2014届高考英语一轮复习 Unit17 Laughter课件 北师大版选修6

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1、 1 vt. 提取,收回2 vt. 忽视3 vt. 澄清,讲清楚4 n. 延误,延期5 vt. 认可,承认6 n. 人物7 n. 谨慎,小心withdrawoverlookclarifydelayacknowledgefigure caution8 vt. 责骂,骂9 vt. 禁止,不准10 vt. 得到,获得11 adv. 很少,难得12 vi. 挨饿,饿死13 adj. 艰难的;不幸的14 vt.逗乐,使(某人)发笑 n娱乐,消遣;快乐的事,娱乐品 adj. 娱乐的,觉得好笑的 adj. 逗人笑的,好笑的scoldforbidobtain rarely starvetoughamuse a

2、musementamusedamusing15 n回答,答复 vi.回应,回答16 n代理处,经销处 n代理人,经销商17 n协调,和谐 adj.和谐的,和睦的18 vt.抵抗,抵制 n抵抗,反抗 adj.抵抗的19 vt.使惊讶,使惊骇 adj.令人惊奇的 adj.惊讶的 n惊奇responserespondagency agent harmony harmoniousresistresistance resistantastonish astonishingastonishedastonishment20 adj.厌恶的 n厌恶,厌烦v.使人厌烦 adj.感到恶心的,厌烦的21 adj.不

3、顾一切的 adv.不顾死活地 n绝望,不顾一切22 vt.使相信 adj.令人信服的 adj.相信的,信任的23 vt.使恐惧 adj.惊恐的,担惊受怕的adj.可怕的,(某人)吓得发抖的24 vt.做成功,完成 n功绩,成就disgustingdisgustdisgusteddesperatedesperately desperationconvinceconvincingconvinced scarescared scaryaccomplishaccomplishment 1 突然笑起来2 兑现支票3 排队4 处理掉,摆脱5 胡闹,瞎弄6 不时地7 导致,造成burst out laugh

4、ingcash a chequewait in lineget rid of fool around from time to timeresult in8 撞上9 假装10 令人讨厌11 不管,不顾12 做鬼脸13 多亏;由于14 对某人有益15 四处游戏run into put on turn sb.off regardless ofpull facesthanks todo sb.good play around1Have you ever had trouble trying to spell a word?你有没有拼不出单词的时候?解读:have trouble/difficulty

5、/problems (in) doing sth.做某事有困难仿写:新任首相在处理国家事务方面有很多困难。The New Prime Minister _ national affairs.答案: had trouble (in) dealing with2While still at primary school, Rowan had already shown admirable acting talent.还在上小学时,罗恩就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天分。解读:while 引导的省略句仿写:在利比亚时,30多名记者曾身陷险境。_, over 30 reporters were in da

6、nger.答案: While in Libya3I felt at least forty more of the same kind following the first.跟着第一个,我又感觉到了至少40多个同样的(人)。解读:of the same kind是“of名词”结构,它在句中常可用作表语、定语或宾语补足语仿写:我认为你所发现的对科学是很有价值的。I am convinced that what you found _ to science.答案: is of great value4He becomes so desperate in the end that he even

7、hides some inside the purse of a woman sitting near him .最后他不顾一切,甚至把一些(生肉)藏在坐在旁边的一位妇女的钱包里解读:so .that .引导结果状语从句仿写:他如此乐观,以致于不久后身体得以康复。He is _ confident _ he recovered soon.答案: so; that1amuse vt.逗乐,使(某人)笑(1)amuse sb./oneself by doing 通过过做来取乐乐It amused sb. to do sth. 做某事使人感到好笑(2)amusement n. 消遣,娱乐娱乐to o

8、nes (great) amusement令人感到(极)好笑的是(3)amused adj. 感到快乐乐的be amused at/by 对对做感到好笑be amused to do sth. 做某事而感到好笑(4)amusing adj. 有趣的,逗乐乐的My funny drawings amused the kids.我的滑稽图画把孩子们逗乐了。 , he turned up for work in a straw hat and jeans.可笑的是,他戴着草帽、穿着牛仔裤来上班了。To everyones amusementWe are all amused at Li Yongs

9、wonderful remarks in the TV programme.我们都对李咏在电视节目中的评论感到好笑。We were greatly amused about him sitting on the wet paint.听说他坐了一屁股油漆,我们都觉得很好笑。to hear2withdraw vt.提取,收回;退出;(使)撤回/撤离withdraw . from .把从撤离/撤回,从取出withdraw from . 从退出withdraw from a school/ones office 退学/辞职职教材P20原句 I wanted to withdraw $40 from o

10、ur bank account, but Im so forgetful that I couldnt remember if 40 was spelled fourty or forty我本来打算从我们的账户中取出40美元,可是我记不起来40是拼作fourty还是forty。Ted withdrew his horse from the race.特德让他的马退出了这次比赛。Both powers their forces the region.两个大国都把部队撤离了这个地区。I made the choice to college to care for her.(摘自2011天津高考阅读

11、理解B)我决定退学来照顾她。withdraw fromwithdrawfrom 3delay n. amusing Bamusing; amusedCamusing; amusing Damused; amused解析:amusing“逗乐的”,修饰物;amused“感到快乐的”,修饰人或look/appearance/expression。答案: B1result in导致;结果The accident resulted in the death of two passengers. The accident resulted in two passengers dying.这起事故导致两名乘客死亡。As we all know, hard work will result in success.众所周知,勤奋才能成功。result from 起因于,因而造成as a result 结结果,因此as a result of 由于,作为为的结结果with the result that 为为此,因为为without result


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