 计分。n Dear Mrs Winthorp,n So my first week at college is over! No l

4、ectures this morning so think Id email you and let you know what things are going.n Im glad to say that anything has worked out fine in the dorm. I remember asking for a room as far away from the lifts as possible and they find me a comfortable one on second floor. There are two girls from my course

5、 here and I plan to make friend with them so that we can help each other on the course work. Everyone else seems very nice and warmly here.n Well, I had better to stop now. Im going to attend mine first lesson this afternoon ,for Ive got some preparation to make .Keep in touch.n Best, Carol三. 二轮词汇复习

6、策略与教学要求(一)考纲要求n大纲版考纲要求2 000左右的词汇及相关词 组,课标版考纲要求词汇量为3500左右。n各省区可在“考试说明”中调整但不得低于 2500个单词;同时,应制定计划,在一定时 间内分期、分批增至3500单词(二)高考词汇复习的重要性n高考试卷中词汇无处不在n词汇的音、形、(意)、用。n答好听力离不开熟悉单词的音n读懂题目的离不开熟悉单词的形 特别是完形填空,80个备选项,要求考生不 但熟悉单词的“意”还要能够正确使用单词n在解答主观题中,既要拼对单词还要用准单 词(三)考生复习单词的现状n1. 考生侧重于进行简单的机械重复和死记硬背 ;n2. 考生对于联想、分类和分析在

7、记忆中的运用 较薄弱;n3. 考生对于词根、词类和搭配、词组句子篇章 在记忆中的作用不够重视;n4. 考生的学习习惯和学习观念容易受到教师教 学思想的影响,往往不能用积极的态度自行规 划词汇学习n5. 学习材料上单词的处理对于考生的误导n学习材料上单词的处理n教材词汇表的结构通常为nSpellingPronunciationPart of speech Chinese meaningn学生往往重视spelling和meaningn考试大纲和考试说明nSpellingPart of speechn词汇手册n词条堆积,难以承受(四)现状下的问题n1。识记效率不高nWhen it was put b

8、ack, the blood again had its antifreeze quality and a lowered freezing point. (08辽宁D)nthe hind legs of a horsenbehind, nIts difficult to foresee whether shell be well enough to go to work.nbefore,nforehead 前额;forefinger 食指 n2。理解不全面。nWhy do its streets _ in this particular way, and not in other way?

9、(08安徽完形)n44. A. openB. runn C. beginD. movenWhat is the _ of studying towns in this way?n52. A. pointB. viewn C. problemD. difficultynrun,nI ran down the stairs as fast as I could.nFor a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston.nThe software will run on any PC. if a computer program runs, it operatesnT

10、he company is running a series of advertisements in national newspapers. to print something in a newspaper or magazine, or broadcast something on television nShall I run you home? drivenHe is running for a second term as President.nThe road runs along a valley.npoint, nThe accident happened at the p

11、oint where the A15 joins the M1. a particular place or positionnI suppose we could save one or two of the trees, but whats the point ? the purpose or aim of somethingnI had reached a point in my career where I needed to decide which way to go. an exact moment, time, or stage in the development of so

12、methingnIll come straight to the point talk about the most important thing firstn(3)不会准确运用。n如何表述 “那可能存在安全隐患”nThat may exist potential safety hazard.nexist vi.nThe custom of arranged marriages still exists in many countries. 复习策略1. 识别英文单字的“偏旁部首 ”n英语中的“偏旁部首”指英语中的词根与词缀n词根是一个字主要意义所在,通常不会改变。n词缀分为前缀和后缀n前缀

13、,置于字根或单字的前面,以改变原有的意 思。n后缀,通常表示出这个字的作用,如名词、形容 词或动词等。n比如:describe:scribe, 写; de, 下ndescription (全国II卷两次出现)ndescriptive,indescribablen培养学生根据词根,推测词义nliterature:nliteratenilliteratenexcept, (exit)nbesides,nThis car belongs to Mrs. Smith: she has two others besides.nin addition to, n 除之外nWe play football

14、in addition to soccer. n有人说英语不就是背背吗,是对英语学习的 不全面的认识!高效率的英语学习建立在勤 于思考的基础上。复习策略2.善于结合语境理解英文词汇的意义n词汇复习中,困扰考生的问题之一就是一词多 义现象,背了一个单词,意义在阅读完形中讲 不通?原因往往在于学生认为英文与中文一一 对应,所以学习英语词汇依靠中文解释,这是 高中生学习英语的误区。因为中文解释往往造 成学习者曲解英文词汇,或是缩小,或是误解 。n比如:人教社第一册interview给出的释义:接见;会见nFather had an interview with the teacher about J

15、ohns work.nDont be late for your interview, or you wont get the job.nBefore he left, the Prime Minister gave an interview to the newspaper reporters. n复习“make”这个单词,一轮复习中可以罗列以下短语 和例句nmake a mistake,make a decision , make money , make a quick phone call, make effort to do, make a suggestion, make tea, make friends, nmake a living, make coffee, make itnThere are a few points Id like to make. nThe police were called but no arrests were made.nThey made a profit of 140 million last year.nIm sure you will make a very good teacher.nIf we run, we should make it. 等等 n二轮复习中,我们可以将ma


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