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1、家俱 furniture 椅子 chair 扶手椅 armchair 长椅子,长凳,板凳 bench 方子 square stool 竹凳子 bamboo stool 转椅 swivel chair 安乐椅 easy chair 椅垫 chair cushion 八仙桌 square table for eight people 把手儿 handle 装上把手 fit a handle on 暗锁 built-in lock 摆设儿 furnishings 店铺的门板,百叶窗 shutter 床 bed 成对床 twin beds 单人床 single bed 帆布床(行军)camp bed

2、双层床 double-deck bed 双人床 double bed 小孩床 babys crib 折叠床 folding bed 吊床 hammock 钢丝床 spring bed 床架 bedstead 床头 bedside 床头柜 bedside cupboard 床头小桌 bedside-table 衣柜 wardrobe 橱柜,衣柜 cupboard 保险柜 safe 壁橱 closet (built-in cabinet) 沙发 sofa 沙发垫 sofa cushion 茶几,三角几 teapoy 书桌,写字台 desk 玻璃板 plate glass 餐桌 table 饭桌 d

3、ining table 餐具柜 sideboard 凳子 stool 梳妆台 dresser 穿衣镜 full-length mirror书橱,书箱 bookcase 档(有格子的架或橱)shelves 抽屉 drawer 屏风 screen 大皮箱 trunk 手提箱 suitcase 底座 base (pedestal) 雕花家俱 carved furniture 茶几 teatable床上用品 床上用品, 铺盖 bedclothes 床垫 mattress 弹簧床垫 spring mattress 床罩布 sheetings 毛毯 blanket 枕头 pillow 被子 quilt 棉

4、被 cotton wadded quilt 被里 the underneath side of a quilt 被面 the facing of a quilt 被套 bedding bag 被套子 cotton wadding 褥子,床垫 tick 床罩 bedspread 床单 sheet 席子,凉席 mat 地铺 shakedown 地毯 carpet (rug) 垫子 pad 小毛巾,尿布 napkin 铺盖卷 bedding roll 炕桌 kang table 靠垫 (backrest) cushion 靠枕 back cushion 靠手 armrest 凉席 summer sl

5、eeping mat 毛巾被 towelling coverlet 毛毯 woolen blanket 毛毡 felt 尿布 napkin 屏风 screen 寝具 bedding 褥子 cotton-padded mattress梳妆台 dressing table 双人床 double bed 毛毯 woolen blanket 躺椅 sling chair 椅套 chair cover 沙发套子 sofa cover 被套子,棉花套子 cotton padding of a quilt 套子 cover 蚊帐 mosquito net 摇篮 cradle 摇椅 rocking chair

6、 百叶窗 shutter 衣橱 wardrobe 衣帽架 clothes tree 椅垫 a chair cushion 婴儿车 baby carriage 澡盆 bathtub 毡子 felt blanket 毡 felt 折叠椅 folding chair 折叠床 folding bed卫生、洗漱用品 盆 tub 水龙头 tap 水龙头 hydrant 水表 water meter 温度表 thermometer 浴缸 bath 抽水马桶 flush toilet 毛巾,手巾,纸巾 towel 肥皂 soap 一块肥皂 a cake of soap 肥皂粉 soap powder 肥皂水

7、soapsuds 肥皂泡 soap bubble 痱子粉 prickly-heat powder 牙膏 toothpaste 牙刷 brush 脸盆 wash-bowl 搓板 washboard 化妆品,化妆用具 toiletry 面具 mask 香水 perfume掸子 duster 鸡毛掸子 feather duster 扫帚 broom 扫帚柄 broomstick 拖把 mop 破烂 junk 垃圾,丢弃物 litter 废旧物品 waste 畚箕 dustpan 花盆 flowerpot 便壶,便桶 chamber pot 便盆 bed pan 便池,便壶 urinal 发油 pom

8、ade 洗衣粉 detergent 合成洗衣粉 synthetic detergent 漂白粉 bleaching powder 去污粉 cleanser 爽身粉 talcum powder 粉盒 powder box 洗洁剂 shampoo 除臭剂 deodorant 芳香剂 aromatic 防尘罩 dust cover 牙签 tooth-pick 耳挖子 earpick 指甲油 nail polish 指甲刀 nail-clippers 剃刀 razor 刀片,刮胡刀片 razor blade 梳子 comb 卫生纸 toilet paper 门口蹭鞋垫 doormat 水管 water

9、 pipe 过滤器 filter 过滤嘴 filter tip 鸡毛掸子 feather duster 过滤嘴香烟 filter-tipped cigarette 搓板 washboard 马桶 nightstool (commode) 毛巾架 towel rack 面巾纸 face tissues 奶瓶 feeding bottle 奶嘴 nipple尼古丁 nicotine 泥垢 dirt 尿盆 urinal (chamber pot) 喷头 shower nozzle 毛巾架 towel rack 爽身粉 talcum powder 水龙头 tap (water tap) 洗涤剂 det

10、ergent 洗衣粉 washing powder 洗衣刷 wash brush 洗衣板 washboard 香皂 perfumed soap 眼罩 eyeshade 痰盂 spittoon 药皂 medicated soap炊具、餐具 炊具 cooking utensils 漏斗 funnel 水壶 water bottle 热水瓶,保温瓶 thermos 热水瓶胆 the glass liner of a vacuum flask 内胆 a bladder-like inner container 鼻烟壶 snuff bottle 玻璃杯 glass 大玻璃杯 tumbler 啤酒杯 be

11、er mug 葡萄酒杯 wine glass 小酒杯 liqueur glass 香槟酒杯 champagne glass 厨房用具 kitchen utensils 储气罐 gas tank 罐,壶,锅 pot 长柄锅 skillet 饭锅 rice cooker 案板 chopping board 菜刀 kitchen knife 菜墩 chopping block 杆面杖 rolling pole 餐具 dinner set 平底锅 pan 锅台,灶台 hearth 瓢 gourd dipper 碗 bowl饭盒 lunch-box (mess tin) 匙 spoon 捣锤 stamp

12、 hammer 刀 knife 开瓶刀 bottle opener 铲子 shovel 叉子 fork 餐叉 table fork 长柄勺 ladle 炒勺 round-bootomed frying pan 瓶子 bottle 碟子 dish 小碟,茶托 saucer 高脚杯 goblet 茶壶 teapot 茶具 teaset 茶缸 mug 茶杯,茶碗 tea cup 茶杯垫 teacup mat 茶匙 teaspoon 茶盘 teaboard 茶叶罐 tea caddy 吸管 straw 漏斗 funnel 咖啡壶 coffeepot 酒壶 decanter 酒杯 wineglass 托

13、盘 tray 盘子 plate 筷子 chopstick 桌布 table cloth 餐巾 table napkin 餐巾纸 napkin paper 柴,柴草 firewood 蜂窝煤 honeycomb briquette 锅炉 slice 煤铲 coal shovel 炉挡,挡子 fire fender 风箱 bellows 高压锅 pressure cooker 羹匙 tablespoon 茶叶罐 tea caddy 炒菜锅 frying pan 大锅 caldron铝锅 aluminium pot 砂锅 earth enware cooking pot 蒸锅 steamer 煮锅

14、stewpan 锅台 the top of a kitchen range 火锅 chafing dish 火炉 stove 点心夹 cake tongs 酒壶 wine pot 咖啡壶 coffee pot 带过滤网的咖啡壶 percolator 烤面包夹 toast rack 烤面包架 toaster 烤肉叉 spit (skewer) 笼屉 food steamer 漏斗 funnel 漏勺 strainer (colander) 壁炉 wall oven 柴炉 wood stove 电炉 electric stove 鼓风炉 blast furnace 水壶(烧水用)kettle 太阳

15、灶 solar cooker 瓦盆 earthen basin 象牙筷 ivory chopsticks 牙签 toothpick 牙签筒 toothpick-holder 油壶 oilcan (oiler) 擀面杖 rolling pin 笊篱 strainer 蒸锅 steamer 蒸笼 steam box 煤气炉 gas stove (gas heater) 煤油炉 kerosenes stove 炉蓖子 grate 抹布 rag 煤气灶 gas cooker 磨刀器 knife-grinder 磨刀石 grindstone 沙锅 earthenware pot (casserole)

16、长柄勺 ladle (dipper)日用杂品 百货 general merchandise 日用百货 articles of daily use 大地毯 carpet 小地毯 rug 垫子,坐垫,靠垫 cushion 窗帘,门帘,帷幔 curtain 镜子 mirror 镜框 picture frame 架子,行李架 rack 衣钩 hook 雨伞 umbrella 手提包 handbag 袋子 bag 塑料袋 plastic bag 旅行袋 travelling bag 鸟笼子 cage 手表 watch 怀表 pocket watch 表带 watchband 表链 watchchain 表蒙子 watch glass 表盘 dial 火柴 match 打火机 lighter 针 needle 线 thread 断头儿 broken end 温度计 thermometer 锁子 lock 钥匙 key 钥匙圈 key ring 钥匙链,表链 keychain 摇篮 cradle 棒,棍子 stick 插销(门、窗等用)bolt 捕鼠器 mousetrap 捕蝇器 f


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